MTG: How to stop mass shootings

Lol at the complete refusal to even entertain any ideas that attempt to address the fatherless issue. Maybe it can't be legislated, but surely providing some incentives for strong family units to stay together could be one of the many ways the problem is addressed. It's not going to be a one size fits all solution. It's going to take several combined approaches. Some of you sound like you're running a rehab talking about you're powerless to quit without the higher power of gun control.
The gun debate is over. Let’s fix the fatherless, faithless culture drugging our boys.

It took a tragedy on America’s birthday, and the death of seven people, to demonstrate once and for all that gun control doesn’t work. Shooter Bobby Crimo bought the murder weapon himself, legally, in Illinois, a state with some of the strongest gun control laws in the country. Red flag laws didn’t stop him. There’s no reason to think they would work anywhere else.

What’s more, the city of Highland Park passed a total ban on assault rifles in 2013. Around the time, Mayor Nancy Rotering bragged: “Banning assault weapons … is one common-sense action to reduce gun violence and protect our children and our communities from potential mass violence and grief.”

As I watched those rambling, cryptic, sometimes threatening videos on YouTube, and tried to make it through Crimo’s chaotic music videos, I saw psychosis and desperation, a young man searching for meaning, alone, lost in angry fantasy.

I saw the unmistakable signs of drug abuse. Crimo was a marijuana smoker—that was obvious. You can see how, over the years, heavily smoking weed turned his skin gray and hair dull. While marijuana use can ease anxiety, PTSD, and even perform miracles for epileptics, for others it can cause psychosis.

There was more to Bobby Crimo’s decline than just dope. In addition to self-medicating, it’s a safe bet that he was on prescription drugs. Crimo was a member of an online movement called the “Sad Boys,” men who defy stereotypes and share their mental health struggles online. Most have depression.

MTG: How To Stop Mass Shootings

So out of the probably 15,000 Grateful Dead, WSP, Allman Brothers and Phish shows played over the years…..there have been maybe 2 shootings. But Crimo shot up a parade because the lettuce turned his skin gray? Sure guy.
So out of the probably 15,000 Grateful Dead, WSP, Allman Brothers and Phish shows played over the years…..there have been maybe 2 shootings. But Crimo shot up a parade because the lettuce turned his skin gray? Sure guy.

The author of the article is a WOMAN.
Ridiculous garbage that they just eat right up because it deflects from the real problem. Guns.

Why do you believe guns are the problem? I thought we’ve been through this already. The white population in the US owns way more guns than that of the black population in the US or that of the EU or Canada. Yet the white population commits comparable number of homicides to that of Canada or the EU per capita.

If the problem were simply guns, would the white US population not be disproportionately represented due to their disproportionately high gun ownership rates?
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Lol at the complete refusal to even entertain any ideas that attempt to address the fatherless issue. Maybe it can't be legislated, but surely providing some incentives for strong family units to stay together could be one of the many ways the problem is addressed. It's not going to be a one size fits all solution. It's going to take several combined approaches. Some of you sound like you're running a rehab talking about you're powerless to quit without the higher power of gun control.

Increase the tax deduction for married couples and eliminate welfare. That way our laws will promote coupling.
Increase the tax deduction for married couples and eliminate welfare. That way our laws will promote coupling.

I think that the married status on IRS returns needs to be eliminated altogether. How long until taxpayers will be claiming they’re legally married to their emotional support dogs and latex doll partners?
I think that the married status on IRS returns needs to be eliminated altogether. How long until taxpayers will be claiming they’re legally married to their emotional support dogs and latex doll partners?

I’m not convinced we are heading in that direction. More likely they’ll be married to their 11 year old former stepdaughter
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What about 3-way marriages? Should they get tax breaks? Or what polygamists like Brigham Young? Would he have been given credit for dozens of wives and dependents?

I’m open to it. I think we first have to ask the purpose of the tax cut. If it’s intended to promote families, the morons seem to have a solid family structure. Even the ones who with exceptionally large families.

Let’s hypothetically say this could reduce fatherless homes by 10%, but 10% of people you don’t want getting the incentive do get it. Would it still not be worth it?
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Increase the tax deduction for married couples and eliminate welfare. That way our laws will promote coupling.

Better yet remove all the deductions, credits, claiming dependents, filing statuses, etc.
Sure you can. Business expenses should be handled by the business, not the government. It’s a bazarro world where the people that place the greatest strain on the system benefit the most.

Sure but those are deductions. You deduct your expenses. That seems to be the original basis of the entire system. I have no issue using that system to encourage coupling given we know how massive of an impact two parents make in a home
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Sure but those are deductions. You deduct your expenses. That seems to be the original basis of the entire system. I have no issue using that system to encourage coupling given we know how massive of an impact two parents make in a home

I say do away with all deductions. Just have a simpler tax code where everyone pays something. The fact tax season is a revenue generator for many shows how abysmal the system is. It’s just another form of welfare for many.
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I say do away with all deductions. Just have a simpler tax code where everyone pays something. The fact tax season is a revenue generator for many shows how abysmal the system is. It’s just another form of welfare for many.

I don't think keeping filing status options of "Married", "single", etc really adds much complication. Especially not if keeping it can have a massive positive effect.

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