Mueller Report Imminent

Thanks for your time and efforts. I know names places and details are sometimes hard to recall when you have so much coming at you.

So what I found was testimony by Hope Hicks which is where my original memory came from. I was wrong about one thing, she testified there was no "strategy" regarding leaked emails and that Trump had no advance knowledge of the leaks. But she was not under oath but still subject to criminal referral. That testimony led me to check Don Jr's testimony and he said basically the same thing but not under oath but obviously still subject to criminal referral. I dug around a bit more but lunch break is past over. So ya got me technically. I can create some links if you or anybody else wants them.
So what I found was testimony by Hope Hicks which is where my original memory came from. I was wrong about one thing, she testified there was no "strategy" regarding leaked emails and that Trump had no advance knowledge of the leaks. But she was not under oath but still subject to criminal referral. That testimony led me to check Don Jr's testimony and he said basically the same thing but not under oath but obviously still subject to criminal referral. I dug around a bit more but lunch break is past over. So ya got me technically. I can create some links if you or anybody else wants them.
Ok, thanks again.
Judge orders release of docs tied to Cohen's hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels

"The campaign finance violations discussed in the materials are a matter of national importance," Judge William Pauley III said in court papers, denying the government's request for limited redactions. "Now that the government’s investigation into those violations has concluded, it is time that every American has an opportunity to scrutinize the materials."
Judge orders release of docs tied to Cohen's hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels

"The campaign finance violations discussed in the materials are a matter of national importance," Judge William Pauley III said in court papers, denying the government's request for limited redactions. "Now that the government’s investigation into those violations has concluded, it is time that every American has an opportunity to scrutinize the materials."
I haven't gotten to use this lately. YGHN!
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Judicial Watch: Emails Show Dossier-Connected Top Obama State Department Officials Set ‘Face-to-Face’ Meeting on ‘Russian Matter’ in NY in September 2016

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch and The Daily Caller News Foundation today released 84 pages of documents, including a September 2016 email exchange between then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer, a close associate of dossier author Christopher Steele, discussing a “face-to-face” meeting on a “Russian matter.”

(In June 2016 Nuland permitted a meeting between Steele and the FBI’s legal attaché in Rome. Nuland told CBS News that the State Department knew about the Steele dossier by July 2016.)

According to an op-ed Winer wrote for The Washington Post in 2018, also in September 2016, “Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the “dossier… I prepared a two-page summary and shared it with Nuland, who indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of state needed to be made aware of this material.”

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch also show that State Department officials continued to use unsecure BlackBerry devices for the transmission of classified material more than a year after Hillary Clinton’s use of an unsecure, non-government email system was revealed.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018, on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv- 00968)). The lawsuit seeks:

    • All records of communications between State Department officials, including former Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, on the one hand, and British National Christopher Steele and/or employees or contractors of Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, on the other hand.

Funny. The Democrats put this law in to place when Clinton was impeached but now they think it should be overlooked.
This is about the truth coming out, It has nothing to do with Q or pizzagate. Your trump lovin reacharounds are hilarious. But...but Clinton. but but Dems. You know what's not funny, you are incapable of accepting the truth. Sad!
This is about the truth coming out, It has nothing to do with Q or pizzagate. Your trump lovin reacharounds are hilarious. But...but Clinton. but but Dems. You know what's not funny, you are incapable of accepting the truth. Sad!
You just hyperboled over the fact that
This is about the truth coming out, It has nothing to do with Q or pizzagate. Your trump lovin reacharounds are hilarious. But...but Clinton. but but Dems. You know what's not funny, you are incapable of accepting the truth. Sad!

Ok, what is your truth? What do think about what’s happening in the news lately?

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