I certainly hope that is the case, but even in Nkamhoua's high school tape, I saw nothing to give me hope. I was very adamant that I didn't want us to sign him. Thought we were better served holding the scholarship, and still believe that, to this point. Fulk at least flashed early on and gave you glimpses of what he could be, then had the unfortunate injury. It was fair to wonder after two years if he would ever make good on that early promise he showed. Plavsic is big, moves pretty well, and is mildly coordinated for a guy his size, but he's also a 22 year old rSO. I'd love to see more of the guy who whipped Mississippi State, last year, to the tune of 16 pts, 3 rebs, 2 assts. That is what I go back to holding out hope for him.