The Drop. 8/10. Predictable small time caper flick but Tom Hardy drives the story. James Gandolfini (his last role, he looks terrible) menacing and sympathetic as his hapless cousin. Don't **** with a man's bar or dog.
CA: Civil War. 7.5/10. Not a huge comics fan but great piece to the franchise.
The 75. 5.5/10. Goodfellas with the boys in blue. Documentary about the corruption of the NYPD's 75th precinct in Brooklyn during the 1980s. Compelling but superficial. The 77th precinct sh** show would've been a better tale.
The Revenant. 9.5/10. Watched this again. Superb in every way.
Martyrs (2016). 0.596/10. Pointless Americanized remake of the French horror film which made you think somewhere in the world, these atrocities are being perpetrated on someone you might even know. God*** I hate people.