Mueller Report Imminent

pretty sure he does and even posts his reasons behind every vote he makes
on what grounds? PWB?
I discussed with Huff last week why Amash doesn't seem to be very vocal. Is he simply not a promoter/salesperson, not comfortable being the face of a movement, or simply not able to get much national press exposure? What are your thoughts?
I discussed with Huff last week why Amash doesn't seem to be very vocal. Is he simply not a promoter/salesperson, not comfortable being the face of a movement, or simply not able to get much national press exposure? What are your thoughts?
I think he believes his actions should speak louder. He does what he says he will and explains why he did it. Likely feels that acting like a carnival barker screaming out lies does nothing to help advance us. Some people like to hear themselves and see their name. Just don't think he's a front of the house guy which is unfortunate. Although that does keep him from being attacked as often
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I think he believes his actions should speak louder. He does what he says he will and explains why he did it. Likely feels that acting like a carnival barker screaming out lies does nothing to help advance us. Some people like to hear themselves and see their name. Just don't think he's a front of the house guy which is unfortunate. Although that does keep him from being attacked as often

It is unfortunate. Without the carnival barking, the public tends to not take notice. Small government concepts need a face...a promoter.
If he is as solid as you guys who seem to know him say, he'd be the best choice.
Treated him like a baby bird
Fast and furious should of put the AG and others in prison
Most libs probably don't have any idea what fast and furious is about, they didn't hear about it on CNN/MSNBC etc... So when we mention it here they are probably saying why should Holder be in prison over a movie.
Most libs probably don't have any idea what fast and furious is about, they didn't hear about it on CNN/MSNBC etc... So when we mention it here they are probably saying why should Holder be in prison over a movie.
Their blinders or ignorance amaze me
If it ain’t on cnn it did not happen
I think he believes his actions should speak louder. He does what he says he will and explains why he did it. Likely feels that acting like a carnival barker screaming out lies does nothing to help advance us. Some people like to hear themselves and see their name. Just don't think he's a front of the house guy which is unfortunate. Although that does keep him from being attacked as often

So we should expect Amash to file articles of impeachment any day now?
It is unfortunate. Without the carnival barking, the public tends to not take notice. Small government concepts need a face...a promoter.
If he is as solid as you guys who seem to know him say, he'd be the best choice.

I was coming around on Amash before this. One cannot just feed the flames for personal attention without getting burned.
I agree with Amash on most things. Not on this, though.

If he took action to back up his rhetoric I would be, "okay what have I missed". But his words seem to just come out of left field all of a sudden. All the while he ignores the genesis of the investigation and focuses on what he believes was obstruction.
If he took action to back up his rhetoric I would be, "okay what have I missed". But his words seem to just come out of left field all of a sudden. All the while he ignores the genesis of the investigation and focuses on what he believes was obstruction.

It does make one wonder...I’ll wait and see.
There are over 900 former DOJ (many former US attorneys) who see it differently; so much so, they are willing to put it in writing.
Barr has already sacrificed his reputation. He is now just trying to salvage what remains.

Those 900 are irrelevant no matter how bad you wish them to be. The only two who could have indicted Trump decided against it.
So we should expect Amash to file articles of impeachment any day now?
I don't know what he's going to do any more than you do
If only you went after all politicians with the fervor you're going after Amash
That's fine with these libs, barry was above criticism and Rosen wored for Fox so it was fine. PJ has his candidate locked in for 2020
I've actually said I don't see anyone worth voting for yet. But we all know you like to make up stuff
Those 900 are irrelevant no matter how bad you wish them to be. The only two who could have indicted Trump decided against it.
Not the least bit irrelevant when determining if there are impeachable offenses, no matter how badly you may with them to be.
And, we will hear from Mueller soon enough.
The esteemed Mueller’s report very clearly stated there was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

It very clearly did not state this at all. It stated that there was insufficient evidence to pursue a charge.

And no, they do not mean the same thing.

It could not be any more clear.
This part actually is true.

Mueller is on the record saying

Mueller’s only “on the record” statement is the report.

that nothing in the law prevented him from outlining obstruction charges in his report.

The report, Mueller’s only on the record statement, says the opposite of this. See images below.

William Barr is the only one on record saying anything contradictory to this and he said that Mueller told him that there might come a time when a special counsel decided to disregard the OLC opinion, but this wasn’t it. Again, no, they don’t mean the same thing.

He didn’t, presumably because he doesn’t feel there is enough evidence to do so.

Because everything above is wrong, this presumption is invalid. There is actually evidence to support the inverse presumption:

Mueller explicitly found in the collusion/conspiracy section that there was insufficient evidence to bring a charge. Nothing was stopping him from stating that conclusion.

He then stated in the obstruction section that if the evidence supported a finding that the president had engaged in no wrongdoing, they would say so. They didn’t say so. I believe there was also a statement that has the evidence been insufficient, they would have said so, but I’m less certain of that.

The report itself contains evidence of obstruction. Mueller’s analysis of at least two and as many as five instances of conduct fits the elements of the obstruction statute. This is where the opinion of 900 former federal prosecutors becomes significant.

Finally, there is also a common law rule of statutory construction known as the presidential plain statement rule. This rule holds that in the absence of an express statement of applicability to the president, a court will not hold apply it to the president if the statute could be read to burden his article II powers.

The Mueller report addresses and disposed of this issue, but since your current presumption isn’t faithful to the contents of the report with respect to the OLC opinion, this is no worse than an equally plausible explanation for why Mueller would decline to bring charges.

So I ask again: how do you explain your misunderstanding of the contents of the report if there has been no misinformation campaign?

(I think the attached images are relevant as I’ve quoted them in past discussions on here, but I can’t enlarge them so hopefully they are.)


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