Need opinions for my SEC/ACC draft tomorrow


Green and Julio jones both tore it up last game... and Gerald jones.. well that'll depend on how well we do?

Yea, I think with Auburn's defense and our inept QB/offense, I am going to leave GJ off. Hate to do it but I think it might be best for my FF team.
Well, I am doing pretty well (tied for 2nd; 5-2) but for some reason decided to make some changes this week.

Dropped Derrick Locke (KY) for Jeffrey Demps (FL)
Dropped Brandon Warren (TN) for Aaron Hernandez (FL) :cray:
Dropped Chris Smelley (SC) for Nick Stephens (TN):popcorn:
Ok, more advice for this week please:

QB: Start 1
Dick, Casey QB AR vs Ole Miss
Stephens, Nick QB TN vs Alabama

RB: Start 2
Smith, Antone RB FLST vs Virginia Tech
Tate, Ben RB AUB @West Virginia
Demps, Jeffrey RB FL vs Kentucky

WR: Start 3
Green, A.J. WR GA @LSU
Harvin, Percy WR FL vs Kentucky
Jones, Julio WR AL @Tennessee
Jones, Gerald WR TN vs Alabama
Massaquoi, Mohamed WR GA @LSU

Defense AND Special Teams: Start 1
Tennessee DST vs Alabama
Florida State DST vs Virginia Tech
WR: Green, Jones, Percy


Ben Tate and A. Smith

Not sure on QB
WR: Green, Jones, Percy


Ben Tate and A. Smith

Not sure on QB

I will assume you mean Julio Jones since I am not sure what the latest on Gerald is.

With the ineptness of Auburn's O, I wasn't sure about Tate but I guess he is their best asset on O so he would be a good bet. I wasn't sure if Demps was going to start getting more action because of his use in the LSU game.

I am leaning towards Casey for QB.
Definitely Julio, yes.

I picked Tate because i dunno if WVU can stop the run, and i shyed away from Demps because i dunno how much of a priority he will be in the offense, although i think he should be a high one..
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Well, I am doing pretty well (tied for 2nd; 5-2) but for some reason decided to make some changes this week.

Dropped Derrick Locke (KY) for Jeffrey Demps (FL)

I made the move just in time. Locke is out for the year.
Well, I am in the Finals!! I am debating on switching Tate with Demps.

Here are my starters:

Cobb, Randall QB KY VANDY
Smith, Antone RB FLST BC
Tate, Ben RB AUB GA
Green, A.J. WR GA @AUB
Harvin, Percy WR FL SC
Jones, Julio WR AL MSST
Hernandez, Aaron TE FL SC
Phillips, Jonathan K FL SC
Florida State DST BC


Dick, Casey QB AR BYE
Demps, Jeffrey RB FL SC
Jones, Gerald WR TN BYE
Massaquoi, Mohamed WR GA @AUB
Tennessee DST BYE
I vote you start Demps, sir.

I have been fighting over that decision the last 2-3 weeks actually. I think I might do it this week.

By the way, here is my opponent's team in the Finals:


Snead, Jevan QB MS LAMON
Moreno, Knowshon RB GA @AUB
Spiller, C.J. RB CLEM DUKE
LeCorn, Dion WR SC @FL
McRae, Brandon WR MSST @AL
Walker, Sean WR VANDY @KY
Walker, Nick TE AL MSST
David, Colt K LSU TROY
Florida DST SC


Yates, T.J. QB NC @MD
Williams, Johnny WR DUKE @CLEM
King, Brandon TE DUKE @CLEM
North Carolina DST

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