Mueller Report Imminent

What has Pelosi gotten passed and signed into law?
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a $19.1 billion disaster aid bill aimed at helping communities across the country bounce back from hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and fires.
The bill languished for months amid disputes over Trump's demand for border funding, as well as additional aid for Puerto Rico, which Trump opposed.
Trump nonetheless tweeted the U.S. territory "should love President Trump," claiming that, "Without me, they would have been shut out!"
If by mentally numb you mean I don't let my feels dictate everything I say and do, you'd be correct. I'm not that egocentric. I lean more toward logic and reason.
I realized a while back and then was reminded again today that many of you guys are very concrete. Something is either white or black. It either is or it is not. Good or bad. Right or wrong.
When anything (which is most everything) doesn't fit neatly into the the either/or parameters, you guys sort of short circuit. That's when you pull out the "feelz" nonsense.
You find the gray world of continuums, degrees, it depends, and taking context into account difficult to process. Logic and reason are usually colored gray, not black and white.
I realized a while back and then was reminded again today that many of you guys are very concrete. Something is either white or black. It either is or it is not. Good or bad. Right or wrong.
When anything (which is most everything) doesn't fit neatly into the the either/or parameters, you guys sort of short circuit. That's when you pull out the "feelz" nonsense.
You find the gray world of continuums, degrees, it depends, and taking context into account difficult to process. Logic and reason are usually colored gray, not black and white.
So luther where's your follow up response? It should be easier than this for you to respond with something, anything that justifies your "concrete" "black and white" statement that Trump is a "horrendously despicable every 300 year anomaly". What has he done as President that justifies your label of him? If you can't come up with anything that remotely justifies this, then referring to your remarks as "feelz" is more than accurate and appropriate.

There you go again with your 300 year anomaly.

I have challenged you to list all the things he has done as President that makes him a "horrendously despicable every 300 year anomaly" and all you have come with is:

1. He says mean things!
2. DeVos

Come on luther, if he is so, so horrendous, despicable, yadda, yadda, yadda, you have to be able to do more and better than that, otherwise you are no more than an emotional snowflake screaming at the rest of the world as if it cares about your "feelzz" subjecting the rest of us to your blather without substance. Put up or. . .



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WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a $19.1 billion disaster aid bill aimed at helping communities across the country bounce back from hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and fires.
The bill languished for months amid disputes over Trump's demand for border funding, as well as additional aid for Puerto Rico, which Trump opposed.
Trump nonetheless tweeted the U.S. territory "should love President Trump," claiming that, "Without me, they would have been shut out!"
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So luther where's your follow up response? It should be easier than this for you to respond with something, anything that justifies your "concrete" "black and white" statement that Trump is a "horrendously despicable every 300 year anomaly". What has he done as President that justifies your label of him? If you can't come up with anything that remotely justifies this, then referring to your remarks as "feelz" is more than accurate and appropriate.
It's gray, you evidently cannot comprehend.
Here's another example of why this exercise is senseless.
Trump calling the news media the "enemy of the people".
It's gray, you evidently cannot comprehend.
Here's another example of why this exercise is senseless.
Trump calling the news media the "enemy of the people".
So far you have listed:

1. He says mean things!
2. DeVos
3. He says mean things!, Part II.

That's all you got? After 3 tries at this? One would think that if you are so worked up about how awful he is as President that this would elicit many, many examples of what you've based your conclusion on.

What has he done, not said?

Has he had people killed? No?

Has he imprisoned political foes? No?

So what's so "horrendous and despicable" to the point you call it "a 300 year anomaly"?

This "exercise is senseless" because you have nothing to back up your description of Trump and you know it. You are so OTT with hyperbole and the evidence of this is smacking you right in your face with your own words proving you are just blathering nonsense.

That's not a gray area you're dwelling in, it's a shade of pink, to soothe your "feelz."
I realized a while back and then was reminded again today that many of you guys are very concrete. Something is either white or black. It either is or it is not. Good or bad. Right or wrong.
When anything (which is most everything) doesn't fit neatly into the the either/or parameters, you guys sort of short circuit. That's when you pull out the "feelz" nonsense.
You find the gray world of continuums, degrees, it depends, and taking context into account difficult to process. Logic and reason are usually colored gray, not black and white.

Says Twisted mind will travel!
And the Dims in yet another "they never learn" move are ginning up a new political expedient

House Democrats to make it easier to take White House to court

Why do these morons think that their procedural changes will never be used against them when things flip? While congress was never intended to require unanimity, the concept was that it didn't operate simply to the will of the congressional majority either. To do otherwise removes one system of checks and balances ... apparently congress shouldn't have the power to set their own rules.

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