Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows


Christian Lowe

Socialism Sucks
Oct 26, 2011
Nearly 40 percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 percent of young Christians identify as LGBTQ, poll shows

The portion of the population that describes itself as gay has varied over the years, from 10 percent, based on research by Alfred Kinsey and widely promoted by the National Gay Task Force in 1977, to less than 6 percent in a recent Gallup poll. The pollster who worked on the new study, George Barna, attributes the unusually high number he found to social and news media coverage that makes it "safe and cool" for young Americans to identify as LGBTQ—whether or not it represents their actual sexual orientation.

“We’re not indoctrinating your children.”
Polls are not very accurate as well. They will go interview one community and treat it like the whole country has that view.
“Barna's poll is based on a sampling of 600 respondents representing Millennials weighted for factors such as geographic location, race and gender who took an average of 17 minutes each to answer 71 questions.”

that’s all they said about who they polled
“Barna's poll is based on a sampling of 600 respondents representing Millennials weighted for factors such as geographic location, race and gender who took an average of 17 minutes each to answer 71 questions.”

that’s all they said about who they polled

600 people defines the entire country and an entire generation... wow.
600 people defines the entire country and an entire generation... wow.
Kinda. I’ve never seen a more collective hive mind than 18-24’s. Everyone my age thinks the same, watches the same show, listens to the same music, utters the same rhetoric.

I rarely meet similar people 30-70 years old. My age? It’s hard to tell them apart.
Don't blame the boomers, we were all for destroying communism, it wasn't until our kids started becoming sentient that the world turned to crap.
At the expense of your own country and mountains of debt that others would have to pay back. Not to mention the strain put on the country when that gen retired and had never planned on how that would be funded. But hey, as long as you think you did a good job. Here's your trophy
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You know what, at this point, it is hard to shock me. But this new right here, if the polling is correct, has even caught me off guard. 40% is a big number.
My personal anecdote says it wouldn’t surprise me but mostly because of women. I don’t think I know a woman from my college days who doesn’t describe herself as at least bi. LGBT rise and simultaneous rise of hatred towards men definitely to blame. I definitely noticed a lot more gay looking men, but I couldn’t confirm if they were or not because I didn’t talk to them as much as the women when I was in college for obvious reasons lol.

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