Mueller Report Imminent

Thats an opinion not fact. He was highly respected as a former AG before taking this position. We all know there is no person the Democrats would accept because you need the issue for the election. Paint the opposition as the devil and then promise to get rid of him. Been going on since the dawn of time.

His actions demonstrate that he is a Trump lackey, devoid of objectivity or independence. Claiming otherwise is just a flat out lie.
His actions demonstrate that he is a Trump lackey, devoid of objectivity or independence. Claiming otherwise is just a flat out lie.
Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one. And they all should be inspected on a routine basis.

By a professional of course.
His actions demonstrate that he is a Trump lackey, devoid of objectivity or independence. Claiming otherwise is just a flat out lie.

I will say he may be a lackey, but no proof as of now.

You being a man of the highest moral fiber, a man of integrity, a man of objectivity and independence would you call Loretta Lynch a lackey, devoid of objectivity and independence? There’s more proof that she was a lackey to Obama and his administration.
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I will say he may be a lackey, but no proof as of now.

You being a man of the highest moral fiber, a man of integrity, a man of objectivity and independence would you call Loretta Lynch a lackey, devoid of objectivity and independence? There’s more proof that she was a lackey to Obama and his administration.

Hardly the point.
DOJ has not seen Robert Mueller's opening statement for Wednesday's hearing - CNNPolitics

Robert Mueller will have a prepared opening statement for his much-anticipated congressional hearing on Wednesday that has not been seen by the Justice Department,according to a spokesman for the former special counsel.
While the spokesman won't comment on how much or how long Mueller has been preparing, but would confirm that Wilmer Hale -- a Washington, DC law firm -- has allowed Mueller and "a small group of folks who worked with him at the special counsel's office" to use some unoccupied office space for the purposes of preparation.
"If you look at him and his career, he is someone who comes to the table fully prepared and he's going to be ready on Wednesday," the spokesman said.

Keep hope alive.
DOJ has not seen Robert Mueller's opening statement for Wednesday's hearing - CNNPolitics

Robert Mueller will have a prepared opening statement for his much-anticipated congressional hearing on Wednesday that has not been seen by the Justice Department,according to a spokesman for the former special counsel.
While the spokesman won't comment on how much or how long Mueller has been preparing, but would confirm that Wilmer Hale -- a Washington, DC law firm -- has allowed Mueller and "a small group of folks who worked with him at the special counsel's office" to use some unoccupied office space for the purposes of preparation.
"If you look at him and his career, he is someone who comes to the table fully prepared and he's going to be ready on Wednesday," the spokesman said.

Keep hope alive.

You expect him to counter his report?
Wednesday is a golden opportunity for the Dems to put on video Mueller either stating, or agreeing with them as they explain, specific and devastating facts about Trump, i.e. that he told people to lie, to fire others, all in a panicked effort to protect himself.

They will almost certainly screw it up.

More of the dog and pony show coming from loony Democrats who love to be on TV spewing more hate & vile false charges on a duly elected POTUS. Democrats will hurt themselves doing this but you can't tell idiots that doing this at tax-payer expense will accomplish nothing but to show America how dumb Democrats use their time rooting around trying to find the sentence that Mueller forgot to include the damning evidence of his report.
This is a golden opportunity for the Republicans to hammer Mueller on certain things like why did you hire 12 angry Trump hating Democrat lawyers for the one sided investigation on trying to nail Trump on a False made-up charge of collusion?
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His actions demonstrate that he is a Trump lackey, devoid of objectivity or independence. Claiming otherwise is just a flat out lie.

Sounds more like you are totin the party line son. You believe anything the state run media tells you. I don't hear anything from you I can't pick up on CNN or MSNBC. You have been making claims that are proven untrue for the last 2 years right here in this forum. Why should anyone believe anything you say?
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Your worry is that he will say f it, drop the charade, and tell the truth about the scumbg criminal currently in the WH.
No I'm not. If he starts that he will be lying under oath and making stuff up at that point.

I can see him possibly answering all the D questions that he has already seen for a week and pleading the 5th on the R questions. It would be a terrible look for him.
DOJ has not seen Robert Mueller's opening statement for Wednesday's hearing - CNNPolitics

Robert Mueller will have a prepared opening statement for his much-anticipated congressional hearing on Wednesday that has not been seen by the Justice Department,according to a spokesman for the former special counsel.
While the spokesman won't comment on how much or how long Mueller has been preparing, but would confirm that Wilmer Hale -- a Washington, DC law firm -- has allowed Mueller and "a small group of folks who worked with him at the special counsel's office" to use some unoccupied office space for the purposes of preparation.
"If you look at him and his career, he is someone who comes to the table fully prepared and he's going to be ready on Wednesday," the spokesman said.

Keep hope alive.
I bet the Democratic side of the council has seen it.
Who else knew of the traitors actions? Who planned and ordered the op?

Comey Under DOJ Investigation For Misleading Trump While Targeting Him In FBI Probe

Former FBI Director James Comey has been under investigation for misleading President Trump - telling him in private that he wasn't the target of an ongoing FBI probe, while refusing to admit to this in public.

According to RealClearInvestigations' Paul Sperry, "Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will file a report in September which contains evidence that Comey was misleading the president" while conducting an active investigation against him.

Even as he repeatedly assured Trump that he was not a target, the former director was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent. -RCI

According to two US officials familiar with Horowitz's upcoming report on FBI misconduct, Comey was essentially "running a covert operation" against Trump - which began with a private "defensive briefing" shortly after the inauguration. RCI's sources say that Horowitz has pored over text messages between the FBI's former top-brass and other communications suggesting that Comey was in fact conducting a "counterintelligence assessment" of the president during their January 2017 meeting in New York.

What's more, Comey had an FBI agent in the White House who reported the activities of Trump and his aides, according to 'other officials familiar with the matter.'

The agent, Anthony Ferrante, who specialized in cyber crime, left the White House around the same time Comey was fired and soon joined a security consulting firm, where he contracted with BuzzFeed to lead the news site's efforts to verify the Steele dossier, in connection with a defamation lawsuit. -RCI

According to the report, Horowitz and his team have examined over 1 million documents and conducted over 100 interviews - including sit-downs with Comey and other current and former FBI and DOJ employees. "The period covering Comey’s activities is believed to run from early January 2017 to early May 2017, when Comey was fired and his deputy Andrew McCabe, as the acting FBI director, formally opened full counterintelligence and obstruction investigations of the president."

McCabe’s deputy, Lisa Page, appeared to dissemble last year when asked in closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee if Comey and other FBI brass discussed opening an obstruction case against Trump prior to his firing in May 2017. Initially, she flatly denied it, swearing: “Obstruction of justice was not a topic of conversation during the time frame you have described.” But then, after conferring with her FBI-assigned lawyer, she announced: “I need to take back my prior statement.” Page later conceded that there could have been at least “discussions about potential criminal activity” involving the president. -RCI

Comey coordination

Sperry notes that Comey wasn't working in isolation on the Trump effort. In particular, Horowitz has looked at the January 6, 2017 briefing on the infamous 'Steele Dossier' - a meeting which was used by BuzzFeed, CNN and others to legitimize reporting on the dossier's salacious and unsubstantiated claims.

Comey’s meeting with Trump took place one day after the FBI director met in the Oval Office with President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to discuss how to brief Trump — a meeting attended by National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and National Intelligence Director James Clapper, who would soon go to work for CNN. -RCI

While Comey claims in his book, "A Higher Loyalty" that he didn't have "a counterintelligence case file open on [Trump]," former federal prosecutor and National Review columnist Andrew McCarthy notes that just because Trump's name wasn't on a formal file or surveillance warrant doesn't mean that he wasn't under investigation.

"They were hoping to surveil him incidentally, and they were trying to make a case on him," said McCarthy. "The real reason Comey did not want to repeat publicly the assurances he made to Trump privately is that these assurances were misleading. The FBI strung Trump along, telling him he was not a suspect while structuring the investigation in accordance with the reality that Trump was the main subject."

What's more, the FBI couldn't treat Trump as a suspect - formally, as they didn't have the legal grounds to do so according to former FBI counterintelligence lawyer Mark Wauck. "They had no probable cause against Trump himself for ‘collusion’ or espionage," he said, adding "They were scrambling to come up with anything to hang a hat on, but had found nothing."

What remains unclear is why Comey would take such extraordinary steps against a sitting president. The Mueller report concluded there was no basis for the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theories. Comey himself was an early skeptic of the Steele dossier -- the opposition research memos paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign that were the road map of collusion theories – which he dismissed as “salacious and unverified.” -RCI

According to House Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), Comey and the rest of the FBI's top team (including Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) were attempting to "stop" Trump's presidency for political reasons.

"You have the culmination of the ultimate spying, where you have the FBI director spying on the president, taking notes [and] illegally leaking those notes of classified information" to the MSM, said Nunes in a recent interview.

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