Mueller Report Imminent

"I didn’t exonerate. I said that we did not believe that there was sufficient evidence to establish an obstruction offense which is the job of the Justice Department,"

So Barr says he didn't exonerate. He does not BELIEVE there is sufficient evidence.

He goes on to say it's now in the hands of the American public.

He knew all along he was influencing that interpretation by the American public.
FYI, I do believe he should have been more forthcoming but it in no way amounts to perjury given the question asked and his full response.
I will give you credit for at least acknowledging that much. Why not mention the letter? He had to know it would eventually leak. That was dumb and it just makes him look like a Trump stooge.
There was evidence it could have potentially have happened but never did. In the end how would you obstruct an investigation that you were exonerated of? Lol. It’s the idiotic dim way.
lol......He obstructs because he has so much to hide. Pretty simple.
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After hearing Mazio Hirono's statement towards AG Barr, she is without a doubt one of the biggest hacks and pieces of trash in the socialist party and that's a party that sets a new low daily. She is an embarrassment and should step down
Mazie Hirono and AOC are two of the biggest idiots in Congress.
Nah, I always have stated that there might not be enough evidence to tie Trump with the Russians as far as conspiracy goes. I think the real damaging facts reside with his financial ties. He will and is fighting tooth and nail to prevent them from coming to light.

Him not being reelected will be enough for me. And he won't be.
You’re gonna lose that bet.
After hearing Mazio Hirono's statement towards AG Barr, she is without a doubt one of the biggest hacks and pieces of trash in the socialist party and that's a party that sets a new low daily. She is an embarrassment and should step down

I'm as liberal as they come and I agree that was uncalled for.
"I didn’t exonerate. I said that we did not believe that there was sufficient evidence to establish an obstruction offense which is the job of the Justice Department,"

So Barr says he didn't exonerate. He does not BELIEVE there is sufficient evidence.

He goes on to say it's now in the hands of the American public.

He knew all along he was influencing that interpretation by the American public.
One of your best posts ever.
Not in the least. How about Mueller’s accountability to the charter he accepted in taking the role and then willfully abdicated? 🤷‍♂️
Sure. I’m not saying he made a conclusion. Never said that. I’m asking what any greedy plaintiff’s attorney will ask when you bring them your complaint: what are your damages?

You said the harm is a continued suspicion/black cloud over Trump or a liberal ralllying cry.

But if the public becoming aware of Trump’s actions don’t put the matter to bed, to me, that’s a direct consequence of Trump being a shady ************. I don’t feel any sympathy on that. People who voted for him knew he was a shady ************ when they punched the ballot. IIRC you didn’t vote for him, but all this just seems like a natural consequence of electing a guy just because he’s provocative and will punch below the belt.

To me, the report is still just “here’s what happened. Here’s the law. Think for yourself.”

I don’t think that’s inherently a bad thing.
I just wish they’d talk more about Hillary’s emails, then maybe theyll get to talking about Benghazi and maybe if there’s time we can hear more about Obama’s Birth Certificate. Anyone know which cell block Hillary is on??? Thinking of sending her a care package
I have already said that yes, I think they do have Barr on perjury. Keep up.

Everyone knows the dim playbook by now. They can’t get Trump so they will set someone up and play some vague “gotcha” card then hope the person they set up will roll on T dog. Lol.
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Sure. I’m not saying he made a conclusion. Never said that. I’m asking what any greedy plaintiff’s attorney will ask when you bring them your complaint: what are your damages?

You said the harm is a continued suspicion/black cloud over Trump or a liberal ralllying cry.

But if the public becoming aware of Trump’s actions don’t put the matter to bed, to me, that’s a direct consequence of Trump being a shady ************. I don’t feel any sympathy on that. People who voted for him knew he was a shady ************ when they punched the ballot. IIRC you didn’t vote for him, but all this just seems like a natural consequence of electing a guy just because he’s provocative and will punch below the belt.

To me, the report is still just “here’s what happened. Here’s the law. Think for yourself.”

I don’t think that’s inherently a bad thing.
Well I guess I’d call that a laughable conclusion for a special prosecutor to reach after the resources expended? I think it’s likely one definable definition of “a bad thing”.
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"Robert Mueller concluded that there was substantial evidence on four -- on the three necessary elements of obstruction ... You ignore in that press conference and in the summary that Robert Mueller found substantial evidence. And it's in the report. And we have a chart that shows the elements of that crime, intent, interference with an ongoing investigation and the obstructive act. So I think that your credibility is undermined within the department, in this committee and with the American people."
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"Robert Mueller concluded that there was substantial evidence on four -- on the three necessary elements of obstruction ... You ignore in that press conference and in the summary that Robert Mueller found substantial evidence. And it's in the report. And we have a chart that shows the elements of that crime, intent, interference with an ongoing investigation and the obstructive act. So I think that your credibility is undermined within the department, in this committee and with the American people."

Missed it by that much.
You never know.. Putin might already have all the Dem candidates server secrets. You can only pray.

Or better, maybe serious thought and investigation should made into how Americans, especially on the left, were brainwashed into communists and socialists by an infestation in the 60's and on that spread into education and raised a group that at their core, are really Russians, and not Americans.

We can find, rather easily too, the timelines and groups of known communists and socialists who were in Hollywood and New York and Chicago and hear about the Yippies, the PLP, the SDS, the "state department socialists", and DSA..... known groups who were overtly organized and espousing ideals and politics of the former USSR or communist China, and how many educators from the ivy leagues down to state colleges and universities throughout the 70's and 80's believed in this train of thought.

So, in a simple twist of irony, the very people screaming Russia are more Russian than they could ever admit or care to be honest about.
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