Mr. Speaker, answer the question

@lawgator1 Thoughts? Surely you can point the class to your posts expressing outrage about the minority party selecting an election denier as their leader. Surely if the Dems won the House you would be outraged if he were to be selected speaker. Surely…lol of course not
The Hugo Chavez founded Dominion nonsense was the easiest of the conspiracy theories to fact check and de-bunk. Fox news had to write a big check to Dominion because that was one of the lies that they spread.
Maybe Dominion should have sued Johnson, too?
Who won the 2020 Presidential election ?

Do not merge this. It deserves its own thread now that there is a new SOH

He's second in line of succession, the American people need to know if he is still an election denier.
Just out of curiosity - what would you do if he said Trump?
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Johnson Played Leading Role in Effort to Overturn 2020 Election​

Representative Mike Johnson recruited House Republicans to back a lawsuit to overturn the results, and he was a key architect of his party’s objections to certifying President Biden’s victory.

Guy is a crazy religious freak and a loser....

Decent chance they wake up in mid 2024 and ask themselves what they were doing, going further down the crazy Trump Trail.
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That issue has been answered. No Democrat in power now claims that there is evidence of actual collusion between Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign.

Another false equivalency by the MAGA crowd.
He was still denying it in 2018. Then pivoted when called out for being one after the Biden election crap. He read the room. Please show me your posts condemning him circa 2018
But House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said concerns about Russian interference cast a pall over the 2016 vote.

“That’s why people have some level of dismay today on the vote ... about the Electoral College,” Pelosi said at a news conference. “How much is known about the foreign disruption of our election?”

I remember LGs outrage at the time...
Your reactions show me its a legitimate question and, like last night's press conference, your strategy is to laugh off this very important question and pretend it does not matter.

Maybe he does think the election was a sham. Why do you care if he believes that?

For years the Democrats had leadership who rode the Trump is a Russian colluder train. Some even knowingly fed into the myth. That never seemed to be a problem for you.

So, again, why do you get worked up about some politician who thinks the last election was stolen?
Maybe he does think the election was a sham. Why do you care if he believes that?

For years the Democrats had leadership who rode the Trump is a Russian colluder train. Some even knowingly fed into the myth. That never seemed to be a problem for you.

So, again, why do you get worked up about some politician who thinks the last election was stolen?

The guy promoted the independent legislature theory. That a state legislature controlled by gerrymandering of the GOP, could simply IGNORE a contrary vote in the state and replace it with its own slate of electors.

The end of our republic, if true.
He was still denying it in 2018. Then pivoted when called out for being one after the Biden election crap. He read the room. Please show me your posts condemning him circa 2018
I agree that Jeffries is hypocritical. He clearly had a bad case of sour grapes in 2018 too. Jeffries should be called to explain his partisan inconsistencies. Democrats should not have elevated him to minority leader .... for this and for other things as well.

Now, having said that, it is also unnerving that Mike Johnson is now Speaker of the House. He should also explain why he was making allegations on the radio that he had not bothered to verify.
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I agree that Jeffries is hypocritical. He clearly had a bad case of sour grapes in 2018 too. Jeffries should be called to explain his partisan inconsistencies. Democrats should not have elevated him to minority leader .... for this and for other things as well.

Now, having said that, it is also unnerving that Mike Johnson is now Speaker of the House. He should also explain why he was making allegations on the radio that he not bothered to verify.

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