Needing prayers.

Guess I will put this here - My grandsons, uncle 19 years old is in ICU collapsed lung and pneumonia from that vaping crap laced with whatever that stuff is thats been on the news all week -- he is on a ventilator and 90% oxygen. Likely needs all the prayers that can be given up
Wow, I hadn't heard about this. So sorry!
Guess I will put this here - My grandsons, uncle 19 years old is in ICU collapsed lung and pneumonia from that vaping crap laced with whatever that stuff is thats been on the news all week -- he is on a ventilator and 90% oxygen. Likely needs all the prayers that can be given up

Damn dude.
Sorry to hear this.

What’s his name?
Guess I will put this here - My grandsons, uncle 19 years old is in ICU collapsed lung and pneumonia from that vaping crap laced with whatever that stuff is thats been on the news all week -- he is on a ventilator and 90% oxygen. Likely needs all the prayers that can be given up
Sorry to hear man. Praying for him
Guess I will put this here - My grandsons, uncle 19 years old is in ICU collapsed lung and pneumonia from that vaping crap laced with whatever that stuff is thats been on the news all week -- he is on a ventilator and 90% oxygen. Likely needs all the prayers that can be given up
I was reading that they think it's vitamin E . I pray he will get better.
Caleb -- he was an all conf baseball player in HS -- he should have just went to a JC and kept playing, but chose to give it up and go to Ill St which is pretty much a party school --
Caleb is going to be alright and recover. I usually don’t do this but my prayers took me to my knees. I was overcome by emotions I haven’t felt in a while. Have faith he is healed.
Caleb is going to be alright and recover. I usually don’t do this but my prayers took me to my knees. I was overcome by emotions I haven’t felt in a while. Have faith he is healed.
Thanks so much - finally today my daughter said he is doing little better - everyones prayers are working wonders
Guess I will put this here - My grandsons, uncle 19 years old is in ICU collapsed lung and pneumonia from that vaping crap laced with whatever that stuff is thats been on the news all week -- he is on a ventilator and 90% oxygen. Likely needs all the prayers that can be given up

Sorry mikey, I’m just seeing this. I will certainly pray for him tonight and continuing. 😞
Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.
Got a random message from a lady I went to church with around 10 years ago. They had moved, and hadn't seen them in years. She lost her mom about 2 years ago to breast cancer, and had to go for a biopsy for herself today. Her message just said she was missing her mom, and I had been an encouragement to her years ago, and she was just needing to talk. After a few minutes she began crying, and told me how scared she was. She watched her mom suffer and pass, and is really shaken up. Her name is Judy, remember her in your prayers.
Got a random message from a lady I went to church with around 10 years ago. They had moved, and hadn't seen them in years. She lost her mom about 2 years ago to breast cancer, and had to go for a biopsy for herself today. Her message just said she was missing her mom, and I had been an encouragement to her years ago, and she was just needing to talk. After a few minutes she began crying, and told me how scared she was. She watched her mom suffer and pass, and is really shaken up. Her name is Judy, remember her in your prayers.
You and she got it my friend!

Dear G-d as he takes up this fight we ask for a chance that is fair
A chance to win this fight a chance to beat back despair
If he should win let it be by Your code with faith an honor held high.
If he should lose let it be by Your will and let him never question why
In this day May he get better and better and with You as LORD he cannot be beaten and won’t be beaten, no matter the results of this fight.

God never wastes your pain, but uses it as a tool to help you grow as a Christian and to help you bring others to Christ.
I certainly don't have all the answers and sometimes I don't know any answers. But I do know this, God's grace is sufficient for whatever we must face! Don't let your trials make you bitter, rather embrace them and trust Jesus to make you better through them!
God bless you dear friends..

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