Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows

Good points. And as much as I hate to agree with Al Gore, I gotta say he was right when he said SS should be put in a “lock box” and preserved. Whether he meant it or not, who knows, but it absolutely should have been protected.
Al Gore and 95% of Americans have a basic misunderstanding of how social security works. The money that you pay into the social security administration doesn’t go into some bank account to accumulate until you retire. The money you pay now gets paid out now to current social security payment recipients. There is no money to go into a lockbox. Social Security was a ponzi scheme from the inception of the program because it paid out benefits to people that never paid into the program. Its solvency was always based on having a growing population of current workers paying into the program that outnumbered the number of benefit payees.
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Al Gore and 95% of Americans have a basic misunderstanding of how social security works. The money that you pay into the social security administration doesn’t go into some bank account to accumulate until you retire. The money you pay now gets paid out now to current social security payment recipients. There is no money to go into a lockbox. Social Security was a ponzi scheme from the inception of the program because it paid out benefits to people that never paid into the program. Its solvency was always based on having a growing population of current workers paying into the program that outnumbered the number of benefit payees.

I thought at one point there actually was a surplus, but in DC they play with numbers so much you never really know the truth.
I thought at one point there actually was a surplus, but in DC they play with numbers so much you never really know the truth.
Surpluses can happen in individual years because total contributions for that year exceed total distributions for that year. However, corrupt politicians like Al Gore preyed on the naivete of the general public by making them think that the total amount of their Social Security contributions over their entire lifetime were available to put into a “lockbox”. That was complete BS. As a long-time U.S. Senator, Al Gore either knew that was a complete lie, or he’s one of the biggest fools to ever walk the planet. There was never a lifetime surplus, defined as lifetime contributions to the Social Security Administration minus lifetime distributions from the plan equal to or greater than lifetime contributions to the plan. This is what it would take to set aside everyone‘s lifetime contributions to the plan in a freaking Al Gore fantasy “lockbox”.
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But wait, didn't all the gays say they were BORN that way? (until they couldn't actually show any real evidence of that even with DNA)

but now its an identity you choose....but if its a choice then it could be "right" or "wrong"...but no its an IDENTITY - so obviously no one can question it because its no longer based on objective reality but subjective "feelz" - and the great thing is that the entire education system, and government are fully ensconced in manipulating your feelz.

Again, going right down this slippery slope they have bent us all over for - if a child can decide they are a certain gender and get sexually "reassigned" then why can't they decide who they are going to have sex with, like your uncle - and why would we shame the people who want to have sex with them? Shouldn't we celebrate them all? Yet none see the absurdity.

When I can convince you that you are a girl even if you have a dick swinging between your legs, I can manipulate your weak mind into anything. And that is how the ruling class intends to keep on ruling it would seem.
Candace Parker
I'm betting SS outlives you. Politicians have one thing to trade - cash for votes, and they don't plan on retiring until they want, so they need votes. Once the first guy made the deal, every politician has to play to get his pay because his opponent will promise more ... and it's not the check the Treasury cuts them that they want. You figure out how to prove their income is bribes and legislation is payback with some insider trading on the side, and you are a dead man.
And the boomers were that first generation that bought in. Yeah their parents got it free, but Boomers have fought tooth and nail to maintain SS. The politicians do it because they know the population, starting with the Boomers, will support them for it.

You pointed it out yourself. The politician are buying votes with it. What if people no longer voted that way? Politicians would have to find some other bribe. SS has been supported, defended, expanded by the Boomers, and everyone else. No point in complaining about the politicians when the incumbency rate is over 90%.

Heck you could have even gone at it sideways to avoid the head on collision we are now facing. Done something to break the hold politicians have, but all you have done is go tribal about politics. Why not get term limits pushed thru at some point? That would weaken the politicians, and made it easier for change.

The defense/health/oil industries push millions into congress because they know they are making long term investments. They arent going to dump the same millions into a politician that's only got two terms at most. They arent going to dump in millions if the politician isnt going to be supported.

Bandwagon voters have killed this nation.
I take exception to that. I’m 25 and utterly hate my own age demographic.
One thing I’ve noticed with the small number of guys between the ages of 16-25 I’ve been around through my kids and their friends is this…… they’re overly coddled and soft. I know there are some out there that aren’t, but their numbers have dwindled
And you didn't pour any knowledge or wisdom in these guys, so what does that make you?
Personally, I’ve done my best to point out lunacy to my girls over the years. I can tell with daughters 1 and 2 that the wife and I have done a pretty good job. 3 and 4 are still works in progress, but they’re looking good so far.
But wait, didn't all the gays say they were BORN that way? (until they couldn't actually show any real evidence of that even with DNA)

but now its an identity you choose....but if its a choice then it could be "right" or "wrong"...but no its an IDENTITY - so obviously no one can question it because its no longer based on objective reality but subjective "feelz" - and the great thing is that the entire education system, and government are fully ensconced in manipulating your feelz.

Again, going right down this slippery slope they have bent us all over for - if a child can decide they are a certain gender and get sexually "reassigned" then why can't they decide who they are going to have sex with, like your uncle - and why would we shame the people who want to have sex with them? Shouldn't we celebrate them all? Yet none see the absurdity.

When I can convince you that you are a girl even if you have a dick swinging between your legs, I can manipulate your weak mind into anything. And that is how the ruling class intends to keep on ruling it would seem.

No. They all didn't.

There actually is evidence. Use Google next time before you say something so absolute and ignorant.

Ganna’s research revealed there are a number of genetic variations that can influence sexual behavior, even though the paper published today in the Journal Science doesn’t name the ingredients for what exactly causes a human being to deviate from the most common form of sexual orientation: heterosexuality.

The researchers’ analysis identified five genes which are clearly connected with same-sex sexual attraction. While the variations in these genes are not enough to raise a rainbow flag and label anyone as unquestionably gay, the researchers say these biological variants may at the very least partly influence sexual behavior.

The 'Gay Gene' Is A Myth But Being Gay Is 'Natural,' Say Scientists
Havent you seen the projections? At best this model of SS lasts till 2035. I wont be retirement age until 2055 at the earliest. This is pretty much what is already going to happen. But I guess it's ok because you boomers got yours.

Real great example you gave us youngsters. Just go ahead and take, with no plans for what happens to people in the future, as long as you stay comfortable it's fine.

By “this model of SS lasts till 2035”, what that means is the surplus in the trust fund will be drawn down to zero without adjusting ANY of the variables. It would only require small changes to the various components to push the 2035 date much further out. The ages to receive full or reduced benefits can be extended (the youngest Boomers have already been hit with this). The 6.2% tax (x 2) can be raised a slight amount. The COLAs can be frozen or reduced. A pandemic can be engineered and released to kill off the oldest participants sooner… wait.

Worst case scenario (with no adjustments made to the variables) is that the benefits (after administrative costs) payed out every year equal what is collected… probably something like a 40% reduction in benefits.
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One thing I’ve noticed with the small number of guys between the ages of 16-25 I’ve been around through my kids and their friends is this…… they’re overly coddled and soft. I know there are some out there that aren’t, but their numbers have dwindled
I think the “I want my child to have a better life than I did” theory can only go so far until you raise a nation of spoiled idiots who don’t know how to do anything
I'm 28, my brother is 20 and in college. To listen to our experiences you would think we were 50 years apart. The social aspect of young adults has changed a ridiculous amount in just the 6 years since I went to UT.
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I think the “I want my child to have a better life than I did” theory can only go so far until you raise a nation of spoiled idiots who don’t know how to do anything

Yeah, like when boomers came up with their cars, juke boxes, TV's, and movie theaters and didn't know how to farm or blacksmith, like previous generations.
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I think the issue is most people would jump on that $0.5 on the $1 and piss it away and then be beholden to the Feds again. That is the counter argument anyway and there is some truth in that with older Americans I think. Most are financial idiots. I think the upcoming generation is going to better because they are going to be forced to. Not many predefined benefit pension programs left anymore.
There would undoubtedly be Americans who took the lump sum and effed it up.

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Have to take the short term hit (payouts & pain) to get out from under this behemoth.
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