You have now crossed into effing ridiculous territory! Do you not think liberals are having loved ones dying from this disease! I generally let your stupidity go yesterday but here you are back spouting misinformation that can kill. Ask your fellow believer who took fish bowl cleaner. Oh, wait! He’s dead!
Do you really think Drs and nurses with all of the years they have spent on education and experience would just ignore a cure! I have no idea what sort of insane web sites are peddling this absurdity! Probably the same disgusting creatures that think Sandy Hook was faked and Hillary Clinton is running a child porn ring out of a pizza parlor. I think it is great for our democracy to have conservative and progressive ideas. Hopefully they get us to better, more well thought out solutions but this peddling of complete bs does nothing but stir up crazies!
Finally, wrestling is not real and the moon landing did happen!
And really finally!!!!! Can we move on!
First things first: I think the “Other Transfer” was April McDivitt. I know, I know; but these threads are becoming so intertwined that my aging mind can hardly keep things sorted. That, and I took the time to look it up, and didn’t want to lose it. Incidentally, she was just hired by the Fever.
Madtown, I read through the Politico article. BTW, I don’t disagree in whole; but you really aren’t suggesting that “conservative-leaning” equates to Trump worship? The sole mission - from both parties and the middle, since election night 2016, has been, and still is destroy Trump! If a deadly virus happens to enter the picture - POLITICALLY SPEAKING - by all means ...Never let a crisis go to waste.
At the end of the day, all of us are propping up the Chinese, regardless of any tariff structure; regardless of how much we love or hate our President; regardless of the low prices at WalMart. I can hardly look in the mirror and say that.
You have now crossed into effing ridiculous territory! Do you not think liberals are having loved ones dying from this disease! I generally let your stupidity go yesterday but here you are back spouting misinformation that can kill. Ask your fellow believer who took fish bowl cleaner. Oh, wait! He’s dead!
Do you really think Drs and nurses with all of the years they have spent on education and experience would just ignore a cure! I have no idea what sort of insane web sites are peddling this absurdity! Probably the same disgusting creatures that think Sandy Hook was faked and Hillary Clinton is running a child porn ring out of a pizza parlor. I think it is great for our democracy to have conservative and progressive ideas. Hopefully they get us to better, more well thought out solutions but this peddling of complete bs does nothing but stir up crazies!
Finally, wrestling is not real and the moon landing did happen!
And really finally!!!!! Can we move on!
Could you for one second consider that a pandemic is not a culture war matter? Yu say that the left wants everybody to die but they also want a preventive vaccine? Does that make any sense? Seriously, people on the left have family members who are older, are cancer patients and other at-risk groups. You seem to be a just a really horrible, horrible person.
And we have lots of vaccines for illnesses where there is a viable treatment. Ever hear of tetanus? You can treat it with antibiotics but it is really better not to get it, hence a vaccine.
Also, the WHO has been working on a vaccine for malaria (whose treatment drug you are touting for Covid-19) because again, preventing it would be a much better way to go than treating it after it has spread across a population.
So, you are TOTALLY wrong on that proposition about vaccines so perhaps you might be a little more open to info that diverges from what you are so sure you know.
The claims about hydroxychloroquine + Zinc are based on study coming from France (you trust French doctors now; what about freedom fries) of 42 patients without random assignments. Other medical teams are right now testing that very combo and the result are looking much more equivocal. Some studies are showing it is no more effective than a placebo-- because for most people, their immune systems will fight the virus off anyway. Without control groups (which the French study lacked), you can't tell the difference.
Also, this drug has significant side effects and so when you administer those seriously ill with the disease, you can put them at other kinds of risk. So, no one needs half-cocked internet warriors trying to self-prescribe without knowing that 1) the drug really works and 2) what an efficacious but non-lethal dose would be.
Last but not least, the liberals ain't in charge. The party of "personal responsibility" is and has been since 2016. We have gone from official announcements that corona is a hoax, it is fully contained, to I am not responsible for the mess we are now in.
I know you have seen none of that on Fox news but the FAKE news MSM has this curious habit of broadcasting what this particular political leader actually says. Good thing for people like you, that you can invent the President you want, not the prez you have. Unfortunately, that also means you ar spewing horrific disinformation about the corona virus.
You have now crossed into effing ridiculous territory! Do you not think liberals are having loved ones dying from this disease! I generally let your stupidity go yesterday but here you are back spouting misinformation that can kill. Ask your fellow believer who took fish bowl cleaner. Oh, wait! He’s dead!
Do you really think Drs and nurses with all of the years they have spent on education and experience would just ignore a cure! I have no idea what sort of insane web sites are peddling this absurdity! Probably the same disgusting creatures that think Sandy Hook was faked and Hillary Clinton is running a child porn ring out of a pizza parlor. I think it is great for our democracy to have conservative and progressive ideas. Hopefully they get us to better, more well thought out solutions but this peddling of complete bs does nothing but stir up crazies!
Finally, wrestling is not real and the moon landing did happen!
And really finally!!!!! Can we move on!
The Drug combo IS working; like at a 96% Clip. The CDC has approved it as treatment for COV19; so make what you will of that. (I KNOW that had to hurt the Trump Haters!) And actually the Liberals are Socialists; and we saw how China values Human life when it get's in the way of agenda. So, yes. There are those Leftists that will sacrifice lives for the good of the "Party". Remove the Blinders. Oh I forgot. No hope for the Sheeple. You will not alter my opinions one iota; either.
Oh, I see. So China manufactures a dread disease with the brilliant plan to force the people who buy their cheap exports to stay home and stop buying any of their products. China is sooooo happy that Americans aren’t buying any of their stuff right now, and with a crippled economy and a newly-heightened sense of distrust of ANYTHING coming out of China, may NEVER want to buy anything “Made in China” ever again.
Brilliant plan, China! lol
The irony, lvocd, is that we’re buying the shelves bare of ANYTHING - China. We’re standing in lines, watching, waiting ...for the next roll. I’m actually only part right: We’re literally grabbing things off the pallets; no shelves necessary, but you get my point.
No doubt, you’re aware of the COOL program enacted in 2015 by the previous Administration? Yet another one of our “programs” that looks good on paper, until the other, more sinister aspects become clear.
What are the sinister aspects?
Hey K, I noticed you referenced a convo with me and maybe I didn’t understand your point. I normally agree/enjoy your posts so I went back to try and see what that was about and can’t find anything on this thread. Was it on another thread? I want to clear this up with you. No matter what I know my intentions would not be negative towards you. Thanks.Hello, Madtown!
Fair question, and out of deep respect for you, I’ll attempt to explain. As I stated before (now seems like a million years ago) to Lucy, I come from a pretty extensive line of patriots, military folks with faith in God and trust in our Leadership.
As I recall, my parents were split between Nixon and Kennedy. I worried with Watergate, but not much, and I voted for a particular Texas family SIX TIMES! The first two for Rawhide were no-brainers. The other four? I had this naive notion that G B Senior would be a natural continuation of Reagan; and voting against Tennessee’s very own Al Gore in 2000 was easy enough. So, I likely have a more conservative ideology than your posts would suggest about you, and more conservative than several VolNationeers; but I figure you, and they arrived at their here-and-nows for all the right reasons, and we all do pull for the same team.
I posted that I think that this Virus dilemma puts the Chinese in a very favorable “Buy Low” position. You, and I think 98 replied very intellectually that a sunken U S economy would be bad for both countries. I didn’t argue that. Because I wasn’t comparing the intricacies of national economic indexes. The value of our products is going to drop. The Chinese will buy. And buy a lot. Now, that door swings both ways, but the impending volatility (I think) favors the Chinese. I stated an opinion. I see nothing to suggest it plays out any other way.
The term “Conspiracy Theorist” is being tossed about quite a lot recently. I’m probably not understanding it correctly. Because, for instance, I remember where I was when JFK was assassinated. By a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, right? EVERYBODY that I know who was alive at the time remembers where they were, who they were with, what they had for breakfast on that tragic day (Except for a particular FBI Agent). I watched a few films. I saw our President’s brains blasted out the back of his head. I’ve listened to so many point/counter points of how things went down. So many irregularities. To be clear: I do not know what happened. I don’t pretend to know. But, I’ve recently become very skeptical of the official report. Does that make me a “Conspiracy Theorist?” If so, is there some shame in that? Because, when you toss that about, you add colorful adjectives, which seems to say you think that to be skeptical is to be stupid.
I won’t continue down the list, other than to say, I’m suspicious of a lot of things that until very recently I never questioned. This Virus, and all it entails with its potential health, economic, and societal effects is very frightening. I’m very concerned for my family, for my neighbors.
For you, Friend. For your Soccer Sons.
Yes, I said sinister. I was not referring to a particular nation or political party. And I’m not intellectually sophisticated enough to be coy.
Follow The Money!
... wait, hold on ... did the seniors on the team get another year, or what?
And can the family understand the baby, or ... or ... what's the deal with that?
Hey K, I noticed you referenced a convo with me and maybe I didn’t understand your point. I normally agree/enjoy your posts so I went back to try and see what that was about and can’t find anything on this thread. Was it on another thread? I want to clear this up with you. No matter what I know my intentions would not be negative towards you. Thanks.
Agree with you John, I quit a grocery store job and the last week I worked I wore a mask and gloves. It is airborne and I take it seriously.If the freaking stuff is airborne, the mask will certainly protect ME if an infected person sneezes or coughs in my area. MORONIC to think otherwise. Damn you people are whacked out. Not an iota of common sense. Go peddle that Jargon elsewhere. YOU walk around with no mask. Permission granted. Just How do you think all those quarantined on cruise ships became infected? This virus is transmitted through the HVAC system; which is pretty damn close to airborne; wouldn't you say? Geeze People. This virus was detected in the Hallways of the UNL Hospital where the first patients were being quarantined in the rooms. Airborne. I'm wearing my masks I purchased 3 years ago . Box of 10 N-95. Call me stupid? Well ok. I'll be overly protected; and damn glad of it. I started to refer to you in a derogatory fashion; but not gonna give you the satisfaction.