Mueller Report Imminent

Mueller is a hack pure and simple. "if we had confidence that the President did not commit crime we would've said so".

The job of the special counsel is to determine whether there is enough evidence sufficient to prosecute, not to prove innocence. This is a perversion of our justice system.

This is what I find so odd about the whole thing. His quote is leading to a conclusion. But he doesn't outright articulate the conclusion even though he has the responsibility to do so. His quote should have been: "our responsibility was to gather evidence and make a recommendation to prosecute if the evidence warranted". I have no idea if "confidence" by a special prosecutor holds any legal weight at all.
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"hack" LOL

The special counsel was tasked with collecting facts, e literally said he could not charge or recommend charges per policy. It's congresses job to decide if a prosecution is warranted and to make that recommendation to Senate through impeachment. This really isn't that hard to understand.
Ken Starr has no problem with indictment. Why is this different?
It shouldn’t be done. The Muell needs to have his ass drug in front of Congress and answer under oath. If he ignores the subpoena then cite his ass for contempt.

Bring on the Horowitz Report and the Declassified Docs. I'm sure he will have to testify to someone before it's all said and done.
Eh not gonna buy that either. Just read it, he actually referenced “insufficient evidence”. C’mon man this wasn’t anywhere near a total exhortation rant.
He said he was “innocent.” Which is at least synonymous with “exoneration.”

I didn’t call it a rant.
It shouldn’t be done. The Muell needs to have his ass drug in front of Congress and answer under oath. If he ignores the subpoena then cite his ass for contempt.

Careful what you ask for. I really don't think you'd like what he have to say if required to answer questions without a filter.

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