Mueller Report Imminent

Looth, you don't have morals, you have ethics. No one that supports the Dim party can ever claim to have any sort of morals again, ever.
Sure they can. Some of the most moral people I know are democrats. Some of the most moral people I know are republicans. Hardly any of the most moral people I know support Trump.
Then has anyone at either of those networks thought about an overhaul with their representation of journalism? Throwing sh*t at the wall and seeing if it sticks hasn't been working in their favor.
Fox changed the face of journalism for the worse and it's had a very negative impact.
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I have to agree with Orangeslice on the tax and spend issue. It's pretty much like mutually assured destruction at this point. Fiscal conservatives cannot get elected without bringing home the bacon, so there is no longer any fiscal conservatism. The flaw in democracies was people directly voting to empty the treasury; once the the liberals started doling out the treasury and people caught on, it was all over but the shouting. The only hope (and it's a very slim one) is congressional term limits.

Need to repeal the 17th amendment if we ever want to get spending under control.
What could obama have done to prevent the russian meme social media campaign or the hacking of our american institutions (DNC, State Department, FBI, or to prevent theft of intellectual property) by foreign entities? What can we do to prevent any foreign money from influencing our political process? I know, let's put it in the hands of our global capitalist. Carter Page says HI, and pretty much anyone in the Trump orbit. The Nationalists should be pissed.
What could obama have done to prevent the russian meme social media campaign or the hacking of our american institutions (DNC, State Department, FBI, or to prevent theft of intellectual property) by foreign entities? What can we do to prevent any foreign money from influencing our political process? I know, let's put it in the hands of our global capitalist. Carter Page says HI, and pretty much anyone in the Trump orbit. The Nationalists should be pissed.

Little early to be babbling drunk isn’t it?
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What could obama have done to prevent the russian meme social media campaign or the hacking of our american institutions (DNC, State Department, FBI, or to prevent theft of intellectual property) by foreign entities? What can we do to prevent any foreign money from influencing our political process? I know, let's put it in the hands of our global capitalist. Carter Page says HI, and pretty much anyone in the Trump orbit. The Nationalists should be pissed.

Fox changed the face of journalism for the worse and it's had a very negative impact.
Fox was a reaction to other MSM outlets moving left. The change in the face of journalism began when outlets, most notably CNN, began to shift heavily left. Nowadays, both CNN and Fox News are pretty outrageous in how they slant the news. But of course, your own bias won't allow you to admit equal guilt.
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Little early to be babbling drunk isn’t it?
Did you want a TLDR? Did I not point out the inherent nature of our political chaos as outlined in the Mueller report and the laws that protect our corrupt politicians? Did I not point out a need for National Security in relation to the internet and social media? Do you even realize this threat is the greatest to our country? I would like to see some Ideas from the right that doesn't involve socialism or government regulations?

I'm actually taken back to the worst Supreme Court decision ever, Citizens United.
Fox was a reaction to other MSM outlets moving left. The change in the face of journalism began when outlets, most notably CNN, began to shift heavily left. Nowadays, both CNN and Fox News are pretty outrageous in how they slant the news. But of course, your own bias won't allow you to admit equal guilt.
That's because they are not equally guilty. CNN leans left a tad but nowhere near the degree to which Fox leans left.
I disagree with your opinion that you are attempting to state as fact.
You just don't know how to ignore superlatives in reporting. You probably never realized CNN didn't use "crooked Hillary" or "illegal Secret Server" or "Obama was a Muslim, non- citizen, with the Brotherhood" often.
Sure they can. Some of the most moral people I know are democrats. Some of the most moral people I know are republicans. Hardly any of the most moral people I know support Trump.
If you are a Dim party supporter whole hog like you are, you have ZERO morals. You are the party of killing babies, period. And before you go all "muh Trump", not sure he has killed anyone yet.

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