Netanyahu Officially Out

Oh the Irony
It’s not a difficult concept to understand. A lot of Palestinians have joined Israel as citizens and live in peace. Many have sold their property to Jews and moved somewhere else. Most often they’re moving away from the trash. The trash are the ones who own nothing and except everything to be given to them.

white people who have no argument trying to play the race card is why nobody takes you (leftist morons) seriously
Who said anything about Arabs being trash?

"I’ve been a fan of the buy out and Annex solution. It’s been mostly peaceful but now the trash is being squeezed into a tight space and at some point the trash will have to be taken out."

You seem to be referring to Palestinian landowners who won't sell their land and who will have to be "taken out."

Love that colonialism mindset!
It’s not a difficult concept to understand. A lot of Palestinians have joined Israel as citizens and live in peace. Many have sold their property to Jews and moved somewhere else. Most often they’re moving away from the trash. The trash are the ones who own nothing and except everything to be given to them.

white people who have no argument trying to play the race card is why nobody takes you (leftist morons) seriously

My point was that He was calling you out for being trash while he was calling you trash. I am far far to the right and leftist. It crushes me to even be mistaken for being Left.
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"I’ve been a fan of the buy out and Annex solution. It’s been mostly peaceful but now the trash is being squeezed into a tight space and at some point the trash will have to be taken out."

You seem to be referring to Palestinian landowners who won't sell their land and who will have to be "taken out."

Love that colonialism mindset!
You can always tell when someone has lost an argument. “You seem” is the start of their straw man argument.
Everyone with an IQ above 80 understood what was said. Palestinian land owners are not being squeezed. They often sell and move to other areas as they become citizens of Israel. Many chose to stay right where they are and join Israel as citizens. They actually agree to be annexed. The trash being squeezed are the fit pitching drains on society. Very much like the trash in Portland. You really should educate yourself before you speak because you clearly know nothing about Israel. You started this thread celebrating the political defeat of BenN having no idea how bad it actually is
"I’ve been a fan of the buy out and Annex solution. It’s been mostly peaceful but now the trash is being squeezed into a tight space and at some point the trash will have to be taken out."

You seem to be referring to Palestinian landowners who won't sell their land and who will have to be "taken out."

Love that colonialism mindset!

You a a terrorist sympathizer according to Canada, the European Union, Israel, Japan and the United States
You can always tell when someone has lost an argument. “You seem” is the start of their straw man argument.
Everyone with an IQ above 80 understood what was said. Palestinian land owners are not being squeezed. They often sell and move to other areas as they become citizens of Israel. Many chose to stay right where they are and join Israel as citizens. They actually agree to be annexed. The trash being squeezed are the fit pitching drains on society. Very much like the trash in Portland. You really should educate yourself before you speak because you clearly know nothing about Israel. You started this thread celebrating the political defeat of BenN having no idea how bad it actually is
‘If I don’t steal your home someone else will’, settler says
You realize none of that is true, don’t you?
Of course you don’t. Nobody is stealing anything. The people evicted were not the owners. They rented from other Palestinians who sold the property to Jews. You’re a lawyer. Why are Palestinians judges siding with the Jews.
Here’s a hint….because there’s also a Palestinian on the same side of the court case (the seller) with the Jews. (The buyer)
You realize none of that is true, don’t you?
Of course you don’t. Nobody is stealing anything. The people evicted were not the owners. They rented from other Palestinians who sold the property to Jews. You’re a lawyer. Why are Palestinians judges siding with the Jews.
Here’s a hint….because there’s also a Palestinian on the same side of the court case (the seller) with the Jews. (The buyer)
No she’s not and stupidity like this shows it! 😂

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