Mueller Report Imminent

I think it gets down to that not being able to prove a negative ... or a matter of degrees. While a quote from the FBI was sufficient for Dims to say that Hiliary was cleared of mishandling classified materials (because she didn't intend to), they refuse to accept that anything that Trump's team may have done was below any bar necessary to prosecute. In one case misdeeds are allowable; in the other absolutely nothing is too insignificant to ignore and magnify with a Hubble sized telescope. I'm amazed they haven't called for the thought police to divine evil thoughts by the Trump team.

Who are you talking about?

This is literally the exact opposite of what I have said in three posts including a post that was quoted in the post you quoted.
From the post you just quoted:
I was about to post back. You engaged me in this topic on Saturday where I was pointing to only the collusion dialog. I didn’t discuss obstruction with you or don’t think I did, couldn’t find it. I posted the pages were the report categorically said there was no evidence of coordination, that’s about as strong as you can get in prosecutor speak.

As I said on obstruction I think the only point I’ve made is Mueller abdicated his responsibility. Regardless Mueller leveled no charges on either topic. As a lawyer you can parse the document better than i easily. But I as a layman can read the clear message that the found no evidence of coordination and they leveled no charges on obstruction. That’s pretty clear. If you think it’s a playbook for impeachment which is another emerging narrative so be it. I’m firmly in the move on crowd.
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I was about to post back. You engaged me in this topic on Saturday where I was pointing to only the collusion dialog. I didn’t discuss obstruction with you or don’t think I did, couldn’t find it. I posted the pages were the report categorically said there was no evidence of coordination, that’s about as strong as you can get in prosecutor speak.

As I said on obstruction I think the only point I’ve made is Mueller abdicated his responsibility. Regardless Mueller leveled no charges on either topic. As a lawyer you can parse the document better than i easily. But I as a layman can read the clear message that the found no evidence of coordination and they leveled no charges on obstruction. That’s pretty clear. If you think it’s a playbook for impeachment which is another emerging narrative so be it. I’m firmly in the move on crowd.

Bingo ! The criminal part is over and now it’s all politics , I believe the majority of Americans also see it this way . That’s what I said in an earlier post , now liberals will have skin in the game if they press it forward . It will be all about political choices .
Who are you talking about?

This is literally the exact opposite of what I have said in three posts including a post that was quoted in the post you quoted.

So when do we get past:

That is the only memorable portion of Volume I that I feel merits articulating a distinction between “no proof of collusion” and “proof of no collusion.”

When does that distinction become "close enough" to be accepted and to move on? In science we have to recognize the limits of ability to measure, resolution, measurement accuracy, etc. If you can only measure to a couple of decimal places, it's wrong to keep adding digits to falsely imply greater accuracy. In this case the bar would appear to be whether there was anything to warrant prosecution; if not, it's over. If two years of a witch hunt didn't find it, it's not there.
Exactly. It makes no sense to accuse someone of spying if you can't point to the collection of any specific intelligence from it or cite how any such research was ever deployed from the alleged covert activity. That is typical Trump-style smoke blowing without any substance. Also, f the Obama administration was trying to help Hillary Clinton win the election, wouldn't they have lifted a finger to stop the Russian interference while it was occurring? All indications are they pretty much just remained on the sideline.
I think you mean it doesn’t make sense to accuse someone of obstruction when there was no act that stopped any part of the coup, I mean investigation. Not to mention, there was no underlying crime in the first place. As far as why Obama didn’t lift a finger, that’s easy. Simple arrogance. Obama and Hillary thought it was in the bag. They thought beating Trump was a slam dunk. That’s why they’ve all lost their minds over Trump being President and have been trying to undo the election result since. They can’t fathom a scenario where Trump beat them legitimately and that’s exactly what he did.
I don’t think we’ve discussed obstruction, either. My comments there are entirely about conspiracy/collusion. I’m saying I don’t get why you keep saying I’m implying it happened but just can’t be proven. I’m only saying what’s in the report. There is only one instance where I believe that could be the case and that’s with respect to Manafort/Kislyak. Otherwise, I don’t think it happened at all, but I think observing the semantics of the report is significant, especially since it’s being used by Trump and his legal team to shade the narrative and influence the issues related to obstruction.

I’ll come back and address the points about abdicating responsibility later. I don’t wholly agree with that but it’s complicated and I need to get some work done.
I don’t think we’ve discussed obstruction, either. My comments there are entirely about conspiracy/collusion. I’m saying I don’t get why you keep saying I’m implying it happened but just can’t be proven. I’m only saying what’s in the report. There is only one instance where I believe that could be the case and that’s with respect to Manafort/Kislyak. Otherwise, I don’t think it happened at all, but I think observing the semantics of the report is significant, especially since it’s being used by Trump and his legal team to shade the narrative and influence the issues related to obstruction.

I’ll come back and address the points about abdicating responsibility later. I don’t wholly agree with that but it’s complicated and I need to get some work done.
If I misinterpreted your text my bad Rocky. It just read that way to me is all. It could just be your narrative was close enough to the rest of the ongoing diatribe of never relenting on collusion and I threw you in that group. We rarely agree on the final position but at least we’ve been able to keep it civil.

Do a quick search about Barr and his supposed reaction to Mueller not issuing an obstruction finding one way or the other. He was supposedly madder than a pissed on hornets nest.
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I think it's pretty clear by now the only collusion taking place was/is the collusion between the deep state government officials who were presented with a candidate hell bent on breaking up their grip on the federal government.
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If I misinterpreted your text my bad Rocky. It just read that way to me is all. It could just be your narrative was close enough to the rest of the ongoing diatribe of never relenting on collusion and I threw you in that group. We rarely agree on the final position but at least we’ve been able to keep it civil.

Do a quick search about Barr and his supposed reaction to Mueller not issuing an obstruction finding one way or the other. He was supposedly madder than a pissed on hornets nest.

I'll have to admit that if you misread his comments, you weren't the only one who was confused. I sure thought that he was saying that Meuller's conclusions weren't satisfactory.
Yes I’m all for it , just as soon as you find out what was really talked about on that tarmac between slick Willie and LL. Otherwise RR and Trump I’m sure was just talking about their golf handicap .
Big difference between the two. RR worked for Trump, stump legs had no official relationship with slick Willie and slick was married to an equally corrupt politician that was under investigation by Loretta Lynch.
Sounds like RR is in cahoots with Trump and conspired to take Hillary down to me.
The Mueller report catalogs falsehoods from the Trump team - CNNPolitics
Lies and false claims scrutinized by Mueller
Here are the 10 topics around which President Donald Trump and his associates made false claims, according to an analysis of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Trump Tower Moscow (31) (number of false assertions)
James Comey firing and fallout (13)
Additional contacts with Russians (9)
Trump Tower meeting (9)
M. Flynn's calls with Kislyack (7)
Attempts to fire Mueller (2)
Presidential pardons (2)
Russian hacks and WikiLeaks (2)
Carter Page's role in the campaign (1)
Hush money payments to women (1)
The Mueller report catalogs falsehoods from the Trump team - CNNPolitics
Lies and false claims scrutinized by Mueller
Here are the 10 topics around which President Donald Trump and his associates made false claims, according to an analysis of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Trump Tower Moscow (31) (number of false assertions)
James Comey firing and fallout (13)
Additional contacts with Russians (9)
Trump Tower meeting (9)
M. Flynn's calls with Kislyack (7)
Attempts to fire Mueller (2)
Presidential pardons (2)
Russian hacks and WikiLeaks (2)
Carter Page's role in the campaign (1)
Hush money payments to women (1)

Just out of curiosity. If the report was about Trump, prosecuting Trump, impeaching Trump, then why is anybody talking about statement that "associates" made? Were they supposedly wirelessly linked to Trump, and Trump controlled their speech?
The Mueller report catalogs falsehoods from the Trump team - CNNPolitics
Lies and false claims scrutinized by Mueller
Here are the 10 topics around which President Donald Trump and his associates made false claims, according to an analysis of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Trump Tower Moscow (31) (number of false assertions)
James Comey firing and fallout (13)
Additional contacts with Russians (9)
Trump Tower meeting (9)
M. Flynn's calls with Kislyack (7)
Attempts to fire Mueller (2)
Presidential pardons (2)
Russian hacks and WikiLeaks (2)
Carter Page's role in the campaign (1)
Hush money payments to women (1)

Everybody was just talking about grandkids.

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