Mr. Speaker, answer the question



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Who won the 2020 Presidential election ?

Do not merge this. It deserves its own thread now that there is a new SOH

He's second in line of succession, the American people need to know if he is still an election denier.
Your reactions show me its a legitimate question and, like last night's press conference, your strategy is to laugh off this very important question and pretend it does not matter.
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We treat it like when Omar is asked if she recognizes the Israeli state

Omar isn't Speaker of the House. She has literally no power. An election denier as SOH is a very dangerous thing to our Constitution and the peaceful transfer of power.
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We treat it like when Omar is asked if she recognizes the Israeli state

It's not the same. The election is an American issue. We see this pathetic, sniveling Republicans like Johnson who want to pretend that
they didn't try to overturn the election. "What? Huh....don't remember that. I've no recollection." Bunch of losers--bums--and so nice to see so many of them either pleading guilty, taking plea deals to testify, or going to prison. UnAmerican rats in the house.

Johnson also wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. What kind of morons and a-holes would support that? Americans depend on those programs, big-time. They'll never be cut, and these extremist clowns with their bull$hit complaints about spending are just whistling Dixie.
Who won the 2020 Presidential election ?

Do not merge this. It deserves its own thread now that there is a new SOH

He's second in line of succession, the American people need to know if he is still an election denier.

Biden won an illegitimate election because States fulfilled their Constitutional obligation. Easy enough.
It's not the same. The election is an American issue. We see this pathetic, sniveling Republicans like Johnson who want to pretend that
they didn't try to overturn the election. "What? Huh....don't remember that. I've no recollection." Bunch of losers--bums--and so nice to see so many of them either pleading guilty, taking plea deals to testify, or going to prison. UnAmerican rats in the house.

Johnson also wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. What kind of morons and a-holes would support that? Americans depend on those programs, big-time. They'll never be cut, and these extremist clowns with their bull$hit complaints about spending are just whistling Dixie.
Johnson also wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. What kind of morons and a-holes would support that? Americans depend on those programs, big-time. They'll never be cut, and these extremist clowns with their bull$hit complaints about spending are just whistling Dixie.

Unless you advocate for a dramatic rise in our birthrates, you too want to cut social programs, albeit unknowingly.
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Who won the 2020 Presidential election ?

Do not merge this. It deserves its own thread now that there is a new SOH

He's second in line of succession, the American people need to know if he is still an election denier.

They all know Biden won. But they are cowards and cannot speak truth to power, they know they will be ex-communicated from the party if they speak the truth. They are afraid of being bullied by Trump and his supporters. It's depraved, the GOP has no ethical or moral compass.
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Who won the 2020 Presidential election ?

Do not merge this. It deserves its own thread now that there is a new SOH

He's second in line of succession, the American people need to know if he is still an election denier.
Do you plan on getting rid of the first two??? Buyer's remorse?

Johnson Played Leading Role in Effort to Overturn 2020 Election​

Representative Mike Johnson recruited House Republicans to back a lawsuit to overturn the results, and he was a key architect of his party’s objections to certifying President Biden’s victory.

Guy is a crazy religious freak and a loser....
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Biden won an illegitimate election because States fulfilled their Constitutional obligation. Easy enough.
There was nothing illegitimate about the election. The individual state results were consistent with what polls had shown for most of 2020, as was Biden's percentage margin lead in the nationwide popular vote. The polls don't always get it wrong.

Even if you move the two closest state contests into Donald Trump's column (Georgia and Arizona), he still falls short of the 270 electoral college vote threshold. It really wasn't even that close of an election.
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Johnson Played Leading Role in Effort to Overturn 2020 Election​

Representative Mike Johnson recruited House Republicans to back a lawsuit to overturn the results, and he was a key architect of his party’s objections to certifying President Biden’s victory.

Guy is a crazy religious freak and a loser....
I had never heard of him before today, but he does appear to be a far right zealot.

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