"My Pillow" Sues Dominion For $1.6 Billion

Well if you dont know the software, how can you say it is "better" mousetrap. Again, how difficult is it to convert a touchscreen input into a vote count? Why would it output a paper ballot in barcode?

Well, they built the business, beat the competition and got their way into the polling places. You generally don't build 20 year old business with several hundred employees by trotting out inferior products.

If it's easy as you make it out to be, you shouldn't have any trouble getting the shark tank to invest in your open source business to set the worlds voting platforms to transparent.

Good luck.
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So the voter doesn't know who he/she really voted for obviously - big brother knows better. BTW, I'm agreeing with your comment; converting touchscreen input to an barcode even if it spits out a ticket with names is sheer genius when it comes to being underhanded. How that added complexity improves any process except reducing the amount of paper involved is bind boggling - falls directly under shiny object and fascination for the mentally challenged.

Bingo in Bold. How difficult is it? So not only do you have the touchscreen software, you have additional software for the optical scanner, all connected to the interweb. So genius that the Dems blamed Russian election interference with vote counting at one point. Now all good.
Well, they built the business, beat the competition and got their way into the polling places. You generally don't build 20 year old business with several hundred employees by trotting out inferior products.

If it's easy as you make it out to be, you shouldn't have any trouble getting the shark tank to invest in your open source business to set the worlds voting platforms to transparent.

Good luck.

“The dispute concerns about 11,500 lines of code that Google used to build its popular Android mobile operating system, which were replicated from the Java application programming interface developed by Sun Microsystems.

At stake is not just the $9 billion that Oracle has said that it is owed...”

(Spoiler, last week SCOTUS said it was fair use and Oracle lost their 9billion plus whatever their contract with Amazon was worth because now Amazon will probably just hijack their code, too.)
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Well, they built the business, beat the competition and got their way into the polling places. You generally don't build 20 year old business with several hundred employees by trotting out inferior products.

If it's easy as you make it out to be, you shouldn't have any trouble getting the shark tank to invest in your open source business to set the worlds voting platforms to transparent.

Good luck.

Witty...Who said I was interested. I aint no software dude. Competing for gov contracts is a bitch in itself.

BTW..Dominion has several hundred employees..sounds like a behemoth of knowlege.

All I know is, if they are going to use the software for public election, the public has a right to know the integrity. Ever hear of patents?
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Well, they built the business, beat the competition and got their way into the polling places. You generally don't build 20 year old business with several hundred employees by trotting out inferior products.

If it's easy as you make it out to be, you shouldn't have any trouble getting the shark tank to invest in your open source business to set the worlds voting platforms to transparent.

Good luck.

So you believe that governments generally required to use low bid contracts and products selected by unqualified bureaucrats equals a good decision? There's abundant evidence to the contrary - that's without even throwing in ex-government officials and politicians turned lobbyist.
Did your mother never tell you that advocating for an authoritarian hellscape robs your self righteousness of its effectiveness?
as opposed to the one we live in now where the executive branch gets to write what in effect become laws, and predetermine legal outcomes?

I have noticed that you haven't addressed any of my concerns, but have gone straight to hyperbole.
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Bingo in Bold. How difficult is it? So not only do you have the touchscreen software, you have additional software for the optical scanner, all connected to the interweb. So genius that the Dems blamed Russian election interference with vote counting at one point. Now all good.

The consumables. The printed tickets from a printer that go to an optical reader require toner, the specified paper for the system, etc - the paper is probably proprietary, too. A lot of this stuff is like an alarm system - give away the system and charge for the service. Don't forget these systems are feeding data automatically to multiple news and other outlets who are certainly paying contractual fees and for their own display/interface setups. What the government is paying for a voting system is possibly just the tip of the iceberg.
The consumables. The printed tickets from a printer that go to an optical reader require toner, the specified paper for the system, etc - the paper is probably proprietary, too. A lot of this stuff is like an alarm system - give away the system and charge for the service. Don't forget these systems are feeding data automatically to multiple news and other outlets who are certainly paying contractual fees and for their own display/interface setups. What the government is paying for a voting system is possibly just the tip of the iceberg.

Uh.....so wrong on so many levels. Dont like it one bit.
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as opposed to the one we live in now where the executive branch gets to write what in effect become laws, and predetermine legal outcomes?

I have noticed that you haven't addressed any of my concerns, but have gone straight to hyperbole.

I thought it was obvious, but my first couple of posts mirrored yours. If you’ve got a problem with the hyperbole you can address your complaints to @LouderVol

Otherwise, I’m at a complete loss as to what your concerns have to do with Mike Lindell. This lawsuit seems to fit squarely in the “plaintiffs using court filings as a press release” basket that I brought up. How it’s related to politicians and political commentary or “the executive branch predetermining legal outcomes” (lol you really going to complain about hyperbole after that gem?) is going missing a few significant antecedents.

Also, regardless of what your concerns are, the idea that courts should be able to punish people outside their jurisdiction is a hard no for me. That’s not hyperbole, that’s what you said. That’s asinine. Parties to a matter before the court, lawyers for parties before the court, compulsion of process... all fair game. People commenting on the proceedings? GTFOH.
Mocking someone for being a crybaby definitely suits me, but it shouldn’t be wasted on somebody who doesn’t currently deserve it.
Oh I’m sure it will blow up eventually but we’ll always have the fond memories of the Chauvin trial verdict!
Until the appeal undoes this slap in the face to justice, amiright?
You won’t hear me raising too much a ruckus either way. I believe he’s got to appeal all three counts separately and I don’t see how he over turns all three. The manslaughter should stick. I think either Harold Ford or Trey Gowdy that summed it up for me. The actions and force were justified until they went on too long and no longer were justified. I think that describes it well.

The irony is Mad Max may have assisted in undoing that which she claims she wanted so badly. But on second thought I believe winning on appeal fits her race warfare message better.
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I hope he never shuts up. He's the best comedic act in the country right now.

Plus he’s like moron Trump. Trump “I will release my tax returns. I want to. But I’m under IRS audit”. Trump starting 6 years ago and repeated several times a year

Moron and Lindell “I have the proof of election fraud. I’m going to release it tomorrow”. Repeated almost daily since Election Day
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