Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows

Two things:

1 - How the question is asked is very important. You can get almost any result you want depending on how the question is framed.

2 - The vast majority of these Gen Z kids that answered "yes" do not actually fit into any of those categories. IMO, the probably are responding "yes" because while they aren't in any of those categories themselves, a substantial chunk of that generation probably believes that gender is a social construct, there are more than 2 genders, you can go back and forth between any number of genders, etc., and therefore sympathize with this concept of "gender fluidity."
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Two things:

1 - How the question is asked is very important. You can get almost any result you want depending on how the question is framed.

2 - The vast majority of these Gen Z kids that answered "yes" do not actually fit into any of those categories. IMO, the probably are responding "yes" because while they aren't in any of those categories themselves, a substantial chunk of that generation probably believes that gender is a social construct, there are more than 2 genders, you can go back and forth between any number of genders, etc., and therefore sympathize with this concept of "gender fluidity."
Even if it’s just 40% of people believing that much.. it’s still an asinine number.
Even if it’s just 40% of people believing that much.. it’s still an asinine number.
It's an asinine number, but is hardly surprising. Just look at the messaging that demographic has received, they are at an impressionable age, and it is all they know. Still, that's 60% who don't believe the messaging they've received.

I really think that's what is going on here - a substantial chunk of that age group sympathizes with the idea of being LGBTQ, so they respond "yes" when asked if they are a member of that group.

The question where nearly 50% responded to preferring socialism over capitalism is even less surprising. They'll grow up and that number will come down (just like it has for Millennials). Remember, these kids don't work, pay taxes, or pay bills yet.
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My personal anecdote says it wouldn’t surprise me but mostly because of women. I don’t think I know a woman from my college days who doesn’t describe herself as at least bi. LGBT rise and simultaneous rise of hatred towards men definitely to blame. I definitely noticed a lot more gay looking men, but I couldn’t confirm if they were or not because I didn’t talk to them as much as the women when I was in college for obvious reasons lol.
Guilt by association...
Boomers look down from their rocking chairs at the children ruining a country in disarray and never once stopped to think, “wait, who raised them?”
It's not their children since the boomers won't let go. Watching them may have discouraged gen x though. I know watching mine has soured me
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Boomers look down from their rocking chairs at the children ruining a country in disarray and never once stopped to think, “wait, who raised them?”

Won’t be getting a negative comment from me , Boomers taught me every important lesson in life that I know but like the true Gen Xer that I am .. I didn’t listen , and had to learn it the hard way .
It's not their children since the boomers won't let go. Watching them may have discouraged gen x though. I know watching mine has soured me
I don’t think I could fathom having a child right now. It’s either shelter them from the world and be the parent they hate, or send them to government indoctrination camps and lose them to the state.

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