Much-needed perspective on the current state of UT's program from an Oregon fan

Maybe it's just me, but embracing a pep talk from a fan of a school that just trounced us is a little embarrassing.
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Yeah, Portland is where I used to live too (right near St. John's). Oh well, at least the beautiful coast isn't too far away.

I live near Laurelhurst (Kern Park) and the 'hood has recently become a mecca for hipsters. Having to listen to these skinny jeaned, fedora wearing, Belle and Sebastian lovers crow about how good the Ducks are is just killin' me. Most of 'em don't know a football cup from a maxi pad.
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Umm, dude, why do you have so many unicorn pictures at your disposal?
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While I totally agree with you I think for long-term success in recruiting we have to start going to bowl games. You can't keep promising kids they can get early play time you have to start winning. The top athletes and players don't care to much about that and don't mind competing. I think a lot of fan's are just looking for 6-6 and a bowl that will show we are headed in the right direction to both the fans and recruits.
The only thing I care to see this year is a great recruiting class and improved focus, character and conditioning of the existing roster. I have said repeatedly, this roster is mismatched to this system. The not-so-great, great O-line would be great for a team that had a Chaney offense. Because it was built for a Chaney offense. When Butch went with his best staff in America he went all in on his system. So this year is about rewiring the players that can make the conversion. He is not going to hybrid his system for a year or two for short term wins since it will delay the long term goals of totally rebuilding the program.

So get used to messy games and more losses than you would care to see.
I want to hear you say that when basketball season starts. :)

it's not really life and death for us.

the little bitterness that exists comes from the fact that florida has violated its contract on a few occasions.

they agreed to lose to us in football if we'd lose to them in basketball.

for the most part, that's happened. but, florida has acted in bad faith a few times and actually won on the hardwood. that could be tolerated, but winning back to back national titles was a declaration of war. no one is supposed to be worth a damn in basketball in the sec except kentucky.
it's not really life and death for us.

the little bitterness that exists comes from the fact that florida has violated its contract on a few occasions.

they agreed to lose to us in football if we'd lose to them in basketball.

for the most part, that's happened. but, florida has acted in bad faith a few times and actually won on the hardwood. that could be tolerated, but winning back to back national titles was a declaration of war. no one is supposed to be worth a damn in basketball in the sec except kentucky.

Listen, I'm trying to get you fired up. What do I have to do, get a hot poker out of the campfire?

I kid. I actually much prefer rational, logical, and calm conversation. Leave the yelling for Saturdays in the stadiums and living rooms.
I haven't seen any tangible improvement but I didn't expect to. The coaches know what they have and, if they don't already know, the players will learn what they are by looking at the scoreboard when they take on a good opponent. Why the hell do so many people feel compelled to polish every turd they see? Sucking is just a state of being and hopefully it will soon pass.

There has been some.

{turd polishing machine on}

Our on field discipline has improved especially in our lack of penalties. Recruiting so far has been above expectations. Lack of depth is a concern, but the coaches are working on that by recruiting and trying to develop the players they have. Conditioning seems to have improved.

What's hurting us the most right now is injuries. And that can be good and bad. Good in the fact it makes younger players step up and grow up a little quicker. New talent is discovered and put to use. Bad in the fact they're normally in a trial by fire situation.

But off field injuries tell me something as well. Players are pushing themselves as hard as they can in practice to achieve higher levels. Again, double edged sword. You push yourself too hard and you can't play. You don't push yourself hard and you never improve. Fine line to be walking.

{turd polishing machine off}

I too am expecting better things from next year as opposed to this year. But this year I still think we're going to win one we aren't supposed to (Florida, Georgia or South Carolina) and lose one we aren't supposed to (Mizzu or Auburn)
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Originally Posted by DC Vol
Scoring in the 4th Quarter = not quitting ???

I just had to laugh at this statement. Oregon basically had 3rd stringers on the field.

Man I agree with wolfe. If you can't beat the 1st stringers of your opponent, why even try against against their 3 stringers. There is no honor in that, just quit. If you actually try to complete against their 3rd stringers and some success, you will be laughed at.

Unless you winner, you're a quiter. Just keep practicing those old habits from the last couple of years.

If you don't want to be known as a quitter, then win a game or two.

Kinda makes you wonder who the real loser and quitter is, doesn't it.
I live near Laurelhurst (Kern Park) and the 'hood has recently become a mecca for hipsters. Having to listen to these skinny jeaned, fedora wearing, Belle and Sebastian lovers crow about how good the Ducks are is just killin' me. Most of 'em don't know a football cup from a maxi pad.

Yeah, I'll bet they are really unbearable now. But they've always been sort of like that (and strangely they've always seemed to love Belle and Sebastian too). I remember being there in 2001 and going out to dinner with my girlfriend right after watching us beat Florida, and everyone in the place was whining out loud about how unfair it was that Tennessee was going to get to play for the national championship instead of their precious Joey Harrington and how they would certainly beat Miami.

It's just so disgusting how far we've fallen.
But something else is on that tape too. CBJ is installing a system this year, results be damned. Rather than play to the strengths of a team he didn't build, he's making them play his chosen systems. That's not about this year or next, it's about re-establishing a culture of winning. It's about getting these players to be the mentors of classes yet to come.
Isn't it amazing that Oregon fans can as clear as a bright summer day see our situation and VN fans cannot. :ermm:
Excellent Post! Knee jerk reactions on this board are predictable, nice that someone sees the truth of what is happening! Our current #2 (been 1-2 for several months now) class ranking on Rivals speeks well to the future. :hi:


Knee jerk reactions in both directions. Fans get too high and too low. People on here were swinging from Butch's nuts all off-season based on winning Co-Big Championship with half the league.

I get that fans want something to feel good about but there has to be some basis of reality. Butch seems like a good guy and a good coach. The 1st thing he did was try to unify the UT family by welcoming the alumni, being visible to fans, all while preaching his "Brick By Brick" motto.

Everyone ate it up until last Sat. The one's on here taking a wait and see attitude were frowned upon. Now, they're the ones talking the "Full Butch" fans off the ledge.

Next year will be no different, because last year was no different. When Dooley had the team climb Mt. LeConte, he got most on here. We all know how that turned out.
But something else is on that tape too. CBJ is installing a system this year, results be damned. Rather than play to the strengths of a team he didn't build, he's making them play his chosen systems. That's not about this year or next, it's about re-establishing a culture of winning. It's about getting these players to be the mentors of classes yet to come. It's about playing whistle to whistle even in the face of long odds.

i have said this as well. i actually said it before the season. the minute the vols tried to go up tempo, you knew this was true. only a fool would try to play oregon's game at oregon with the personnel tennessee had to work with.

a lot of people didn't think the change in systems was all that radical, but it clearly is and what is a team strength, the offensive line, is probably not as strong as it normally would be.

it's the main reason why i have been one of the few voices out there who have said that i really believe tennessee will be better in 2014 than 2013.
I agree but it honestly makes me question the offensive play calling. Ok yes get your system installed but if your QB isn't built for that and you are going up against a team that will certainly eat your scheme alive then what is the purpose? Butch has a tough job, Worley has a lot to deal with why make it harder by running a scheme that neither the QB or line are built for? Idk easier said than done I'm sure.
I think the best way to rebuild any program is to fire your coach every two to three years. It brings in fresh ideas. I mean, if some of the posters on this very sight (obviously the brightest minds in the college football universe) are posting about how long Butch gets, it can't be wrong. Can it?
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I think the best way to rebuild any program is to fire your coach every two to three years. It brings in fresh ideas. I mean, if some of the posters on this very sight (obviously the brightest minds in the college football universe) are posting about how long Butch gets, it can't be wrong. Can it?

Worked for Bama.
Much-needed perspective

Some sheepy clueless supposed Vol Fanz have waaaaaay too much time on their hands!! :salute:

Some of those "supposed" Vol Fans you refer to are the real deal...tried and true...bleed orange win or lose. Some of us damn near bled to death after the Oregon game.

Oregon, bammer, Florida, Georgia...doesn't matter who we are playing. My Vols will always be the best team on the field just because they are MY school.

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Maybe it's just me, but embracing a pep talk from a fan of a school that just trounced us is a little embarrassing.

Not to mention a fan of a program that was irrelevant for 100 years! I appreciate his thoughts & have no doubt CBJ will bring us back to the top, but it's sad hearing from a PAC 12 schools fan how pitiful we are right now!

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