Mueller Report Imminent

As I said, do some Amish research on his and family companies and how they're being hurt by the tariffs. Then you'll understand why that POS is standing against Trump. You are a complete idiot if you believe it's about ethics.

Amash is a small government conservative and SGC's are supposed to stand for free trade, regardless of how Amash's family makes their $. SGC's are also supposed to stand for rule of law, and opposing a POTUS for attempted obstruction of justice is what he should be doing as well. Again, do some research.

Maybe the only reason Amash isn't falling in line like the cowardly RINO's is because his family is hurting, but it doesn't make him wrong about trade wars or obstruction of justice.

It's crazy how little Republicans know about conservatism.
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FISA Court judge Rudolph Contreras who oversaw General Flynn’s case is friends with corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok who set up General Flynn in the White House.
The judge is now reportedly involved in fraudulent warrants in front of the FISA Court.
In December 2017 we reported that the judge overseeing the General Flynn case who accepted the General’s guilty plea, Judge Rudolph Contreras, recused himself from the Flynn case before sentencing:

Judge Contreras was appointed by Barack Obama in 2012 as United States District Judge for the District of Columbia.

Also, Judge Rudolph Contreras was appointed by Obama to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) court in 2016. Every single judge on the FISA Court as of March 2017 was appointed during Obama’s Presidency!

In December 2018 it was reported that Judge Contreras is also a friend of fired corrupt FBI Agent Peter Strzok. Text messages were uncovered showing Strzok’s relationship with the judge. Sara Carter reported on the texts:

In a text message chain from Page to Strzok on July, 25, 2016 she writes, “Rudy is on the FISC! Did you know that? Just appointed two months ago.” At that point, the pair continues to discuss other issues but comes back to Contrares, “I did. We talked about it before and after. I need to get together with him.” Then later Strzok appears to return to his discussion about Contreras.​
The take-down of General Flynn was a Deep State set up. Dirty cop Andrew McCabe and disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok worked in coordination to take out General Flynn. Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok then ambushed General Flynn and interviewed him on January 24th 2017 without his lawyer present.

Strzok and Judge Contreras were buddies!
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More like..."срать или сойти с горшка, dumazz"
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Amash is a small government conservative and SGC's are supposed to stand for free trade, regardless of how Amash's family makes their $. SGC's are also supposed to stand for rule of law, and opposing a POTUS for attempted obstruction of justice is what he should be doing as well. Again, do some research.

Maybe the only reason Amash isn't falling in line like the cowardly RINO's is because his family is hurting, but it doesn't make him wrong about trade wars or obstruction of justice.

It's crazy how little Republicans know about conservatism.

Lol..ok man, you're right. The politician who's losing his ass because he bet on Chinese slave labor isn't putting his bottom line ahead of Americans.
"Prior to making the redacted version of the Mueller report public, Barr released a four-page letter supposedly summarizing the report. In that letter, Barr told Congress that Mueller had not reached a decision about whether the president should be indicted for obstructing justice. Barr added that he had reviewed the evidence and found it to be "not sufficient" to conclude that the president had committed a crime.

Once the nearly full text of the Mueller report was released, however, it became obvious that Mueller's decision not to draw a conclusion about the obstruction question hinged on two factors: longstanding Justice Department precedent that forbids the indictment of a sitting president, and Mueller's belief that Congress was the constitutionally appropriate body to determine the question of obstruction (and the related question of impeachment).

Barr's March 24 letter to Congress, Amash wrote on Tuesday, "selectively quotes and summarizes points in Mueller's report in misleading ways." Amash zeroed-in on Barr's claim that the White House "fully cooperated" with the investigation. In fact, as the Mueller report makes clear, investigators sought to interview the president directly and instead had to settle for written answers, which Amash said were "incomplete or unresponsive."
Certainly, Trump was well within his rights to refuse to comply with a voluntary request for an interview with Mueller. But Barr's description of the White House's full and complete cooperation with the investigation is an exaggeration at best.

Indeed, Mueller has claimed the attorney general's summary "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the report—though it is admittedly difficult to distill a 400-plus page report into a four-page letter. Barr did eventually release the full report, so Amash's (and others) complaints about Barr's misleading letter are effectively a complaint about the head of the Justice Department's role in doing public relations for the president."

Justin Amash Blasts Attorney General Barr: 'The Public and Congress Were Misled'

Once again,,,,Barr testified under oath that Meuller told him 3 times that the OLC opinion had nothing to do with why he didn’t file obstruction charges against Trump.
Could Amash be our first Palestinian/Syrian President? He has Huff's vote. Maybe Omar and Talib can be in his cabinet.

Ding, ding, ding! I knew it would come sooner of later. Amash isn't a "real" American. Congrats to you for being the one.
You just like him because he hates Trump. I don't trust him or his motives, or Omar, or Talib.

There's some modern-day racism for you. It's not the n-word, or hood-wearing stuff, but it's still percolating, showing its face every now and then.
I could totally get on board with Amash or someone like him as president. I don’t agree with him on everything but I do on most.

It’s strange, though, that he never got this kind of support from the media when Obama was when he called out the Obama administration for their domestic spying.
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I could totally get on board with Amash or someone like him as president. I don’t agree with him on everything but I do on most.

It’s strange, though, that he never got this kind of support from the media when Obama was when he called out the Obama administration for their domestic spying.

Go figure. Conversely, he was getting a lot more love from R's when he was opposing the other big government, central planning POTUS

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