The Maltese Falcon 10/10. Classic, perfectly edited, and acted about a private eye, a dame, and pesky Europeans trying to screw people over for a valuable. No CGI, no gore, no F-bombs every 4 seconds. You can feel Hammett's world in every scene. Bogart grabbing Lorre and telling him, "When you're slapped you'll take it, and like it!" is one of the most OG moves ever.
Insurgent 3/10. Young adults with superpowers or telekinesis and an abundance of hair gel. Took the nieces and they liked it so I kept my mouth shut. Guess this vehicle is to make Woodley the next Jennifer Lawrence but I don't see it.
Birdman 7.5/10. I love Michael Keaton in this. Emma Stone was very good. But overall it felt like something was missing in this one. Too much Hollywood kissing it own behind with hangers-on and these meetings among the a-holes that run the industry. Still a good film.
Supposed to see "It Follows" this week. Being hyped like the scariest movie ever so the letdown will probably be huge.