Movies you've seen recently II

I was out 20 minutes in, bored out of my mind but I was never a huge fan of the franchise. 48 hours is way better.
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I watched "Fury" tonight again after seeing it in the theater 10 years ago. It still holds up as one of the best modern military movies. The tank battles throughout and the last scene against the SS were something else.
The BikeRiders

This drama movie inspired by true events was hyped as GoodFellas on Motorcycles which it lives up to.

This drama movie succeeds showing realistic mortality for the human characters suffering realistic consequences for action scenes.

A character having to remove glass after breaking a car window with a bare fist, Benny needing a long time to recover from a severe foot injury, characters have visible damage after a fist fight, etc.

Johnny is a charismatic memorable leader of the Chicago Vandals that isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty , Benny is a likable badass Motorcyclist that isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty also it was easy to root for Benny and Kathy to remain together.

This drama movie is set in 1965, and the movie succeeds with clothes, Motorcycles, and other things fitting this 1960s era set movie.

The love story of Kathy Bauer and Benny Cross is a realistic love story.
No love at first sight, no chemistry or connection, or any other nonsensical romance cliches for 2 characters that are in a serious relationship before they get married.

The movie shows a realistic serious relationship since Benny and Kathy that get married after a stated amount of time having to deal with realistic issues.
This movie maintains credibility being a drama movie that is inspired by true events because it would be highly unbelievable if Benny and Kathy had a constant smooth relationship with no adversity and no challenges since that’s entirely unrealistic.

Why Kathy is worried about Benny is understandable it’s not contrived drama, also it’s believable why Benny doesn’t use an easy solution.
Benny and Kathy have the expected challenging conversation scene which is a successful dramatic scene.

From what is shown the movie implies Kathy experienced physical attraction at first sight when she first sees Benny who is unapologetically himself that includes wearing a sleeveless t-shirt with his tattoos very visible along with his arms.

A glaring plot hole is avoided when Johnny gives a believable explanation to his right hand man in the Chicago Vandals brigade for why he grants permission to a member to expand the club after they fought because during a meeting he declined the member’s request.

It has thrilling scenes with protagonists riding 1960s era Motorcycles, and the Chicago Vandals is a memorable badass logo for the Motorcycle brigade.
A very memorable scene has the protagonists revving the Motorcycles with the movie giving an understandable reason for why the protagonists are doing that.

It’s life imitating art since most likely Johny got inspired to create the Motorcycle Brigade after he watched a 1953 movie that has Marlon Brando has a protagonist.

Why exactly Benny decides to make a change is believable because of great writing with the movie providing a realistic believable reason.

It does have the predictable movie cliche where you expect a character to be outside before an other character goes outside of the shown inside location except that isn’t a flaw.

The movie does deal with the very dark issue that is rape because of an attempted rape scene with showing trauma of the realistic aftermath.

The movie doesn’t have a character explain turn in my colors said by a character is a Chicago Vandals member saying he or she is leaving the Chicago Vandals brigade because of respecting the audience.

The movie shows the change of the Chicago Vandals brigade becoming a terrifying illegal brigade.

The fate of the protagonists is stated so the movie doesn’t leave with cliffhangers.

The protagonists in the Chicago Vandals are very distinguishable including different hairstyles, and this movie does succeed having a consistent serious tone including showing the Chicago Vandals have a very wolf pack mentality.

This movie does show it’s unsafe to ride a Motorcycle without a helmet, however respects the audience to understand that risk without preaching it, or outright stating it.

A bittersweet ending is earned, and it’s a satisfying ending.
I looked forward to it but I guess the night I watched it I just wasn't feeling it because I didn't get halfway through it. Not sure I'll even try again.
2024) Yoga Teacher Killer: The Kaitlin Armstrong Story


A true crime thriller movie from the Lifetime Ripped From The Headlines category which is common for the Lifetime Channel to do.
Based on the true events of a deadly love triangle which lead to the International Manhunt of a calculating Murderer.

It's a true crime thriller movie that has actors that resemble the real people they are playing.

It is an entertaining great True Crime thriller movie that succeeds with fast pacing, consistent serious tone, good acting, high stakes, good dialogue suspense, flaws that don't have easy solutions, fleshed-out characters, a thrilling climax, and a satisfying open ending.

This Lifetime movie does have a big budget with multiple different locations. 1 of the locations used is the real Costa Rica instead of Florida or some other State that is being used as Costa Rica.
Also, a Toucan Bird does get shown moving briefly so it's unmistakable that it isn't stock footage of that bird which would be very easy to get in the PhotoShop-Fast Internet era.
The toucan birds are easy to see. That is the factual reason why it's unsurprising that the CameraMan was able to get great footage of a Toucan Bird when the location is Costa Rica.

The first-degree murder scene succeeds at being dark and disturbing which is essential to the movie since the audience is supposed to see the messy murder which shows Kaitlin Armstrong to be a calculating remorseless murderer.
The practical effects were used for the blood because looks realistic while CGI blood in a live-action movie will always stick out as utterly fake and very lame.

Moriah Wilson is the rival, and it's very believable that she would wanted a stated detail of what exactly is her relationship with Colin after Colin states he's resumed his serious relationship with Kaitlin.

Kaitlin is shown shooting a hand gun at a Public Shooting Range, and because the writer of the movie respects the audience he never has any characters state the exact reason why Kaitlin is shown in this action scene because it's very easy to understand with the important information that has been communicated.

Kaitlin does have a likable sister in this movie that understands how fragile her sister is mentally which the movie communicates effecitly in 1 scene while still respecting the audience.
The movie also respects the audience because Kaitlin's sister is shown being sad after hearing her sister convicted of first-degree murder of Moriah Wilson.
She doesn't communicate why she is shown being visibly sad because the writer of this movie expects the audience will understand it's because it confirms her worst fear that her sister whom she loves is guilty of the first-degree murder of a stated victim.

Also, it's entirely realistic and completely believable why exactly Colin doesn't move to an Apartment or some other location since the movie outright states a glaring financial flaw that Colin has in the movie.

Kaitlin does show signs in multiple scenes in the movie before the calculated first degree murder that she is a dangerous individual capable of very destructive evil actions including certain lines she says that are not veiled at all.

Colin does outright say that he isn't in love with her which is frustrating for Kaitlin because her conclusion is that Colin is her soulmate, and she loves Colin.

The movie provides understandable information as to why exactly Kaitlin finds value as a Yoga teacher including her philosophy with it, and most likely it's what she is most passionate about equal to Bob Ross was most passionate being a Painter, Ultimate Warrior was most passionate being a WWF wrestler before he retired, etc.

Colin connecting with Moriah in a short amount of time resulting in them dating is very believable because the common aspect of both have a background in engineering, both are Professional Cyclists and nothing stressful when talking to her since it's not any money-related.

Colin talking to Kaitlin is stressful and sad because it's about the money issues he has resulting in tension and angry since Kaitlin can pay the cash as a successful Yoga Instructor while Colin has to wait for cash from his sponsors. So the tension in this movie isn't contrived drama or unbelievable it's for a realistic understandable reason.

Also, it's very believable and entirely realistic that they have a Motorcycle and can afford a house because most likely Kaitlin is making a high amount of money to afford these things along with Colin getting sponsorship money as a Professional Cyclist.

It's very believable how Kaitlin can find and track Moriah because of a realistic stated reason instead of unbelievable plot convenience aka terrible writing.
Also, it's very believable and not unbelievable plot convenience for how the Texas Police can find her since a realistic explanation is stated.

The movie succeeds with the trial having high drama including the stated verdict, shown reactions, and Kaitlin waiting a short amount after the Judge asks her does she want to testify as a witness.

Colin is a shade of gray realistic flawed character that has strengths and weaknesses along with using actions that can be criticized for valid reasons as wrong , along with having the understanding that he used actions had unintended drawbacks which is something he'll have to live with.
While he isn't a condemnable character except the movie does show a memorable realistic shade of gray character that people can relate to.

The Texas Police state a factual detail for why they suspect Kaitlin Armstrong is responsible for Murdering Moriah Wilson, along with ballistic information obtained after the autopsy of the victim.
Kaitlin succeeds in giving a believable lie when Colin asks her about a detail since he's fearful she is guilty of the first-degree murder that the Texas Police suspect her of. He does realize she is guilty of the murder she is suspected of after being able to see a glaring flaw.

The movie succeeds at showing a condemnable character that is well written because the audience and characters can understand why this woman is fragile mentally before she crosses the line of no return by committing the heinous predatory act that is first-degree murder.

Also, it's not unbelievable that Colin would feel sorry for her because he understands her to a degree because of having had a long-term serious relationship with her.

Anything that should get explained does get explained.

The movie gives information about the sentence Kaitlin got for the first-degree murder, along with the exact Prison in Texas she is in.

To the credit of the Defense Lawyer, he is a likable character because to the best of his ability, he does defend Kaitlin Armstrong even though most likely he understands she is guilty of the first-degree murder. As for why most likely he heard all factual information while looking at it objectively since she can't provide factual refutals for the factual evidence that implies greatly she is guilty.

The ending is very satisfying.
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I watched "Fury" tonight again after seeing it in the theater 10 years ago. It still holds up as one of the best modern military movies. The tank battles throughout and the last scene against the SS were something else.
That is an awesome movie
Watched The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo and The Girl in the Spider's Web earlier this week. Really enjoyed both of them a lot, although if you are offended by openly sexual scenes, be warned. Suspenseful, techie, abused misfit turned hero, who-dunnit kind of thing. I understand there are one or two more films around the main character, Lisbeth Salander, so I'll be looking into them now.
Watched The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo and The Girl in the Spider's Web earlier this week. Really enjoyed both of them a lot, although if you are offended by openly sexual scenes, be warned. Suspenseful, techie, abused misfit turned hero, who-dunnit kind of thing. I understand there are one or two more films around the main character, Lisbeth Salander, so I'll be looking into them now.
2009 or 2011 Dragon tattoo? I watched both and liked 2011 better. I like Rapace better than Mara and I don't like Daniel Craig, but still liked 2011 better.

I looked forward to Spiders web but didn't care for it. Don't remember why, so I might try it again.
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2009 or 2011 Dragon tattoo? I watched both and liked 2011 better. I like Rapace better than Mara and I don't like Daniel Craig, but still liked 2011 better.

I looked forward to Spiders web but didn't care for it. Don't remember why, so I might try it again.
2011 Dragon Tattoo, didn’t know there was an earlier version with Noomi Rapace as Salander, I’ll have to check it out. I like Claire Foy who played Salander in Spider’s Web in other things, but she seemed a little too tame for the character compared to Rooney Mara; I liked Mara’s wild abandon sort of personality for the character. Maybe that’s why you didn’t care for that one.
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2011 Dragon Tattoo, didn’t know there was an earlier version with Noomi Rapace as Salander, I’ll have to check it out. I like Claire Foy who played Salander in Spider’s Web in other things, but she seemed a little too tame for the character compared to Rooney Mara; I liked Mara’s wild abandon sort of personality for the character. Maybe that’s why you didn’t care for that one.
It's exactly why.
A great Action Thriller Vigilante movie that is set in Boston, it was filmed in Boston, and is set in a realistic action movie universe.

It is a very well made Action Thriller Vigilante movie that shows off the location that is Boston,2 distinguishable fleshed-out charismatic protagonists with an understandable motive for an achievable goal, practical effects including the blood, unique good action scenes, good dialogue, memorable lines, terrifying antagonists that also have believable motives for goals, high stakes, a main conflict that doesn’t have an easy solution, other distinguishable protagonists, thrilling climax, soundtrack songs that fit the scenes, and a very memorable open ending.

Also with the protagonists having the number advantages it’s unsurprising that they defeat 3 Heavyweight Russian Mobsters showing a realistic outcome even though not a cakewalk, also protagonists with a number advantage attack at once which I enjoyed instead the very terrible writing cliche a group of characters having the numbers advantage except not all attacking at once.

I did greatly this movie doesn't have the common terrible writing mistake in movies that is a character saying a silencer is attached to the gun when really it’s a suppressor.

It’s a realistic action movie universe because the MacManus Twins and other characters are bound by the laws of physics, suffer the realistic consequences from violence including gunshot wounds result in blood loss that won’t stop without the needed solution, limited amount of bullets instead of ridiculous amount of ammo, and characters won’t quickly heal from damage after a fist fight.

The suspense is high for the Boondock Saints since they are badass Vigilantes bound by the laws of physics and realistic human morality in this Action Thriller movie.

The MacManus Twins killing Russian Mobsters in self-defense shows a realistic situation where a violent solution is justified.

The Irish Catholic Twins aka the MacManus Twins are distinguishable characters including different hairstyles, and they have common Irish names that are Murphy and Connor.

The movie provides a believable reason why the MacManus Twins decide to become badass Vigilantes who are going to murder evil men mostly the Russian Mobsters and Italian Mobsters that are operating in Boston.

The MacManus Twins known as The Boondock Saints are antiheroes since they’ve murdered Russian Mobsters, and Italian Mobsters to accomplish their good goal of eliminating the Criminal Underworld that occupies Boston.
They are breaking laws as Vigilantes, also they know as Catholics they are violating the commandment to not murder since they are murdering Russian Mobsters and Italian Mobsters that operate in Boston to achieve their good objective.

The Boondock Saints are using messy methods to achieve their good goal which would benefit vast Bostonians if they succeeded in murdering the Russian Mobsters and Italian Mobsters that operate in Boston.
It makes them similar to The Punisher, Paul Kersey of the Death Wish movie series, etc.

This movie succeeds with the comedy mostly with the comic relief Doc McGinity that is the owner of the Irish-themed pub, he misquotes commonly known sayings, can’t control the cursing, and does boxing punches behind the safe area of the bar while watching the customers fight 3 Russian Mobsters was very priceless.

Another priceless comedy scene is the brilliant FBI Special Agent Paul Smecker cussing loudly with a rant for an understood reason while walking before unexpectedly he see’s a very important detail.

The dialogue in this Action Thriller movie fits including bluntness similar to The Departed.

FBI Special Agent Paul Smecker is listening to music on a visible common CD player which isn’t surprising because this movie was released in 1999 when CD Players were still very common items, also very retro seeing him use a thick-style Laptop.
1 scene of a MacManus Twin using a pay phone is very retro because this is the era when pay phones were a dime a dozen in Cities.
Also, it was cool to see that this is the era when a pager was an item that humans had.

Although it’s never stated directly, it most likely Connor wanted to use a rope to smoothly move down before he and his twin brother begin shooting the Russian Mobsters.
Connor was possibly inspired by the action vigilante movie (1989) The Punisher because the Punisher used a rope to safely move down on a casino table before he began killing Yakuza members, also damaging the Yakuza-owned Casino which he damaged by shooting his M60 Machine Gun, also launching grenades from the same gun.

It's surprising that Die Hard isn’t talked about by The Boondock Saints when they are moving in the narrow area that is the air duct area much like John in Die Hard.

The action scene of the BoonDock Saints killing Russian Mobsters is a very badass memorable violent action scene, and it’s not tedious or uncreative in another action scene when the BoonDock Saints kill Italian Mobsters because it's in a different location, and other visible differences.

The Boondock Saints are distinguishable vigilantes that have memorable outfits which are also very practical because of the advantage of easy mobility.

A huge plot hole is avoided since FBI Special Agent Paul Smecker states to a shown character why he doesn’t want to prosecute the Vigilantes that are murdering evil characters that are Russian Mobsters and Italian Mobsters.
Because of good writing by Troy Duffy, the explanation fits naturally in a scene instead of being shoehorned in as an explanation for the scene.

A style that greatly sets this apart is the details on the screen for the name of a character, and occupation.
While that’s common with a text shown on screen for location, or how much time later after some shown scene except for names of characters and occupations isn’t a common movie cliche

It is a very cool scene when the MacManus Twins are shown getting their weapons, and the hunting knife that John Rambo uses is shown.
An implication is 1 MacManus twin saw Rambo First Blood because he recognized it as the same badass Hunting Knife that John Rambo uses.

Possibly Troy Duffy the Director-ScreenWriter felt inspired by the Action Vigilante movies Death Wish, and (1989) The Punisher because The BoonDock Saints is a Rated R Action Vigilante movie because it shows the messy violence, and shows the aftermath of the messy vigilante violence because those are key aspects of the Action Vigilante genre.

Downtown Boston does get shown off at the start of the movie, and multiple other locations are shown.
So it is similar to the great movie The Fugitive which showed off Chicago with multiple locations of that Midwest Metropolis.

The Climax is suspenseful, high stakes, very dramatic, and extremely memorable.

Troy Duffy like James Cameron aimed to be responsible for directing and writing an action movie so it’ll be well made for The Boondock Saints, and he hits a home run because The Boondock Saints is an impressive badass well-made Action Thriller Vigilante movie that stands out from other Action Vigilante movies including the MacManus Twins are from this movie not from a comic book, or some other fictional media.

2 small Nitpicks
The whole criticism that Angels don’t kill is wrong because 2 Kings 19:35 talks about an Angel of the Lord that killed a vast amount of people stated as 185,000 in the Camp area of the Assyrians.

A character saying the criticism that the BoonDock Saints are acting as Judge and Jury isn’t wrong except forgot Executioner because same as The Punisher the BoonDock Saints are Vigilantes doing exactly that.
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Passenger 57


It's a great action thriller that stands on its own as a Die Hard-style movie, and it's a grounded realistic action thriller movie.

Passenger 57 is an action movie that made Wesley Snipes a Popular Action movie icon since this movie was financially successful.

The original movie soundtrack has music that fits the tone of the scenes, a serious tone that is consistent, good action scenes, unique protagonists and antagonists with understandable motives for achievable goals, good dialogue, practical effects including the blood, memorable lines, high stakes for the conflict that doesn't have an easy fix solution, fast pacing, and a satisfying open ending.

John Cutter is an action hero that is grounded in reality for his physique since an action scene of him working out while shirtless shows he has a shredded body not a brawny body like Dwayne Johnson that is in the high bar challenging to get naturally.

This implies that he uses intense workout, and most likely uses a healthy diet most days of the week to remain shredded.

In a flashback scene, we see that a realistic outcome for John not being able to save his wife during an armed robbery so the implication most likely is John has chosen for a long time to not get into a relationship after that tramua even though the movie never outright says it.

It's a movie that consistently remains realistic including what John says to Sly after the climax, the criticism by characters of the FBI putting an infamous International Terrorist Mastermind on An Airplane instead of a Train or a Bus, etc.

John Cutter is a likable badass valiant protagonist who is the main hero, has unique main clothes for an action movie hero which would be easy to acquire, and he has quips which isn't a surprise because that's a common aspect for Wesley Snipes movies.

From what I can see John Cutter is wearing clothes that gives a human the same easy mobility as a Track suit so it's entirely realistic that John is able to punch, kick, and easily use a golf club with the mostly business casual clothes that he is wearing.

John Cutter is an Airline Security expert so it's very realistic that he can afford to live in Atlanta, also he can afford a cool 1991 Red Corvette C4 which he is shown driving in 1 scene with the top off.

A huge plot hole that could not be overlooked is avoided when John gives a strong explanation to Marty why is he doing the exact opposite of his stated advice to her early in the movie.

2 Minor flaws are it's not believable that the FBI Agents don't react suspiciously after hearing the sadistic International Terrorist mastermind Charles Rane say a conspicuous line to a certain character about celebrating later.

John seemed unworried riding a motorcycle by getting close to running down a bystander during an escape scene. It is an inconsistency for a well-written likable hero.

It isn't terrible writing that Charles Rane the main antagonist who is a nefarious sadistic Terrorist Mastermind was able to avoid getting caught for a long time because of a stated realistic reason which isn't shoehorned in.

A very interesting detail is John is seen reading the Art of War book briefly because this was before Wesley Snipes was in the action movie The Art of War which was also distributed by Warner Brothers.

This is an action movie that stands out since John for 1 scene is fighting an antagonist using a golf club effectively which isn't some dime-a-dozen weapon for action scenes.

Charles Rane is a remorseless Pure Evil Terrorist Mastermind that isn't unbelievable because the movie does state he has an abusive father so he didn't have a normal childhood, except the movie never indicates he's dealing with that dysfunction by being a nefarious sadistic Terrorist.

He is shown to be a pure evil antagonist who is to be hated mostly because he harms characters that did nothing bad to him, and because he never showed any sign of remorse for the destruction and deaths he's responsible for.

An impressive memorable action scene is the challenging way for John to get on a moving airplane with fitting lines including by Sly in reaction to this high bar challenge.

The movie succeeds with John defeating the antagonists in different ways in different locations so it avoids being predictable and boring.

A thrilling climax that has John fighting the main antagonist Charles which is an entertaining competitive fight that has memorable music that fits the thrilling violent climax.

It's an intentional mistake that Sabrina a Flight Attendant would mispronounce a character's name Forget since he says the right pronunciation adding about his name that it's French. French names and French Town names are in the category of not easy to pronounce so it's a realistic understandable mistake by Sabrina.

Anything that should be explained does get explained including the protagonists having an understandable reason for releasing the main antagonist Charles Rane so he can get back on the Airplane, why Charles Rane a sadistic Terrorist Leader has been able to avoid getting captured for a long amount of time, etc.

An antagonist with a knife does fight John with John getting to show off his impressive combat skills because how he disarms the foe is entirely realistic along with him using a variety of effective attacks on the antagonist before he states an entertaining 1 liner.

John and Marti do end up together in the end, although the relationship has a realistic progression before that happens. The movie showing a realistic and believable depiction of characters getting together is an aspect I enjoyed.

This movie gives a believable reason for why a large airplane lands in a Small Airport. That's why it avoids the glaring terrible writing flaw of something just happening in a movie because it's in the script, or because it's convenient for the plot.

It's an action thriller movie that uses realistic rules including characters running out of bullets when shooting guns so they have to reload,

an antagonist not surviving a high fall from a shown high location, characters having visible damage from the fights, the fights being a struggle, etc.

The open ending is satisfying.
I just got finished watching Deadpool and Wolverine. I really got a lot of enjoyment out of it and liked how it all ties together. In a way,wasn't expecting it to end how it did,but that didn't take anything away from it.
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DeadPool and Wolverine

It's a great Rated R, not PC-in-your-face very violent superhero bromance action movie that isn't a dime a dozen. Also, it is unique for an MCU movie to go outside their common PG-13 safe area box.

It isn't contrived drama that there is tension between Wolverine and Deadpool, and because of good writing, it's believable that the tension ends.
Deadpool and Wolverine are an entertaining unique Odd Couple.
I enjoyed that much like the mainstream continuity versions Deadpool and Wolverine are wearing masks with utter white eyes because superhero masks with visible eyes including for Batman for live-action movies are a dime a dozen.

It was satisfying to finally see Wolverine wear his classic yellow costume in a live-action movie.

Cassandra Nova is a terrifying antagonist who gets shown off for her impressive powers.

Anything that should be explained does get explained including why exactly Cassandra Nova wants to remain in the Void.

The Void is a memorable unique Dimension that gets explored.

Gambit is my favorite X-Men member, and I enjoyed that he was greatly done justice in this movie. This includes speaking with a smooth French cajun accent, wearing the same cool badass costume he wears in Mainstream Continuity, showing off his impressive abilities in action scenes, etc.
The cool badass costume including the thick metal boots is of excellent quality. He shows off his ability to use his retractable steel alloy staff including impaling a foe, also his throwing charged cards looked pretty and smooth because of impressive special effects for the visible pink kinetic energy. Gambit has impressive movement which is shown off in the action scenes.
Multiple scenes of him had me fist-pumping including when he threw a charged card to break a common drinking glass.
It's a stunning scene seeing Gambit use his amazing agility and dexterity.
Another stunning action scene is him stretching the Cards he charges with the pink kinetic energy with the cards appearing levitated before he throws the charged cards at foes. Also, the mental control over the energy charges that result in explosions, and the amazing sounds when he charges the cards, throws the cards, and the explosions.
I highly enjoyed when he used his steel alloy staff which he can charge with kinetic energy.
Gambit is badass and cool including his costume which is very flashy similar to the WWF wrestler Ultimate Warrior or Demon of the Rock and Roll Band Kiss, and action scenes of him using his abilities are pretty and impressive as the terrific Penguins player Mario Lemieux playing Hockey, or a Ferrari Enzo being driven including the amazing sound of revving, also the amazing sounds from the engine when it begins moving fast.
Even though Gambit wasn't the focus, he still got shown off which made me very happy.

The comedy is well done because of good timing, and good writing.
It's a movie that uses existing songs. It isn't an issue because the songs fit the scenes.

Deadpool breaking the 4th Wall as usual was entertaining. Also, I did enjoy that Deadpool found a way to fit in a line about the Los Angeles Rams since Wolverine's classic yellow costume has the same colors as that NFL team.
The movie also stood out with Nice Pool a unique DeadPool from a different universe that is very distinguishable.

Similar to Terminator 2, (1987) Robocop, and Blade this Rated R Super Hero Bromance Action movie shows off hardcore violence during the cool action scenes.

The movie succeeds in stating the huge high stakes for Deadpool's objective which has a ticking clock. Also because of good writing, it's not contrived or unbelievable why Deadpool finds a Wolverine that has no desire to work with Deadpool to achieve a very high bar objective.

Blade, X-23, Gambit, and Elektra didn't feel like fan service because they were shown off in action scenes. Also, they are occupying foes so that Deadpool and Wolverine have a realistic chance of achieving their very challenging task.

The movie shows very early with the first action scene that this will be an in-your-face hardcore Rated R violent action movie.

An amazing action spectacle scene is Wolverine and Deadpool fighting a brigade of Deadpools from different universes.

The thrilling climax is very high stakes with a visible ticking clock with the stated solution having a flaw that does get said. The movie gave enough information that I could understand why Deadpool and Wolverine both have understandable motivations to use the solution even after they heard the huge flaw.
A flaw that could keep the solution from being successful is visible.

It was memorable and entertaining with Deadpool seeing Wolverine while in different Universes. 1 of which I did recognize was the Age of Apocalypse Wolverine which like the comic book version has stunning Anime Style Hair and the same black and red costume style.

1 minor flaw is I wish that Nice Pool while breaking the 4th wall said The Proposal was finically successful at the box office while that can't be said about the awful quality Green Lantern movie.

The ending this movie has is earned.
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