Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows

Don't blame the boomers, we were all for destroying communism, it wasn't until our kids started becoming sentient that the world turned to crap.
Alright. Let's start where socialism started in this country. Let's nuke social security. Nobody gets anything, any more from the government.

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That doesn’t surprise me in the least, this generation currently being educated is by far the most inept I have had in 16 years. It doesn’t surprise me in the least
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I don’t think I could fathom having a child right now. It’s either shelter them from the world and be the parent they hate, or send them to government indoctrination camps and lose them to the state.

Just keep them off of social media. If you can manage to do that, raising them is not that hard.
Then it’s been a good ride and I’ll go out swinging .. do you have any true Gen X friends ? You should get you some , we are different . Lol
My dad would be the closest thing to it. Most 25 year olds don’t just casually hang out with 40-60 year olds.
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Except it's nothing like that at all. I think your absolutes are really misguided
Most likely, I can only comment on what I see as I don’t have kids nor do I interact with any. Everyone in my family is grown. There’s a few teenagers at my job who went to work instead of college but I don’t talk to them much since I’m higher up the chain.
My dad would be the closest thing to it. Most 25 year olds don’t just casually hang out with 40-60 year olds.

Maybe give us another 10–15 years and we might mellow out enough that you could without getting on our nerves . We are still pretty spicy . Lol
Most likely, I can only comment on what I see as I don’t have kids nor do I interact with any. Everyone in my family is grown. There’s a few teenagers at my job who went to work instead of college but I don’t talk to them much since I’m higher up the chain.
You're not commenting on what you see if you believe what you posted. You're falling for what others tell you and passing it off as absolute truth.
You're not commenting on what you see if you believe what you posted. You're falling for what others tell you and passing it off as absolute truth.
Guess that’s a better way of putting it. My brother and a few friends went into teaching and that’s where I’ve formed these opinions from.
Alright. Let's start where socialism started in this country. Let's nuke social security. Nobody gets anything, any more from the government.

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And I’ve been paying in for damn near 25 years now…
I don’t think I could fathom having a child right now. It’s either shelter them from the world and be the parent they hate, or send them to government indoctrination camps and lose them to the state.
Don’t let that stop you. It’s such a reward.

And it doesn’t have to be like you laid it out above ^
Most likely, I can only comment on what I see as I don’t have kids nor do I interact with any. Everyone in my family is grown. There’s a few teenagers at my job who went to work instead of college but I don’t talk to them much since I’m higher up the chain.
You also have to remember that many kids buy the stuff they hear in the broader culture because nobody they know - parents, educators, coaches, people from church or other groups, friends, etc., have given them something else to "buy." In many cases parents have abdicated that responsibility, and they don't have a teacher, coach, or anybody else to provide it in their absence.

The propaganda they hear is ultra-effective if they are getting nothing from any other source. Kids are impressionable. If they get told something is a certain way, they are likely to believe it because they haven't heard of and don't have experience with anything else. If parents don't give them any structure and guidance, kids will seek it out elsewhere. It isn't like parents have no influence, but parents sure as hell have no influence if they abdicate their responsibilities.

Your absolutes of "sheltering them from the world" and "send them to government indoctrination camps" are not the only two options that exist.
Maybe give us another 10–15 years and we might mellow out enough that you could without getting on our nerves . We are still pretty spicy . Lol
Not really. GenX is the primary demo at the bar I go to every now and then, and my music taste is from 75-95. I fit in pretty well there, but it’s not like we have discussions on what we’d do if society collapsed.
Alright. Let's start where socialism started in this country. Let's nuke social security. Nobody gets anything, any more from the government.

All in favor?
Okay, I can afford it, just make sure you pay in every day to receive nothing for the rest of your career.
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And I’ve been paying in for damn near 25 years now…
16 years for me. I am ready and willing to cut my losses. They can give all my contributions to Volstrom.

Thankfully my CPA dad taught me to not count on it at all for my retirement.
Not really. GenX is the primary demo at the bar I go to every now and then, and my music taste is from 75-95. I fit in pretty well there, but it’s not like we have discussions on what we’d do if society collapsed.

Nobody except the ones that have been planning for it for years really has that discussion. People in general deal with catastrophic events pretty well , it’s the frog in slowly rising water temperature concept, where we fail miserably at .
Everyone is against socialism until it's their socialism in question.
Nah you’re right I don’t blame you. I’m 10 years from planned start of benefits and I expect a 20% haircut. That’s what I’ve got in my model right now. But you’re gonna get royally screwed with no reach around. We are about to be way upside down on payouts vs revenue with our old boomer asses retiring and not dying fast enough. They are gonna increase the individual percentage, the maximum taxable income, and without increasing benefits for you. You guys should act now and get the death panels added to the ACA and Medicare to off our worn out old asses.
Wouldn’t that still make it your fault?

You have to remember that along with all the other protests in the 60s, 70s, and 80s there was women's lib. Mothers moved to the work force and other people started "educating" kids before they ever got to school; they got all day with kids, and parents usually get home a bit tired and frazzled after work and a commute - by their teen years, you're likely dragging a bit.

Someday if you become a parent, you'll find out from your kids that everybody knows more than you. If you and they live long enough, one day they might acknowledge that you were a lot smarter and wiser than they thought. Sometimes that comes with "Why did you let me do that?" Remember a lot of kids have liberal parents, and those parents and their kids are your worst enemy when it comes to teaching your own children what they need to become responsible adults. Libs are totalitarians; the rest of us not so much; and that makes it hard to defeat their party line. Also remember, parents have been replaced by Google, YouTube, and a lot worse as far as information sources.
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Okay, I can afford it, just make sure you pay in every day to receive nothing for the rest of your career.
Havent you seen the projections? At best this model of SS lasts till 2035. I wont be retirement age until 2055 at the earliest. This is pretty much what is already going to happen. But I guess it's ok because you boomers got yours.

Real great example you gave us youngsters. Just go ahead and take, with no plans for what happens to people in the future, as long as you stay comfortable it's fine.

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