Mueller Report Imminent

It's even cuter that you think we're the ones being played like a fool.
The cutest of all however, is how Pelosi has owned Trump at every step.
I mean, he's still President, so she hasn't owned him at every step.
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I went with knoxnews in the spirit of the upcoming season.
Should Donald Trump be indicted? These former East Tennessee prosecutors say yes
The two-time U.S. attorney found what he read so disturbing he joined nearly 800 former federal prosecutors this week in signing a letter declaring the report lays out a textbook case for obstruction of justice charges against President Donald Trump. Two other veteran East Tennessee prosecutors signed the letter as well.
"It's not a Republican or a Democratic thing," Dillard said. "It's an American thing. Based on what I know, if this was an ordinary individual, the case would certainly have severe consequences, and there is ample evidence that any U.S. attorney could make that decision. We need to hear from (special counsel) Robert Mueller. Otherwise the country at large is not going to know the truth."

"Former" means they don't count for much anymore. Try the thing with your hand in a bucket, of water and check out the impression you make when you pull it out.
What could Obama have done to prevent what the Russians were doing (hacking our institutions and social media campaign) and what can Trump do now to prevent it?
What's truly funny is Blaming Obama for anything the Russians were doing when he didn't have the tools to secure our internet. Basically he couldn't have stopped the Russians from influencing feeble minded Americans. You were an easy target.
So blaming Obama, not okay. Blaming Trump, okay. It seems you're saying neither could have done anything, but only one is to blame. And it's not the one who was in office and had the most power to do something. Not seeing the logic.
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So blaming Obama, not okay. Blaming Trump, okay. It seems you're saying neither could have done anything, but only one is to blame. And it's not the one who was in office and had the most power to do something. Not seeing the logic.

It's the progressive way ... punish the victim and reward the guilty for doing nothing ... and in this case for being nothing. Just to help out the resident libs: Trump = victim; Obama = guilty; doing nothing = knowing there was funny Russian stuff going on but ignoring it because Hiliary was gonna win, so it was of no consequence ... until she didn't.
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Mueller did what he felt he was charged to do.
Only the blind would claim that 900 former prosecutors (many repubs) claiming enough evidence to indict any other person is nothing.
While we're on the subject, you know there's a big difference between indict and convict, right? You know what they say about being able to indict, right?

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So blaming Obama, not okay. Blaming Trump, okay. It seems you're saying neither could have done anything, but only one is to blame. And it's not the one who was in office and had the most power to do something. Not seeing the logic.
Nobody is blaming Trump for anything Russia was doing other than knowing and encouraging them. Did Trump have anything to do with the hacks? NO. Did he know about them and the probable release? Sure. The campaign did give polling data to Russian agents which likely helped them target Americans. Trump and Campaign are responsible for their own crooked actions. Glossing over that is not going to help your case. Let me know when Obama had more time to arrange a Trump Tower style meeting.
Nobody is blaming Trump for anything Russia was doing other than knowing and encouraging them. Did Trump have anything to do with the hacks? NO. Did he know about them and the probable release? Sure. The campaign did give polling data to Russian agents which likely helped them target Americans. Trump and Campaign are responsible for their own crooked actions. Glossing over that is not going to help your case. Let me know when Obama had more time to arrange a Trump Tower style meeting.

Well, Hills and company hired a Brit to put together a dossier that they used to convince the FBI to investigate Trump, so there's that. It seems both sides engaged in questionable behavior. It's not the one-sided picture some are trying to create.

And if no one is blaming Trump for what Russia was doing(which some people very much are) why the screams for impeachment?

Lots of things being glossed over in all of this.
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"Former" means they don't count for much anymore. Try the thing with your hand in a bucket, of water and check out the impression you make when you pull it out.
The whole argument the morons on the right are attempting to make is that he has done nothing impeachable. I was simply refuting that nonsense....nothing more.
There's enough with obstruction. Time is just not right.
Is there? The best I can see, Trump attempted to obstruct justice. Hard for me to see attempting to obstruct justice as rising to the level of removal from office. We've discussed past precedent already.
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I went with knoxnews in the spirit of the upcoming season.
Should Donald Trump be indicted? These former East Tennessee prosecutors say yes
The two-time U.S. attorney found what he read so disturbing he joined nearly 800 former federal prosecutors this week in signing a letter declaring the report lays out a textbook case for obstruction of justice charges against President Donald Trump. Two other veteran East Tennessee prosecutors signed the letter as well.
"It's not a Republican or a Democratic thing," Dillard said. "It's an American thing. Based on what I know, if this was an ordinary individual, the case would certainly have severe consequences, and there is ample evidence that any U.S. attorney could make that decision. We need to hear from (special counsel) Robert Mueller. Otherwise the country at large is not going to know the truth."

Instead of giving a reason you employ the appeal to authority fallacy. Superb.
The whole argument the morons on the right are attempting to make is that he has done nothing impeachable. I was simply refuting that nonsense....nothing more.
So bring charges. You mentioned something about timing. The sooner you bring charges, the sooner we get to swear in VP Pence. The longer you wait, the longer America get to accelerate the winning.
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Is there? The best I can see, Trump attempted to obstruct justice. Hard for me to see attempting to obstruct justice as rising to the level of removal from office. We've discussed past precedent already.
He would certainly not be removed from office. That's why Pelosi is waiting.
He would certainly not be removed from office. That's why Pelosi is waiting.

Do you believe Congress should have the unregulated ability to investigate every facet of a President's life in the name of oversight? Or is this an only in the case of Trump thing?
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Do you believe Congress should have the unregulated ability to investigate every facet of a President's life in the name of oversight? Or is this an only in the case of Trump thing?
luther will certainly agree with that right up to the time the next leftist moron is elected. Then it's hands off.
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The whole argument the morons on the right are attempting to make is that he has done nothing impeachable. I was simply refuting that nonsense....nothing more.

Hey, a whole bunch of us are saying impeach him ... like you have to pass it to see what's in it kind of action. But then your side has to face up to all the funny stuff that started the Mueller investigation, and no sane Dim wants that to happen. If you want to talk about collusion and obstruction of justice, it's all there, but it's not on Trump's side of the equation. But go for it, we really want to know all about the DNC inspired Steele dossier, the crooked FISA process, biased FBI agents, CIA/FBI stings that nobody bought, and especially an expensive witch hunt based on what had to have been seen as faulty beginnings.
Do you believe Congress should have the unregulated ability to investigate every facet of a President's life in the name of oversight? Or is this an only in the case of Trump thing?
Yes. It now seems necessary because we elected Trump.

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