I haven't been this nervous before a game in many years, and I thought I was pretty darn nervous at this time last season. I really need to get a life. Anybody seen any good deals on any lately? I'm in the market for one that doesn't involve sports so that I might actually do activities I've only had time to read about in books and magazines like "go outside," "visit family," "have friends outside of fellow sports fanatics," "experience sunshine" and other foreign concepts.
I haven't been this nervous before a game in many years, and I thought I was pretty darn nervous at this time last season. I really need to get a life. Anybody seen any good deals on any lately? I'm in the market for one that doesn't involve sports so that I might actually do activities I've only had time to read about in books and magazines like "go outside," "visit family," "have friends outside of fellow sports fanatics," "experience sunshine" and other foreign concepts.
For an old dude in his 70 s. Ihave been dating aI haven't been this nervous before a game in many years, and I thought I was pretty darn nervous at this time last season. I really need to get a life. Anybody seen any good deals on any lately? I'm in the market for one that doesn't involve sports so that I might actually do activities I've only had time to read about in books and magazines like "go outside," "visit family," "have friends outside of fellow sports fanatics," "experience sunshine" and other foreign concepts.