My reply to an Oklahoma fan

Anyone that argues how superior the SEC has been the last 20 years need to take a hike. I hate conference pride. If Ohio State and Bama are playing, I hope Ohio State wins by 50 every day. **** the rest of the SEC. But I can’t deny it’s the best conference. That’s just be stupid.
They were surprised to see us, but I got more Go Vols than at the OU game.
Love the Cowpokes. Pistols firing!! But they had a traditional Poke and choke yesterday. Stillwater is a fun little town.
Both Texas and Oklahoma are in for a rude awakening coming from the Big 12 to the SEC. Texas hasn’t really played anybody yet except for a shell of the Michigan championship team from last year.
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I was replying to an Oklahoma fan who claimed mid SEC teams ride the coat-tails of other SEC programs and my Internet crashed, so I decided to just make a thread for it.

Now, on the coattail riding comments. It's just a fact that the SEC is by far the best conference in the country and has been forever. Since 1998, six SEC teams have won the national championship and those were all traditional SEC teams not counting Texas and Oklahoma too who just joined.

So yes, there is a reason nobody in this conference has as many conference championships as Oklahoma. Realistically, Oklahoma had one tough conference opponent or two every year for years and years and even Texas was mid to bad for awhile just like Tennessee.

The Vols were mediocre to bad for about a decade and now we are back to being one of the top SEC programs. I think we are third all time in SEC championships behind Alabama and Georgia now, but we were #2 for years until we went into the cellar for awhile and Georgia emerged as the best in the SEC.

Is Oklahoma a great program? Yes! But they wouldn't have won half as many conference championships in this league if they were here for decades. This conference is just different. And it shows because Oklahoma just lost their first game in the SEC.

Every conference has coattail riders, the difference is the other conferences generally only have 2-3 teams that bring elite prestige to the conference (before all the expansion) and the SEC had 6 (now 8).
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I was replying to an Oklahoma fan who claimed mid SEC teams ride the coat-tails of other SEC programs and my Internet crashed, so I decided to just make a thread for it.

Now, on the coattail riding comments. It's just a fact that the SEC is by far the best conference in the country and has been forever. Since 1998, six SEC teams have won the national championship and those were all traditional SEC teams not counting Texas and Oklahoma too who just joined.

So yes, there is a reason nobody in this conference has as many conference championships as Oklahoma. Realistically, Oklahoma had one tough conference opponent or two every year for years and years and even Texas was mid to bad for awhile just like Tennessee.

The Vols were mediocre to bad for about a decade and now we are back to being one of the top SEC programs. I think we are third all time in SEC championships behind Alabama and Georgia now, but we were #2 for years until we went into the cellar for awhile and Georgia emerged as the best in the SEC.

Is Oklahoma a great program? Yes! But they wouldn't have won half as many conference championships in this league if they were here for decades. This conference is just different. And it shows because Oklahoma just lost their first game in the SEC. like these (whether it's sports, politics, faith-based, etc) that are so clearly not true and are CLEARLY steeped in one's opinion...simply do not deserve a reply.
The SEC has 6 programs that has won national championships in the last 30 yrs. Far and away the most of any conference. To believe only Alabama & Georgia have been good is really naive.

If OU fans really believe that, they should not have an issue with their schedule this year.

100%. However, in a given year, it is true that only the top 1 or 2, or more rarely 3, SEC teams have dominated OOC opponents. The middle and lower tiers have been rather pedestrian in playing OOC teams. The record clearly bears this out.

Having said that, we also put more teams into bowls over that stretch, but at any rate, winning at the top is by far the largest factor in conference strength. Maybe not the only thing, but about 80%-ish, IMO.
We were not bad in the 2000s. We had more winning seasons than losing (I think we had two bad seasons) and appeared in several SEC championship games. We were only "bad" from 2010 until 2021 and thankfully those days are over now.
Yes but there was a long slow slide down throughout the decade. Its more accurate to say we were really good from 2000 through 2004, and only had two good seasons the rest of the decade (2006 and 2007), and even though seasons were worse than any other in the first five years of the decade other than 2002.

7 decent years out of the last 23 is closer to 2 decades than to 10 years...

The Vols have scored 216 points in 4 games this season. That's more than the 2020, 2008, and 2005 Vols scored in their entire seasons.
2020 - 215 points (10 games)
2008 - 208 points (12 games)
2005 - 205 points (12 games)
Comparing point totals in 2024 to point totals in 2005 or 2008 is irrelevant because the game was completely different back then. We had 3 SEC championship appearances in the 2000s and most years we had a winning record.
100%. However, in a given year, it is true that only the top 1 or 2, or more rarely 3, SEC teams have dominated OOC opponents. The middle and lower tiers have been rather pedestrian in playing OOC teams. The record clearly bears this out.
Uh, what??? This is just flat out wrong lol
100%. However, in a given year, it is true that only the top 1 or 2, or more rarely 3, SEC teams have dominated OOC opponents. The middle and lower tiers have been rather pedestrian in playing OOC teams. The record clearly bears this out.

Having said that, we also put more teams into bowls over

stretch, but at any rate, winning at the top is by far the largest factor in conference strength. Maybe not the only thing, but about 80%-ish, IMO.

Maybe you should post some conference bowl records for the past 5 or 10 seasons.

I think you’ll find that the SEC bowl record is at the top or near the top. And this is in spite of the fact that these matchups very rarely are 1-1, 2-2, etc. it is usually a lower-placed SEC team against a higher-placed team from another conference (usually around SEC #5 vs. Other #3).
I like news that portray Vols fans as people with class and respect for others. I understand that every frog praises its own pond. But Some of our braggart fans croak too loudly.
TLDR: New football fans like this OU fan you are discussing are just overly obnoxious. Talk with an old school fan and they are pretty down to Earth. Most schools have the down to earth fans except Texas. They are a whole different breed,
The SEC has 6 programs that has won national championships in the last 30 yrs. Far and away the most of any conference. To believe only Alabama & Georgia have been good is really naive.

If OU fans really believe that, they should not have an issue with their schedule this year.

It is crazy that they don't even include LSU.

LSU has more National titles this Century than OU and Texas combined.
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Maybe you should post some conference bowl records for the past 5 or 10 seasons.

I think you’ll find that the SEC bowl record is at the top or near the top. And this is in spite of the fact that these matchups very rarely are 1-1, 2-2, etc. it is usually a lower-placed SEC team against a higher-placed team from another conference (usually around SEC #5 vs. Other #3).
Irrelevant. Because of opt-outs bowl game wins are no longer a true measure success. I’ll take a win anytime, but it no longer means what it used to.
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Well that old buzzard @Sooner Redzone claimed we don’t have a history. I guess 6 championships 11th in all time wins from Power 5 conference teams is on the line of K State according to this clown. I’m guessing he’s just mad he had to eat his pudding before going to bed last night after an L.
He shut down his account.

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