My Thoughts Thus Far

1) Freak is true gentleman and a class act all the way. That being said, I need 2 tickets to UGA.

2) I like Worley and I fully appreciate that he is our best and, honestly, our only current option at Qb, but we will not upset anyone unless he gets the ball out much quicker. His level of play must be elevated if we are going to win one we shouldnt.

3) Im starting to think UF might be out biggest chance at an upset. Im shocked at how abysmal their O is this year.

4) So long Mo, hate it because we needed your production. I understand why you did it, but rules are rules.

5) Vincent Dallas need to duplicate his WKU production against the Ducks.

6) Im willing to bet CJJ hasnt slept all week.

7) This is how you beat the Ducks The NFL

8) Still waiting for our Oline to just blow someone off the ball when everyone knows what's coming. I want a 1st and goal at the 2 followed by the Dline knocked 4 yards into the end zone. Our guys have all the ability, but seem to lack the road-grader mentality.

9) How sweet is it to see Lane struggle in the bright lights of SoCal? What goes around...

10) My heart says the Vols dont get embarrassed Saturday, but my head says we lose 42 to 17.

Well thought out, and in my opinion fairly accurate...that being said....

It is time to go whip some ass! GBO!!!
Wilson, you do realize that the Castaway misses you dearly

Call me stupid but I think we surprise.

I have been a Vol fan forever. Remember UT vs Auburn and Bo Jackson who was supposed to blow us out. Bo had like 30 yards rushing and took himself out of the game. WE WON.

Then Sugar Bowl with Miami and Testaverde. They scored on first possession and I was thinking "oh brother, here we go."' We blew them out. 35-7.

Then there was the Miracle at South Bend. Think we were like 31-7 behind and came back. Was on a date that night and when we went to the mall saw people in their UT gear. Went up to them and said "what a game!" they replied "we turned off the TV at half time"
Pretty funny to tell them they only missed the best game ever. John Ward "the kick is up, its long enough, its straight enough, the kick is GOOD! NO ITS NO GOOD! " was driving in my car listening to the radio when I heard this.

So maybe we get blown out. But UT has a history of pulling out the surprise. I think Butch has them ready!

To me these are the 3 most rememberable games since we were underdogs in each one.

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I feel ya brother. I also think that UF is our biggest chance at an "upset", but then again they lost to Miami and looked awful. I fully expect them to not be in the top 25 by seasons end.

I would love to see us beat UF, but I think the schedule is against us. We have to go to the west coast to be in a very difficult game, then the team will probably take a red-eye back over night Saturday, then travel to Fla the next week. Meanwhile, UF has an off week. If we played them this week, I think we beat them. Hope I am wrong, we will see.
on the oline.. they need to show up the next two weeks or they r overrated.. which I've thought that since mid season last year.

not what to say about our qb except oline has to help him out via our run game.

on this weekend u have to ask yourself can worley n off score more than 14 to 17 pts n i just dont think they can. i say48 or 55 to 17.. qb gives them 10ptss

i stiill could bet against or for my vols via the spread..

the O Line does have to step it up,they need to flex there muscle and show a run game mentality,makes you wonder how good they were,or was it Bray slinging it down the field fast

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