MTG: How to stop mass shootings

Not what I asked.
I answered you. I will not vote for a Republican, especially one that kept that obscene anti-liberty platform from 2016.

And looks to make it more draconian, bigoted, and hateful in the coming years.

I'll take an old man that was way, way down my list of Democrats in the primary over anything the Republicans have suggested.

So far, it is working out for me and the people I care about like we thought it would after 2016, at least as far as what a president can actually control. He can't do anything about SCOTUS saying we have no right to privacy, he can't do anything about "state's rights" being used to discriminate against folks conservatives hate.

This court will be the death of individual freedom and equality.
I answered you. I will not vote for a Republican, especially one that kept that obscene anti-liberty platform from 2016.

And looks to make it more draconian, bigoted, and hateful in the coming years.

I'll take an old man that was way, way down my list of Democrats in the primary over anything the Republicans have suggested.

So far, it is working out for me and the people I care about like we thought it would after 2016, at least as far as what a president can actually control. He can't do anything about SCOTUS saying we have no right to privacy, he can't do anything about "state's rights" being used to discriminate against folks conservatives hate.

This court will be the death of individual freedom and equality.

Lol. Somebody is all up in their feels.
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You fail at understanding simple concepts. Go tell the owner of your place of business right now you don’t agree with their views and rules and she/he’s not a person. Surely nothing will happen because it can’t…right?
A person having their own personal views is one thing. A person trying to force someone to take a vaccine which HAS NOT, according to data, proven to be effective at preventing Covid is another thing.

I never said the business owner or CEO is not a person. I said the business and corporation are not. Once again. Learn to read my statements correctly please.

And I'm going to refer you to the preamble along with sections 1.0 and 1.1 of the Libertarian Party platform which you and a few others refuse to acknowledge. There is a reason those are stated FIRST in their platform. Instead you choose to dance around the topic and deflect.

By the way. Lysander Spooner and Benjamin Tucker are philosophers who many other Libertarians admired. Perhaps you should read a little about them as well. The Mises Institute even has profiles on both.

Finally masks and vaccines should be about individual choice. No government, group or individual should try to force or coerce another individual to do anything that is against their beliefs.
Did Jo say businesses could have mask mandates if they wanted to? Yes or no
She said they made them as they knew it would not hurt their profits. She never said she agreed with them and has stated numerous times mask wearing should be an individual choice.

She has also stated she doesn't agree with vaccine mandates. Neither does Ron Paul or Shane Hazel. Funny you guys won't mention either of those two.
I answered you. I will not vote for a Republican, especially one that kept that obscene anti-liberty platform from 2016.

And looks to make it more draconian, bigoted, and hateful in the coming years.

I'll take an old man that was way, way down my list of Democrats in the primary over anything the Republicans have suggested.

What things make the party bigoted and hateful? Genuinely curious what this is.

As for the third paragraph…there’s an oft repeated phrase along the lines of “I’d vote for an orange juice can over so and so.” I always thought it was just a funny expression, but the Democrats were serious about it.
What things make the party bigoted and hateful? Genuinely curious what this is.

As for the third paragraph…there’s an oft repeated phrase along the lines of “I’d vote for an orange juice can over so and so.” I always thought it was just a funny expression, but the Democrats were serious about it.
This is the effect the mainstream media often has over their followers. They will believe anything they print even when there is no proof that it is true.
I answered you. I will not vote for a Republican, especially one that kept that obscene anti-liberty platform from 2016.

And looks to make it more draconian, bigoted, and hateful in the coming years.

I'll take an old man that was way, way down my list of Democrats in the primary over anything the Republicans have suggested.

So far, it is working out for me and the people I care about like we thought it would after 2016, at least as far as what a president can actually control. He can't do anything about SCOTUS saying we have no right to privacy, he can't do anything about "state's rights" being used to discriminate against folks conservatives hate.

This court will be the death of individual freedom and equality.

Who is being discriminated against and how
His thin skinned behavior is all over the record. If you needed Trump to make you rich then you must not be very good at investing.

I don't embrace anyone who hurls petty insults. All I know is Trump LOST the 2020 election. So much for your convoluted definition if winning
cool story bro.
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Probably so. No one praises Biden in this forum, but there sure is praise for Trump .They both suck as far as I am concerned. I'm just stating facts about this forum
Yeah but you are supporting the one that is bringing us to economic ruin because of your feelz. Sad really.
Yeah but you are supporting the one that is bringing us to economic ruin because of your feelz. Sad really.
Feelz? Every post you make is emotionally based, and I've never supported Biden. Just because I can't stand Trump doesn't mean I support Biden. I didn't vote for him. You know a person can dislike both at the same time. Maybe that is simply too complicated for you to wrap that brain of yours around
A person having their own personal views is one thing. A person trying to force someone to take a vaccine which HAS NOT, according to data, proven to be effective at preventing Covid is another thing.
Just from a contractual/legal sense, forcing someone to be vaccinated for a novel virus can be seen as a change in the terms agreed upon for employment.

I never said the business owner or CEO is not a person. I said the business and corporation are not. Once again. Learn to read my statements correctly please.

You and I have been clear on this distinction. But @Rickyvol77 has to distort a position in order to create his strawman arguments and gaslight. He is the typical sociopath.
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I answered you. I will not vote for a Republican, especially one that kept that obscene anti-liberty platform from 2016.

And looks to make it more draconian, bigoted, and hateful in the coming years.

I'll take an old man that was way, way down my list of Democrats in the primary over anything the Republicans have suggested.

So far, it is working out for me and the people I care about like we thought it would after 2016, at least as far as what a president can actually control. He can't do anything about SCOTUS saying we have no right to privacy, he can't do anything about "state's rights" being used to discriminate against folks conservatives hate.

This court will be the death of individual freedom and equality.

so you prefer tyrannical courts that legislate areas they have no business being in?
SCOtUS didn’t kill any freedoms. It preserved the construction. You beef isn’t with SCOTUS it’s with Biden and anyone else from your tribe who was in Congress for 45 years and had his opportunity to write those laws on “individual freedom” and didn’t. In fact they are the party of avoidance. Always trying to give power to agencies without actually doing their job.
Now you can continue to lie to yourself about what power Biden doesn’t have in regards to the rest of the the situation in this country, but if you’re being honest then all your complaints fall right on Him. So again, how’s this working out for you?

One of these days maybe, just maybe people like yourself will wake up to the fact that the tribe doesn’t care about you and has no place for you.

edit: if you can’t answer my question about Biden and how he’s doing without a speech about republicans than that tells you how you feel he’s doing. Even if you’re not willing to admit it to yourself
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Just from a contractual/legal sense, forcing someone to be vaccinated for a novel virus can be seen as a change in the terms agreed upon for employment.

You and I have been clear on this distinction. But @Rickyvol77 has to distort a position in order to create his strawman arguments and gaslight. He is the typical sociopath.
It’s not strawmen. Businesses can make employees follow their policies period. And do. And always will. Case closed

And sociopath would best be described as calling to execute innocent people
so you prefer tyrannical courts that legislate areas they have no business being in?
SCOtUS didn’t kill any freedoms. It preserved the construction. You beef isn’t with SCOTUS it’s with Biden and anyone else from your tribe who was in Congress for 45 years and had his opportunity to write those laws on “individual freedom” and didn’t. In fact they are the party of avoidance. Always trying to give power to agencies without actually doing their job.
Now you can continue to lie to yourself about what power Biden doesn’t have in regards to the rest of the the situation in this country, but if you’re being honest then all your complaints fall right on Him. So again, how’s this working out for you?

One of these days maybe, just maybe people like yourself will wake up to the fact that the tribe doesn’t care about you and has no place for you.

edit: if you can’t answer my question about Biden and how he’s doing without a speech about republicans than that tells you how you feel he’s doing. Even if you’re not willing to admit it to yourself

He’s the poster child for identity politics.

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