Mr. Speaker, answer the question

The guy promoted the independent legislature theory. That a state legislature controlled by gerrymandering of the GOP, could simply IGNORE a contrary vote in the state and replace it with its own slate of electors.

The end of our republic, if true.

End of the republic? I think you should get your estrogen levels checked out this week.

Still you avoided the question. This concerns you, but not the leadership who spent years trying to convince the world Donald Trump was a Russian agent. Really the stuff of banana republics, yet I don’t recall you clutching the pearls over that at all.
I agree that Jeffries is hypocritical. He clearly had a bad case of sour grapes in 2018 too. Jeffries should be called to explain his partisan inconsistencies. Democrats should not have elevated him to minority leader .... for this and for other things as well.

Now, having said that, it is also unnerving that Mike Johnson is now Speaker of the House. He should also explain why he was making allegations on the radio that he not bothered to verify.

I just don't see why he has to explain this anymore than any Congressional member should be called on to explain any of the crazy stuff they've said.

When you see him take an action such as proposing legislation that has real consequence then it should be examined - otherwise it's just example 100,546 of a congressional member making a partisan conspiratorial statement

Let's call this thread and call what it is - "I don't like this guy so he must face a different standard than all that came before him"

Regardless of his answer the same people would croak and the same people would praise him
I just don't see why he has to explain this anymore than any Congressional member should be called on to explain any of the crazy stuff they've said.

When you see him take an action such as proposing legislation that has real consequence then it should be examined - otherwise it's just example 100,546 of a congressional member making a partisan conspiratorial statement

Let's call this thread and call what it is - "I don't like this guy so he must face a different standard than all that came before him"

Regardless of his answer the same people would croak and the same people would praise him

Exactly. I kind of hope he comes out and says he believes the election was a sham to watch LG and the gang get red assed.
I just don't see why he has to explain this anymore than any Congressional member should be called on to explain any of the crazy stuff they've said.

When you see him take an action such as proposing legislation that has real consequence then it should be examined - otherwise it's just example 100,546 of a congressional member making a partisan conspiratorial statement

Let's call this thread and call what it is - "I don't like this guy so he must face a different standard than all that came before him"

Regardless of his answer the same people would croak and the same people would praise him
It is not unreasonable to hold the party leadership to higher standards than the rank and file. Johnson should accept being held to a higher standard now that he is 2nd in line to the Presidency - with an 81 year old President.

His Hugo Chavez / Dominion allegation was just plain lazy. That would have taken less than 5 minutes to fact check. It doesn't show good judgment either. Had he been more famous at the time, he would probably have been sued. Ask Fox News how that turned out for them.
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I just don't see why he has to explain this anymore than any Congressional member should be called on to explain any of the crazy stuff they've said.

When you see him take an action such as proposing legislation that has real consequence then it should be examined - otherwise it's just example 100,546 of a congressional member making a partisan conspiratorial statement

Let's call this thread and call what it is - "I don't like this guy so he must face a different standard than all that came before him"

Regardless of his answer the same people would croak and the same people would praise him
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It is not unreasonable to hold the party leadership to higher standards than the rank and file. Johnson should accept being held to a higher standard now that he is 2nd in line to the Presidency - with an 81 year old President.

His Hugo Chavez / Dominion allegation was just plain lazy. That would have taken less than 5 minutes to fact check. It doesn't show good judgment either. Had he been more famous at the time, he would probably have been sued. Ask Fox News how that turned out for them.

2nd in line? Kamala is second in line; this dude is 3rd and as soon as Kamala appoints a VP he's back to 3rd.

Blumenthal suggested Kavanaugh was a serial gang rapist - talk about someone that should have been sued...

Pelosi said plenty of stupid, crazy things and I don't recall anyone saying it's a threat since she's "2nd in line to the Presidency".

you don't like the guy - I get it. I'm not a fan either but I"m not going to go all double standard as a result
That issue has been answered. No Democrat in power now claims that there is evidence of actual collusion between Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign.

Another false equivalency by the MAGA crowd.
I guess this isn’t news, but I don’t follow all the Trump stuff.

When did LG admit the Russia stuff was fake?
Anyone else notice LG has this annoying habit of telling MODS what to do with his crap threads?
My best guess after reading his post for the last several years.

His TDS is so severe that he’s ran off many of his family and friends. Not that they no longer love him or care about him as I’m sure they do and should. Rather they’ve made it clear they are tired of hearing about Trump 24/7. Trump Trump Trump. MAGA MAGA MAGA. Therefore, he needs us and he needs the Mods to allow his crap threads.
The OP and other democratic cult members were banking on McCarthy coming back to hakeem with hat in hand to get him back in power after supporting his removal. They shouted Gaetz screwed up, but never did they imagine a more conservative speaker taking the gavel.
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The OP and other democratic cult members were banking on McCarthy coming back to hakeem with hat in hand to get him back in power of supporting his removal. They shouted Gaetz screwed up, but never did they imagine a more conservative speaker taking the gavel.

I don’t know anything about him, but I’m already assuming he’s going to be just another run of the mill politician who can’t be trusted.
I guess this isn’t news, but I don’t follow all the Trump stuff.

When did LG admit the Russia stuff was fake?


4 years! Day in and Day out. All we heard about was Trump and Russia and how they stole the election.

And the best we get now that all this crap has been disproven is the equivalent of a “My bad”?


4 years! Day in and Day out. All we heard about was Trump and Russia and how they stole the election.

And the best we get now that all this crap has been disproven is the equivalent of a “My bad”?


No, I have long admitted that no evidence of actual collusion was ever found in any reasonably firm sense. More likely, Trump's affinity for Putin is simply a product of Putin appealing to Trump's ego.
you can't even avoid the weasel words

it's okay to admit you bought the narrative and were wrong

Allow me to step in here and tell it as I remember. LG got taken for a ride for more than 2 years. He hung on to every word of Maddow and retold them as if they were proven facts. He was ready to execute Trump himself for treason.

Now he speaks about with words, phrases, and context that keeps him at arm’s length from the madness. It’s very amusing.

4 years! Day in and Day out. All we heard about was Trump and Russia and how they stole the election.

And the best we get now that all this crap has been disproven is the equivalent of a “My bad”?

There is some projecting going on here. Change "4 years" to 3 years and "Trump and Russia" to Biden and the Democrats and you have the majority of Republican talking points on this forum since November of 2020. It has been endless.

Insane? Yes, it is.
There is some projecting going on here. Change "4 years" to 3 years and "Trump and Russia" to Biden and the Democrats and you have the majority of Republican talking points on this forum since November of 2020. It has been endless.

Insane? Yes, it is.

you still cling to the Trump Tower meeting as evidence Trump did collude with Russia - spare us the lecture
you can't even avoid the weasel words

it's okay to admit you bought the narrative and were wrong
Pretty remarkable. How most just can’t admit they were wrong and they bought the lie being told by the press.

I’ll admit in 2009 I thought Obama was gonna do it! Supported that dude hard! I was 25 and I was an idiot. It’s on me. Why democrats can’t just admit Trump won fair and square in 2016. Trump was a much better president than his predecessor and his successor. And the MSM lied daily in an attempt to destroy Trumps presidency is beyond me.
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No, I have long admitted that no evidence of actual collusion was ever found in any reasonably firm sense. More likely, Trump's affinity for Putin is simply a product of Putin appealing to Trump's ego.
Still can't admit you were duped. Lol. Just say the words counselor
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you still cling to the Trump Tower meeting as evidence Trump did collude with Russia - spare us the lecture
I haven't mentioned that in a long time .... but it's fair to say that based on the e-mail exchanges between Rob Goldstone and Donald Trump Jr., that the Trump Campaign took that meeting because they wanted dirt on Hillary Clinton from Russian agents. It's also fair to point out both Trump and Trump Jr. lied about the purpose of the meeting and who was in attendance. That also raised legitimate questions.

However, I have never said that Russia had any role in the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I believe that Donald Trump won in 2016 for the same reason that Joe Biden won in 2020 .... he was running against a flawed opponent who stoked anger in his base of support.

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