NCAA getting hammered on multiple fronts

NCAA only has the power because the schools gave them the power. The senate only has the power because we put them there. We made our own monsters. Seems like the senate and NCAA are one in the same in many ways.

In democracy you get the goverment you deserve. Alternately you deserve the government you got."
~Josef Heller
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We're going to see very broad changes really soon. NCAA is getting hammered from the courts, unionizing, from the Power conferences, and now from Congress.

Heard one Senator tell the NCAA president, "we do indeed have jurisdiction over the NCAA, and if a bill was presented here, proposing to disband the NCAA, what reason would you give me to keep me from voting for it"

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How ironic, that the same institution that has so handsomely profited off the back of football and basketball athletes, and seen to it that those athletes get so little (comparatively)...and looking to HAMMER programs like UT (because Bruce Pearl invited a recruit to a cookout) itself now being pummeled!

Is that like the pot calling the kettle black?
The SEC ought to withdraw from NCAA and run its own business. The NCAA skims a lot of cream off the top for very little in return these days.
People scoff at college athletes getting a bigger piece of the colossal revenues they generate, but you know the NCAA is rolling in the cash when the President said they were investing 15million in studies over concussion related injuries. Holy cow! $15 million on just a study? These folks have been doing the athletes like Saddam Hussein was doing the Iraqi people. Living the plush lifestyle while trying to hammer a kid for trying to sell his own jersey...or for a coach like Pearl for simply having a recruit over for a barbecue. They need to not only overhaul the NCAA, but start finding some folks to lock up over this whole business....starting with the President.
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Destroy the NCAA, you destroy Amatuer Athletics

I say stop handing out scholarships to kids who can barely pass HS and give them to kids that want to go to college to learn

Let the NFL create their own farm system

Sports scholarships were meant to give a way for kids to earn a free college degree. Let's get back to that and part of the problem is solved
Negative. Scholarships were handed out for the same reason they are today...compensation, rather than just straight up paying the player. Problem is, the moment TV broadcasters started airing the games and paying big money to do so....amateur athletics went the way of the dinosaurs.

If profits are being made off the games, it's NOT AN AMATEUR endeavor or establishment. This whole thing about keeping players from talking to agents and making money while in school, was a sham from the start. It simply was a means to keep them from getting a taste of the free market and demanding a share of the TV revenues and such.

Not having ANY kind of representation, players really had no voice to plead their case. That all changed when players started taking the NCAA to court. It got the ball rolling downhill.
We should all be outraged that the Federal Gov't has their hands in College Athletics.

We are suppose to have limited Government!!!

Without Congress taking a second away from fixing the world, baseball would have continued being a joke of HGH freaks breaking every record and protected by their union...Congress nutted em and I for one am grateful...the NCAA is like a runaway HOA and needs a similar gelding.
Without Congress taking a second away from fixing the world, baseball would have continued being a joke of HGH freaks breaking every record and protected by their union...Congress nutted em and I for one am grateful...the NCAA is like a runaway HOA and needs a similar gelding.

Congress has as much business sticking their noses in the NCAA as they did in baseball. Absolutely none.
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We're going to see very broad changes really soon. NCAA is getting hammered from the courts, unionizing, from the Power conferences, and now from Congress.

Heard one Senator tell the NCAA president, "we do indeed have jurisdiction over the NCAA, and if a bill was presented here, proposing to disband the NCAA, what reason would you give me to keep me from voting for it"

Live Breaking News Video | Streaming Video Coverage | Fox News

How ironic, that the same institution that has so handsomely profited off the back of football and basketball athletes, and seen to it that those athletes get so little (comparatively)...and looking to HAMMER programs like UT (because Bruce Pearl invited a recruit to a cookout) itself now being pummeled!

The ncaa and congress are both run by lobbyists, so they are rivals at the slop trough!

The senate is trying to neutralize a competitor...dirty harry reidtard 101!
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Congress has no jurisdiction to do anything with the NCAA, both organizations think they have more power than they really have; but if no one stops them....

I would love to see the SEC and a few of the other big conferences leave the NCAA.
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I wish the government would stay out of it. Very little good ever comes from government involvement.

That said, many of these Senators made very good points.

Unfortunately bamawriter, there are many useful idiots out there who think the government is the solution to ALL problems, but, as anyone with one eye and half a brain knows, the government IS (IS) the problem MOST of the time.
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We should all be outraged that the Federal Gov't has their hands in College Athletics.

We are suppose to have limited Government!!!

This is the third or fourth anti-government comment I've seen here. It's refreshing to see that people are waking up to the corruption and tyranny that is taking place in this country and has been for decades.
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If profits are being made off the games, it's NOT AN AMATEUR endeavor or establishment.

That simply is not true. It is an amateur sport if the athletes are not being paid. Simple as that. 8 year old girls' softball teams make money by sponsoring tournaments.. Etc...

Doesn't make them pro athletes. The Olympics are full of amateur athletes. Yet a boatload of revenue comes from that.

I see what you are saying and everything, but to say they aren't amateur because money is made just isn't true.

And if they ever do lose amateur status... All that will do is help the 5% destined to play in the NFL and screw all of the others.

Again, I see what you are saying. But don't act like this all stems from the man unlawfully keeping these players down. There are plenty of logical benefits to remaining amateur.
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That simply is not true. It is an amateur sport if the athletes are not being paid. Simple as that. 8 year old girls' softball teams make money by sponsoring tournaments.. Etc...

Scholarship athletes are being compensated. They simply aren't allowed to negotiate for the type of compensation they receive. So, it really isn't an amateur model.
NCAA sucks! The government is no better. The SEC, big 12, big 10 and PAC whatever should break away and destroy the evil empire.
Congress should just disband the NCAA altogether. It is NOT an AMATEUR endeavor. With the massive profits made from TV revenues alone, it's a PROFESSION.

In my line of work, there are expensive Commercial versions of software and then EDU (Education) versions, for much less. The main difference is you breach the license terms by using the EDUCATION versions for COMMERCIAL gain.

The NCAA has effectively been using the EDU version to make (BILLIONS in) COMMERCIAL profits, as it were...and they are now busted for it. Hiding behind the AMATEUR label to give the athletes a relatively small silver of the overall pie, that the ATHLETES EARN...not the NCAA execs.

Members are free to leave and form their own organization if they choose. The government needs to mind their own business and STFU.
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