Mueller Report Imminent

Fox was a reaction to other MSM outlets moving left. The change in the face of journalism began when outlets, most notably CNN, began to shift heavily left. Nowadays, both CNN and Fox News are pretty outrageous in how they slant the news. But of course, your own bias won't allow you to admit equal guilt.
Last night, the airplane went off the runway with over 150 people aboard.. CNN was the only one covering it-- Fox was talking about how great the economy was and MSNBC was speaking about Kim firing projectile and Trump's love for him. If there is actual news, CNN is still the cable channel that covers it. When doing commentary, they are definitely bias, (obviously no love lost between them and Trump) but their news isn't slanted like the other two.
Ok I’ve been on VN for ten years but I’ve only ventured into this forum to read what the other side had to say. I was being civil and asking an honest question. I see now I wasted my time.
Oh, you didn't come to the PF to see what the other side thought, you came for affirmation.
I love to watch the left do their mental gymnastics with CNN . It’s a funny thing that anyone over 25 knows that CNN was in every household that had cable , every hotel , every airport , every hospital , every Drs office , every cafe . When it come to news you got it from CNN because they were “ The most Trusted Name In News “ . Now after being exposed as little more than activists that get the news and spin it to the left , their ratings sucks , they are sucking hind tit behind everyone else , the liberals say well it’s not all about ratings you know . 😂
Last night, the airplane went off the runway with over 150 people aboard.. CNN was the only one covering it-- Fox was talking about how great the economy was and MSNBC was speaking about Kim firing projectile and Trump's love for him. If there is actual news, CNN is still the cable channel that covers it. When doing commentary, they are definitely bias, (obviously no love lost between them and Trump) but their news isn't slanted like the other two.

Right right ...005DFA2A-4AC3-4465-8026-F4A80BA568C1.jpeg
You think this is the only polical forum I follow? This is the one I focus on because most people here are in my state. And I promise you I need no affirmation.
Why would you follow any PF other than VN? I only care about Tennessee fans.
What could obama have done to prevent the russian meme social media campaign or the hacking of our american institutions (DNC, State Department, FBI, or to prevent theft of intellectual property) by foreign entities? What can we do to prevent any foreign money from influencing our political process? I know, let's put it in the hands of our global capitalist. Carter Page says HI, and pretty much anyone in the Trump orbit. The Nationalists should be pissed.

If you are saying that Obama as president couldn't control Russian meddling with all he had at his control, then why would you hold Trump responsible when he had none of those agencies and resources working for him?

Can Trump manage better against them as president? I think he at least acknowledges there is a problem to be reckoned with, so that's a start. Compared to Trump, Obama was a slacker ... can't really say Obama did a day's work in his life. The bigger question would be "will the Dims let Trump accomplish anything?"
Why would you follow any PF other than VN? I only care about Tennessee fans.

Good night Mick. I’m about to sit down with my wife and kid to eat dinner. I smoked some wings on the Egg and I DVR’d the Derby. I’d offer you a cold beer and a wing if you were here.
If you are saying that Obama as president couldn't control Russian meddling with all he had at his control, then why would you hold Trump responsible when he had none of those agencies and resources working for him?

Can Trump manage better against them as president? I think he at least acknowledges there is a problem to be reckoned with, so that's a start. Compared to Trump, Obama was a slacker ... can't really say Obama did a day's work in his life. The bigger question would be "will the Dims let Trump accomplish anything?"
First question: I'm not even trying to hold Trump responsible for the national security risks relating to the internet, just trying to get people to recognize the actual problem.

Second question: What does he want to accomplish other than good numbers on the economy? Sorry, I answered a question with a question but what is his policy other than that?
CNN is a mess, stopped watching after Ob left office. When he was calling the shots, even a true patriot could make it through a news session. They were fair and very partial to what OB was or was not doing, but I was able to get the sense of what was going on in the middle east and elsewhere. They covered his azz well, and made it seem like we were all eating from the gum drop tree.

They shifted to the left after the Dems lost control... and they continue to shift further left... I'll be surprised they survive another 2 years.
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First question: I'm not even trying to hold Trump responsible for the national security risks relating to the internet, just trying to get people to recognize the actual problem.

Second question: What does he want to accomplish other than good numbers on the economy? Sorry, I answered a question with a question but what is his policy other than that?

OK. Several of us had a bit of trouble understanding the post ... not a big deal. The thing that I have a problem with about "Russian meddling" is that it's nothing new at all, but people around these parts all seem to have recently fallen off the cabbage cart - only the meddling method has changed. The Russians had Radio Moscow years ago and we had Voice of America for starters; both were intended to influence listeners in other countries. We were probably more truthful with less propaganda, but it was all about political influence, and those were just the tip of the iceberg. I just don't get the thought that Russians quit being sh!t stirrers, and their forte was stirring both pots and pitting groups against each other ... like Dims and Reps.

Trump has tried to do something about illegal migration, and of course there was Obamacare. To be honest we've probably all been caught up in the Mueller nothing burger and all the other attempts to stonewall Trump, so it's easy to forget most of the other stuff. Although I do seem to recall he shut things down once when Dims refused to even talk about stuff. Oh, yeah, he replaced a couple of SC court judges and rattled the Dims a bit on that. It's hard to look accomplished when accomplishments require the agreement of others and the others aren't playing. Something like trying to soar with eagles when you are really working with turkeys. For most of us here, the fact that he's turned the Dims into a quivering mass of gelatinous rage is probably good enough.
First question: I'm not even trying to hold Trump responsible for the national security risks relating to the internet, just trying to get people to recognize the actual problem.

Second question: What does he want to accomplish other than good numbers on the economy? Sorry, I answered a question with a question but what is his policy other than that?
Not that I am a fan of it, but the obvious answer is border security. By it I mean his policy

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