Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows

To be clear, you are saying 40% of kids in this poll (with sampling issues) identifying somewhere on the spectrum besides totally hetero is a symptom of a sick culture?

If we assume:

1) The survey is more or less accurate about 40% of kids identifying somewhere on the spectrum besides totally hetero.
2) The natural rate for these abnormal mental conditions, from historical data and other countries current data, is far, far lower.
3) Nothing substantial has happened to human anatomy, physiology, or genetically in the last 30 years.
4) Premise 2 is due to evolutionary pressure on our species to pass on our genes.

Then, yes, something about our culture has to be the cause of this statistically significant rise in self-identification of mental abnormalities.
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Yeah, like when boomers came up with their cars, juke boxes, TV's, and movie theaters and didn't know how to farm or blacksmith, like previous generations.
It's hilarious to me that so many seem to think that generational differences are some unique phenomenon that has only recently cropped up. "Back in my day we didn't do blah blah blah" is one of the eternal tropes.

Each generation does have specific quirks that are unique to that generation, but by and large generational differences are overblown. They absolutely exist, but are overblown and there is too much hand-wringing about them. Not everything, but a lot of what is said about Millennials could be said of Boomers when they were at that same age.
It's hilarious to me that so many seem to think that generational differences are some unique phenomenon that has only recently cropped up. "Back in my day we didn't do blah blah blah" is one of the eternal tropes.

Each generation does have specific quirks that are unique to that generation, but by and large generational differences are overblown. They absolutely exist, but are overblown and there is too much hand-wringing about them. Not everything, but a lot of what is said about Millennials could be said of Boomers when they were at that same age.
Oh yeah?
Well back in my day we didn't point out hypocrisy or shifting standards on public message boards.
If we assume:

1) The survey is more or less accurate about 40% of kids identifying somewhere on the spectrum besides totally hetero.
2) The natural rate for these abnormal mental conditions, from historical data and other countries current data, is far, far lower.
3) Nothing substantial has happened to human anatomy, physiology, or genetically in the last 30 years.
4) Premise 2 is due to evolutionary pressure on our species to pass on our genes.

Then, yes, something about our culture has to be the cause of this statistically significant rise in self-identification of mental abnormalities.

People have been all over the sexual spectrum forever, as far as I can tell. The difference is our culture allows people to be what they want to be, and this dramatically changed in recent history. Nothing wrong with that.
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If we assume:

1) The survey is more or less accurate about 40% of kids identifying somewhere on the spectrum besides totally hetero.
2) The natural rate for these abnormal mental conditions, from historical data and other countries current data, is far, far lower.
3) Nothing substantial has happened to human anatomy, physiology, or genetically in the last 30 years.
4) Premise 2 is due to evolutionary pressure on our species to pass on our genes.

Then, yes, something about our culture has to be the cause of this statistically significant rise in self-identification of mental abnormalities.

Mental abnormalities? I think most rational people understand that sexuality is on somewhat of a sliding scale. The younger generations and especially women are just more in tune with that and don't associate a stigma with same sex coupling that you apparently do.
People have been all over the sexual spectrum forever, as far as I can tell. The difference is our culture allows people to be what they want to be, and this dramatically changed in recent history. Nothing wrong with that.

As a libertarian, I have no problem with it on an individual level and don't deny the existence of other sexual orientations forever.

If you buy into those premises, the statistical significance in self-identifying would have to be cultural. Again, it is a symptom of a deeper cultural problem, not necessarily an endboss problem in someone's personal life. It will be interested if those statistics change as they get older.
Mental abnormalities? I think most rational people understand that sexuality is on somewhat of a sliding scale. The younger generations and especially women are just more in tune with that and don't associate a stigma with same sex coupling that you apparently do.

Of course it is a sliding scale.

You obviously feel the natural rate is in-line with what is coming out in this study. I think that is a difficult argument to make.
As a libertarian, I have no problem with it on an individual level and don't deny the existence of other sexual orientations forever.

If you buy into those premises, the statistical significance in self-identifying would have to be cultural. Again, it is a symptom of a deeper cultural problem, not necessarily an endboss problem in someone's personal life. It will be interested if those statistics change as they get older.

My 17 YO niece identifies as fluid even tho she has only dated boys. All she's saying from what I can tell is that she has some same sex attraction and is open to the idea of a same sex relationship. I won't be surprised if she never has a gay relationship.

When I was in HS 25 years ago, girls would make out with girls and they were "straight". Girls 25 years later do the same thing but acknowledge "straight" isn't exactly accurate.
Of course it is a sliding scale.

You obviously feel the natural rate is in-line with what is coming out in this study. I think that is a difficult argument to make.

My daughter is 19 and from what I've seen I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility. The problem with your reliance on past polls is simply that in the past it was gay or straight. In my experience, most women are not really opposed to the idea of a same sex encounter making them bi. As I also stated, there is much less stigma with admitting one is gay or bi.
To be fair, about half of those answering yes to identifying as LGBTQ probably thought that they were saying yes they can identify an LGBTQ.
Sitting in a chicken franchise restaurant today and I looked over to the line of customers. 5 guys, one looked like a cable installer. The other four, cute cropped hair, square black rimmed glasses, skinny jeans so tight their balls can't move. All staring down at their iPhones. Those four couldn't win a fist fight, change a tire or cover you in battle.
The wussificstion of America is here.
My 17 YO niece identifies as fluid even tho she has only dated boys. All she's saying from what I can tell is that she has some same sex attraction and is open to the idea of a same sex relationship. I won't be surprised if she never has a gay relationship.

When I was in HS 25 years ago, girls would make out with girls and they were "straight". Girls 25 years later do the same thing but acknowledge "straight" isn't exactly accurate.

It is my belief and experience that All girls are 3 drinks away from a girl on girl experience.
Sitting in a chicken franchise restaurant today and I looked over to the line of customers. 5 guys, one looked like a cable installer. The other four, cute cropped hair, square black rimmed glasses, skinny jeans so tight their balls can't move. All staring down at their iPhones. Those four couldn't win a fist fight, change a tire or cover you in battle.
The wussificstion of America is here.
Thankfully, those skinny jeans guys aren't the ones that sign up for the military.
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It just sounds cool. Makes them feel special an unique. If you ranked them by homosexual performativity, you'd find a much lower rate.
Yep, how many guys in the 60’s claimed to be hippies so they didn’t have to cut their hair and got some “free love” that realized a comfy bed beat the back of a VW bus when they hit 30.
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Sitting in a chicken franchise restaurant today and I looked over to the line of customers. 5 guys, one looked like a cable installer. The other four, cute cropped hair, square black rimmed glasses, skinny jeans so tight their balls can't move. All staring down at their iPhones. Those four couldn't win a fist fight, change a tire or cover you in battle.
The wussificstion of America is here.

Well, I'm sure they'll be grateful in the likely event you're there to beat someone up, change a tire, or cover them in battle since those three things happen often.

I guess this is my way of asking why you seem to care.
Sitting in a chicken franchise restaurant today and I looked over to the line of customers. 5 guys, one looked like a cable installer. The other four, cute cropped hair, square black rimmed glasses, skinny jeans so tight their balls can't move. All staring down at their iPhones. Those four couldn't win a fist fight, change a tire or cover you in battle.

The wussificstion of America is here.

Who ****ing cares if 4 strangers are capable of winning a fist fight? Fist fights are dumb. There is almost never a scenario where you actually have to fight. I've been in altercations. Could have easily avoided every one of them.

There is nothing lamer than actual adults judging young people by their clothing. It's fine to mock the style but you have no idea what those kids are capable of. Tight jeans and square black rimmed glasses are exactly what my Dad wore in the 60's and he was captain of the football team.
Well, I'm sure they'll be grateful in the likely event you're there to beat someone up, change a tire, or cover them in battle since those three things happen often.

I guess this is my way of asking why you seem to care.
Because I'm over the pussies I see daily.
They're not men.
Who ****ing cares if 4 strangers are capable of winning a fist fight? Fist fights are dumb. There is almost never a scenario where you actually have to fight. I've been in altercations. Could have easily avoided every one of them.

There is nothing lamer than actual adults judging young people by their clothing. It's fine to mock the style but you have no idea what those kids are capable of. Tight jeans and square black rimmed glasses are exactly what my Dad wore in the 60's and he was captain of the football team.
They're pussies, you can see it in their milk faces.
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