Nate Peterman being overlooked

You can clock however fast you want, but I don't know about his deep passes. I like Peterman better because he deals with pressure better. He's got more poise than Worley does. I think I've mentioned the 5 areas thing before I'm sure. Strength, accuracy, leadership, poise, and decision making. The only reason I don't put in mobility is I don't think its as important as those 5 things.

I'm not sure there's any way to say he has more poise than Worley. Let's not confuse arm strength with accuracy. Throwing a deep ball has a lot more to it than arm strength. Release point, etc come into play. I felt Eric Ainge had a cannon arm but threw his deep ball too flat. Who throws a better deep ball? It's really impossible to say. I'd be lying if I said Worley did. However we have seen that he can throw the deep ball, and throw it well. We've not seen if Nate can or not , although I think he can. But to insinuate he throws a better deep pass when we've never seen it...well I'm just not sure how you and Jason can come to that conclusion. As well as saying he has more poise and leadership skills. I'm not being an arse, but I'm curious as to how you draw that conclusion? How can you say Peterman has more poise, pocket presence, and throws a better deep ball. Serious question...
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:)A lot on here has forgot we got 1 big mean and GREAT not good but GREAT we are going to run down HILL and kick there azz.
#53 does matter. They clocked him and dude was slinging the damn rock. I just gave a real legit example showing his arm strength won't be the problem. McCaron from Bama doesn't have great arm strength. He's just fine. Just seams to me that you keep making blanket statements in defense of Peterman that have no basis.

You say they are co-starters based on the depth chart released the other day. The same depth chart that had no Marlin Lane, Latroy Lewis, or Corey Vereen. Seems legit, LMAO. Then you discount stone cold proof that Worley's arm strength isn't a problem.

Stay classy Jason. And I know it's hard, but if you can stay honest. LOL

Haha, ok bro. We all know why Lane wasnt on there but will be. My point on the QB's was Worley had every opportunity to pull away and distant himself, that was with Peterman being held back on things he does well and didnt have any WR that would ever play any meaningful snaps or any in a game and still couldnt lock it down. Worley may win it but Peterman has the better overall skillset and athletic ability, yes including the better arm. We can agree to disagree on that, no biggie either way. Im sure Vereen and Lewis both get alot of PT and possible eventual starts, both should be great players at UT.
You can clock however fast you want, but I don't know about his deep passes. I like Peterman better because he deals with pressure better. He's got more poise than Worley does. I think I've mentioned the 5 areas thing before I'm sure. Strength, accuracy, leadership, poise, and decision making. The only reason I don't put in mobility is I don't think its as important as those 5 things.

Couldnt have said it better. They could both sling it the same MPH but just like in baseball some guys have outfielders arms and others infielders arms. Peterman definitely has the better arm and can make the deeperpasses better and those long out passes. Worley makes better short and intermediate throws, Peterman just needs to relax and spin it instead of throwing it through the receivers. Peterman is way more athletic and isupposedly a real strength of his was leadership. He just needs to work on not turning the ball over and I really dont know how either are at reading defenses. Hopefully they studied alot of film and understand reading defenses, checking down and reading their progressions are a huge part of playing QB along with footwork.
Haha, ok bro. We all know why Lane wasnt on there but will be. My point on the QB's was Worley had every opportunity to pull away and distant himself, that was with Peterman being held back on things he does well and didnt have any WR that would ever play any meaningful snaps or any in a game and still couldnt lock it down. Worley may win it but Peterman has the better overall skillset and athletic ability, yes including the better arm. We can agree to disagree on that, no biggie either way. Im sure Vereen and Lewis both get alot of PT and possible eventual starts, both should be great players at UT.

I can roll with most of this. I will say, Peterman has more top end potential. His ceiling is higher IMO. Still doesn't mean he's further ahead. I can tell you this.....if he does get the nod (Peterman), I'm gonna raise hell in support of him. At this moment I'm afraid for these young guys. Because I don't think it matters who gets the nod, if they don't perform our fans will chew them up and spit them out. I've seen it time and time again.
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Rich - thank you for saying that you saw what I did on TV that day. Bray threw it 54 mph. Worley threw it 50 mph. The average NFL QB throws it 45-50 mph. Posters thought I was making it up when I have brought it up in the past.

Posters get emotionally attached to their favorites. Butch & staff will not. Peterman does not throw it harder that Worley. Peterman is more mobile than Worley. By the appearance of things in the spring, Worley thinks on the field quicker than Peterman. That may be because he has more experience or it may be just the way it is.

Examples: Crompton could throw it 50+ mph - straight into the ground or into the stands. He could not think quick enough and reacted with his passing by throwing hard inaccurately. Kiffin dumbed down the passing scheme to accommodate, just like Chaney did with Bray. Bray locked on the intermediate to deep routes. He could care less about seeing the whole field and the dump down. So Chaney devised a scheme that handled that and added the bubble when CP arrived.

This staff will do the same things with what they have to work with once a QB emerges. But to say Worley doesn't have the arm strength is ludicrous. Ignore any poster that says that. Worley tends to use touch and arc more in his passing than Bray did. The staff will coach him into less of that because of the speed of SEC d-backs. You saw Randolph pick him off when he tried it in the O/W game.

Just from seeing both of them throw Peterman has the stronger arm, especially on deep passes. I saw the MPH also and betting Nate throws more than 50.But arm atrengh doesnt matter if your not accurate or cant read defenses and constantly throwing it to safeties and corners.
I'm not sure there's any way to say he has more poise than Worley. Let's not confuse arm strength with accuracy. Throwing a deep ball has a lot more to it than arm strength. Release point, etc come into play. I felt Eric Ainge had a cannon arm but threw his deep ball too flat. Who throws a better deep ball? It's really impossible to say. I'd be lying if I said Worley did. However we have seen that he can throw the deep ball, and throw it well. We've not seen if Nate can or not , although I think he can. But to insinuate he throws a better deep pass when we've never seen it...well I'm just not sure how you and Jason can come to that conclusion. As well as saying he has more poise and leadership skills. I'm not being an arse, but I'm curious as to how you draw that conclusion? How can you say Peterman has more poise, pocket presence, and throws a better deep ball. Serious question...

I do see what your saying and not trying to argue. All I can base Peterman off of is what his supposed strenghts are by reading articles, quotes etc. And supposedly outside of his athleticism his command of the huddle and leadership skills have always come up. But I guess it isnt fair to say who is better at some things than the other. I just wanna see Peterman not be limited and them let him do what he does best, give him some actual scholly receivers then see how he does. He really didnt get to fully show what he could do or have any receivers to throw to. I think the Coach's will give him every chance in the fall and not limit him to touch football. Cant wait to find out. :)
I can roll with most of this. I will say, Peterman has more top end potential. His ceiling is higher IMO. Still doesn't mean he's further ahead. I can tell you this.....if he does get the nod (Peterman), I'm gonna raise hell in support of him. At this moment I'm afraid for these young guys. Because I don't think it matters who gets the nod, if they don't perform our fans will. chew them up and spit them out. I've seen it time and time again.

Agreed.Definitely dont think Peterman is further ahead, he hasnt shown that yet but of course Worley hasnt either. I agree I think Peterman has the higher ceiling and hasnt even scratched the surface of his potential. Worley may be the next First Round pick or may never start another game at UT. I really am pulling for Nate, he can make a few more plays with his feet and hopefully extend plays. I really dont want him running around taking hits every other down but think he could avoid some sacks that Worley couldnt. But hell if some receivers dont step up it wont matter who the QB is. We dont have a guy right now that can make receivers look good, like Peyton does so well so we really need the receivers to help out the QB's and the other way around. Both really need to help each other and grow up gogether. And thats another reason I want Nate to win it but just personal preference.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Riley Ferguson can do. Kids been a winner at every level so far and has a cannon. Can't wait. I also think no matter who the QB is their success will rely heavily on the run game and how much pressure they can take off our young QB starter.
Agreed.Definitely dont think Peterman is further ahead, he hasnt shown that yet but of course Worley hasnt either. I agree I think Peterman has the higher ceiling and hasnt even scratched the surface of his potential. Worley may be the next First Round pick or may never start another game at UT. I really am pulling for Nate, he can make a few more plays with his feet and hopefully extend plays. I really dont want him running around taking hits every other down but think he could avoid some sacks that Worley couldnt. But hell if some receivers dont step up it wont matter who the QB is. We dont have a guy right now that can make receivers look good, like Peyton does so well so we really need the receivers to help out the QB's and the other way around. Both really need to help each other and grow up gogether. And thats another reason I want Nate to win it but just personal preference.

Worley ran a very similar up tempo style offense and high school and wasn't a drop back passer like a bray or Ainge. I think that is why he struggled more than he should have his first couple years. Hopefully our new offense will help him relax and play without thinking. He didn't throw for almost 14000 yards in highschool for no reason despite any kind of talent he was facing.
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I'm just happy that we have 4 quarterbacks fighting for the job.

This reminds me of 1994. Colquitt, a veteran. = Worley! Helton, a season on the team with little playing time. = Peterman!
Stewart, a highly recruited freshman = Dobbs & Manning, a highly recruited freshman = Ferguson!
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In a week, people will realize our QBs and WRs are much better than everyone thought.

They have had a few months to learn the offense and get their timing and route running down. It will be a huge step forward in progress.
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Bud he's not being overlooked.

Worley broke records with what he can do and we judge him off what Bray couldn't do.

Dobbs and Fergerson both have their talents; hell, everyone has their individual talents. However, the talents to make this football team work are not based on and individual, it's based on a team - a collective effect from the 11 guys on the offense, not one person.

Is Worley the guy? Is peterman the guy? Is Dobbs the guy? Is Fergerson the guy? Nobody knows bud.

All I can say is that we have a coaching staff that does know, and if they don't, they will figure it out.

We can't hand anyone the crown when we don't know what the King is thinking. We shouldn't judge anyone until the ball is in the court and results count.

Just my opinion but all of these what if threads are born out of bordem, not necessity.

I don't know why, but when someone constantly calls people "bud" it seems to be really annoying.

Other than that I completely agree with this guys post. Solid.
i highly doubt he is being looked over,hopefully him or Worley wins the starting spot,if one of the freshmen wins it,it could be a huge problem,most likely Worley and Peterman could leave and the other freshman might go to greener pastures,highly unlikely i know,but it could happen

Where did I here that one?

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