Nebraska coach giving entire team Kendrick Lamar tickets

So what is the bigger threat to a black male? A police officer or another black male? Yet rap music seems to celebrate black on black crime.

The current agenda seems to leave out the fact that the overwhelming majority of police officer conduct their jobs the best they can and will go their entire career never killing anyone. Yet we continue to allow this hatred of all police officers as if their is some "large group of police officers setting out to kill people." Its stupid.

Funny that you mention the number of bkack males in prison. What does that have to do with police officers? Please find me a single police officer that has ever sentenced someone to prison?
It seems that if Mr. Lamar actually wanted to help the problem, he would address black on black crimes and the fact that the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by young black males, per capita. But that message probably wouldnt make him a millionaire now would it?

Goes back to parenting. A lot of them grow up in single parent home and bad environment too.

Instead of being a positive role model for children, and helping address the root cause, he decides to paint all or large percentage of white cops as racist. I am not saying there are not bad cops or even racist cops, there are bad people in all walks of life and not just white people, but that is not the way to go about changing bad situations in life.
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You are just as likely to get struck by lightning as you are getting shot by a cop. Why aren't we protesting storms?
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Unless the statistics are wrong.. there are more white males shot by police than black males.. just saying.

Being stupid will get you shot no matter your skin color. Not being white just gets more publicity.
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So what is the bigger threat to a black male? A police officer or another black male? Yet rap music seems to celebrate black on black crime.

The current agenda seems to leave out the fact that the overwhelming majority of police officer conduct their jobs the best they can and will go their entire career never killing anyone. Yet we continue to allow this hatred of all police officers as if their is some "large group of police officers setting out to kill people." Its stupid.

Funny that you mention the number of bkack males in prison. What does that have to do with police officers? Please find me a single police officer that has ever sentenced someone to prison?

It seems that if Mr. Lamar actually wanted to help the problem, he would address black on black crimes and the fact that the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by young black males, per capita. But that message probably wouldnt make him a millionaire now would it?

Dude, he has addressed black on black crime. But don't take my words for it, here's a quote after Michael Brown shooting: "What happened to him should have never happened, Never. But when we don't have respect for ourselves, how do we expect to them to respect us"

Or in the song "Blacker the Berry": Where he calls himself the biggest hypocrite of 2015 and then says "Why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in street, when gang banging made me kill a ____ Blacker than me? Hypocrite!" It caused a lot of fans to get angry because they viewed it as a diss to BLM.

And here's this quote: "When are we gonna understand we were put on this earth to love"
His music is about sharing what it's like from his POV growing up black and in the "hood", and how black people feel in general. It's fine if you don't like him, but don't spread a false narrative that he doesn't speak on BvB crime.
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The "black on black crime" statistic that is commonly cited, while completely accurate, isn't a very effective argument. Something like 80% of white people are killed by other white people compared with 90% of black people are killed by other black people. Those are pretty comparable numbers. Interracial murders are actually really rare. Generally speaking, people who are killed are killed by someone they know, sometimes know very closely, which odds are means it is someone of the same race.

It is a more accurate and more effective argument to state that blacks committed 52.2% of murders in the United States in 2013 while only making up about 13% of the population. It's a simple fact that black people commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the murders in the United States.
Dude, he has addressed black on black crime. But don't take my words for it, here's a quote after Michael Brown shooting: "What happened to him should have never happened, Never. But when we don't have respect for ourselves, how do we expect to them to respect us"

Or in the song "Blacker the Berry": Where he calls himself the biggest hypocrite of 2015 and then says "Why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in street, when gang banging made me kill a ____ Blacker than me? Hypocrite!" It caused a lot of fans to get angry because they viewed it as a diss to BLM.

And here's this quote: "When are we gonna understand we were put on this earth to love"
His music is about sharing what it's like from his POV growing up black and in the "hood", and how black people feel in general. It's fine if you don't like him, but don't spread a false narrative that he doesn't speak on BvB crime.

And here is a qoute where he is aiding in filling the void between police officers and the black community.
*“We hate the po-po, wanna kill us dead in the street fo sho” and “My gun might blow.”*

Such a positive message, not sure how i misunderstood it the first time.
And here is a qoute where he is aiding in filling the void between police officers and the black community.
*“We hate the po-po, wanna kill us dead in the street fo sho” and “My gun might blow.”*

Such a positive message, not sure how i misunderstood it the first time.

You split the lyrics up to make it sound like he's gonna shoot cops, nice lol. He's rapping for the black community, between the history of cops vs blacks, it's easy to see why they hate cops. The song was written when BLM just got started and there was big tension between blacks and cops. The song is literally about the black community being alright no matter what comes at them, it has nothing to do with inciting violence, hence the lyrics, "But if Gods got us then we gonna be alright"

You can take lyrics out of tons of songs and make it seem like the singer or rapper is some negative person that promotes drugs or violence or whatever u consider bad.

But ya know, Go back to that after u got proved wrong on him not speaking out about black on black crime and even calling blacks hypocrites. I expected nothing more honestly
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You split the lyrics up to make it sound like he's gonna shoot cops, nice lol. He's rapping for the black community, between the history of cops vs blacks, it's easy to see why they hate cops. The song was written when BLM just got started and there was big tension between blacks and cops. The song is literally about the black community being alright no matter what comes at them, it has nothing to do with inciting violence, hence the lyrics, "But if Gods got us then we gonna be alright"

You can take lyrics out of tons of songs and make it seem like the singer or rapper is some negative person that promotes drugs or violence or whatever u consider bad.

But ya know, Go back to that after u got proved wrong on him not speaking out about black on black crime and even calling blacks hypocrites. I expected nothing more honestly
So being a cop and knowing that the overwhelming majority doesnt hate anyone and doesnt want to see anyone dead, i would prefer people use their platform to aid in the mending instead of perpetuating more hatred. But of course, there is no money to be made in that is there?
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So being a cop and knowing that the overwhelming majority doesnt hate anyone and doesnt want to see anyone dead, i would prefer people use their platform to aid in the mending instead of perpetuating more hatred. But of course, there is no money to be made in that is there?

So saying your community is gonna be alright no matter what they face, is fueling hatred? Rapping about personal experiences with cops when he was a teen, is fueling hatred? Saying blacks need to respect themselves before they expect respect back is fueling hatred? Saying if you "weep" over Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, etc but don't care when black on black killings happen ur a hypocrite, is fueling hatred? Saying everyone is human and we all have flaws is hatred? Saying we all were just put on this earth to love one another is hatred?
Well alrighty then, what an interesting twist!

It's actually funny, because you're doing exactly what cop haters do. You're taking one verse(out of context by the way) and automatically making assumptions that he doesn't promote peace and only hatred towards cops. Cop haters take a police brutality and twist it that all(or most)cops hate blacks or are evil.

Thanks you for your service though!
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So being a cop and knowing that the overwhelming majority doesnt hate anyone and doesnt want to see anyone dead, i would prefer people use their platform to aid in the mending instead of perpetuating more hatred. But of course, there is no money to be made in that is there?

Yes, Kendrick Lamar should only rap about what a cop thinks he should rap about.

Al Queda couldn't have hijacked this thread any better than some of you guys. :eek:lol:
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So saying your community is gonna be alright no matter what they face, is fueling hatred? Rapping about personal experiences with cops when he was a teen, is fueling hatred? Saying blacks need to respect themselves before they expect respect back is fueling hatred? Saying if you "weep" over Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, etc but don't care when black on black killings happen ur a hypocrite, is fueling hatred? Saying everyone is human and we all have flaws is hatred? Saying we all were just put on this earth to love one another is hatred?
Well alrighty then, what an interesting twist!

It's actually funny, because you're doing exactly what cop haters do. You're taking one verse(out of context by the way) and automatically making assumptions that he doesn't promote peace and only hatred towards cops. Cop haters take a police brutality and twist it that all(or most)cops hate blacks or are evil.

Thanks you for your service though!

No, im saying telling your audience that cops want to see us dead spreads hate, saying "yall want to exterminate our race" to a live audience spreads hate.

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Yes, Kendrick Lamar should only rap about what a cop thinks he should rap about.

Al Queda couldn't have hijacked this thread any better than some of you guys. :eek:lol:

What? I know you were not directing that at me, but I did not understand the reasoning behind your statement. Listen, I had never heard of him, so I was just going off some of the lyrics given. Maybe it would be better if I said it is common in rap music to spread negative messages... against cops, doing drugs, etc.. My point is along with lack of parenting this is certainly not helping the situation. So you might feel we should not tell Kendrick Lamar what to rap about, but nothing wrong with speaking about the problem with most rap music.
Yes, Kendrick Lamar should only rap about what a cop thinks he should rap about.

Al Queda couldn't have hijacked this thread any better than some of you guys. :eek:lol:

Nobody is telling Lamar what to rap about. But people endorsing thuggery as a positive thing is quite stupid. Being a Florida fan, im sure you wont have an issue with it though.
Imagine if a large group of black police officers began killing unarmed white people and it was an obvious trend and a problem. How would you feel towards the police? Probably not very friendly. That combined with the percentage of black people in our aint right.

And yes I am white as can be from East TN

Why doesn't he complain about violence against unarmed black people perpetrated by people of the same race? An issue that is much, much larger in scale.
Nobody is telling Lamar what to rap about. But people endorsing thuggery as a positive thing is quite stupid. Being a Florida fan, im sure you wont have an issue with it though.

Your words...
i would prefer people use their platform to aid in the mending instead of perpetuating more hatred.

I question whether or not you protect and serve with objectivity if you're painting ALL Florida fans with a broad brush. Your last sentence was beyond idiotic.
What? I know you were not directing that at me, but I did not understand the reasoning behind your statement. Listen, I had never heard of him, so I was just going off some of the lyrics given. Maybe it would be better if I said it is common in rap music to spread negative messages... against cops, doing drugs, etc.. My point is along with lack of parenting this is certainly not helping the situation. So you might feel we should not tell Kendrick Lamar what to rap about, but nothing wrong with speaking about the problem with most rap music.

I'm closing in on 50 years old, I can't name one Kendrick Lamar song, outside of the "Alright" track that got so much publicity after his Grammy performance a few years back.

I'm also an African-American male who remembers when hip-hop music was more about making sure the dance floor was full instead of making political statements. There's room for both. The genre has always been more diverse than most realize.

I've also had run-ins with law enforcement who had pre-conceived notions I was up to no good, when that wasn't the case. Thankfully...and at the same time, father coached me up on how to deal with those types of situations long before I got a driver's license, because he knew at some point I would find myself in that situation. And he was right.

Painting hip-hop with a broad brush is no less intellectually lazy than the cop here saying that all Florida fans endorse thuggish and violent behavior. Whether he was serious or not...and hopefully for the sake of those he swore to protect and serve, he wasn''s those types of generalizations and stereotypes that weaken the ability to have a productive discussion.
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So what is the bigger threat to a black male? A police officer or another black male? Yet rap music seems to celebrate black on black crime.

The current agenda seems to leave out the fact that the overwhelming majority of police officer conduct their jobs the best they can and will go their entire career never killing anyone. Yet we continue to allow this hatred of all police officers as if their is some "large group of police officers setting out to kill people." Its stupid.

Funny that you mention the number of bkack males in prison. What does that have to do with police officers? Please find me a single police officer that has ever sentenced someone to prison?

It seems that if Mr. Lamar actually wanted to help the problem, he would address black on black crimes and the fact that the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by young black males, per capita. But that message probably wouldnt make him a millionaire now would it?

Obviously officers dont sentence people, they do arrest them. A majority of the time if a cop sees a black guy walking down the street in a white neighborhood, BET he gets questioned or at least followed. Just hope to god he dont have his hands in his pocket or he might get shot right then and there
A cop sees a car full of black guys BET he is running that tag asap and looking for any reason to pull them over and look for weed. Come on, arent you a cop? You know this ****s true.
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Your words...

I question whether or not you protect and serve with objectivity if you're painting ALL Florida fans with a broad brush. Your last sentence was beyond idiotic.

My words are what i prefer him to do, doesnt mean im telling him what to do.

And the florida thing was just a joke on your football team man.
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Obviously officers dont sentence people, they do arrest them. A majority of the time if a cop sees a black guy walking down the street in a white neighborhood, BET he gets questioned or at least followed. Just hope to god he dont have his hands in his pocket or he might get shot right then and there
A cop sees a car full of black guys BET he is running that tag asap and looking for any reason to pull them over and look for weed. Come on, arent you a cop? You know this ****s true.

No its not true...its what everyone wants to be true because it fits the narrative. Noone talks about the positive interactions with cops cause thats not whats cool, not gonna make any rappers alot of money.
I remember answering a call because a citizen called and said a black male was walking down the street and it looked suspicious. I got there, and told dispatch, " yes, there is a black male walking down the street" and i left. Never even spoke to him.
The thought that all cops just follow black guys around is just stupid. A simple deflection from the fact that the offender of the majority (per capita) of violent crimes is black males. That is overwhelmingly true and an undeniable fact. Take away all drug arrest and other petty things and the majority of arrest would still be black males. So to suggest their are mass amountd of police officer ls looking to arrest innocent people due to the color og their skin is simple stupid. But hey, blaming cops is the easy thing to do, it helps people not face uncomfortable facts.
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My words are what i prefer him to do, doesnt mean im telling him what to do.

Justify it however you the end of the day you want him to change how he expresses himself, and that's not your call to make.

His experiences reinforce his message...and I haven't walked in his shoes. You haven't either.
I'm closing in on 50 years old, I can't name one Kendrick Lamar song, outside of the "Alright" track that got so much publicity after his Grammy performance a few years back.

I'm also an African-American male who remembers when hip-hop music was more about making sure the dance floor was full instead of making political statements. There's room for both. The genre has always been more diverse than most realize.

I've also had run-ins with law enforcement who had pre-conceived notions I was up to no good, when that wasn't the case. Thankfully...and at the same time, father coached me up on how to deal with those types of situations long before I got a driver's license, because he knew at some point I would find myself in that situation. And he was right.

Painting hip-hop with a broad brush is no less intellectually lazy than the cop here saying that all Florida fans endorse thuggish and violent behavior. Whether he was serious or not...and hopefully for the sake of those he swore to protect and serve, he wasn''s those types of generalizations and stereotypes that weaken the ability to have a productive discussion.

Justify it however you the end of the day you want him to change how he expresses himself, and that's not your call to make.

His experiences reinforce his message...and I haven't walked in his shoes. You haven't either.

First on painting with broad brush white cops are getting painted with broad brush. You have to admit the majority of rap music has a negative genre and full of bad language. Too often imo, the rap industry either has to talk about his sex, drugs, or painting cops as racists. Imo, little is done to address root of drug problem, view of women, and why some may stereotype (stereotype is different from racist imo). Yes, some people are racist, but very small percentage imo.

And on your comment about wanting to change how he expresses himself, I think he was saying he disagreed with how he expresses himself, and why. Nothing wrong with that, at end of day it is up to each person to speak how they chose though.
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