Neuralink begins hiring process prior to brain implant clinical trials

Within a decade you will have super criminals and athletes alike with super abilities. Our children will be competing against them. I have been waning against this **** for at least a decade. The problem is people are so evil and maniacal and desperate, if he doesn't someone else will.
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Sure there are people smarter than him. But he is the only one making, multiple real, actionable moves towards our future.

He could be scamming us on everything else but what he has done with Tesla and Space X so far goes beyond what a con artist could pull off.
There's also some debate that lithium mining, which is essential for electric cars, is not environmental friendly. And could actually be worse in the long run.
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Within a decade you will have super criminals and athletes alike with super abilities. Our children will be competing against them. I have been waning against this **** for at least a decade. The problem is people are so evil and maniacal and desperate, if he doesn't someone else will.

So Gattaca will move from science fiction to documentary. That's scary.
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If he were, you wouldn't be mentioning it right now.

Best part of deconstructing has been not seeing Revelations as a literal prophecy anymore.
Common mistake. But the book is one comprehensive Revelation in its entirety given to and provided to us by John.
It’s also the book that people debate the most. See the VN Bible thread for evidence.

I haven’t truly studied it. So I’ll stay quiet. And I don’t wanna hijack your thread. I hear that pisses you off 😉
Bro, China and Russia are already making human/monkey/alligator hybrid embryos. If it gives a competitive advantage someone will exploit it. That's why we have laws. People cannot handle themselves. Hopefully this tech will help us in the oncoming Quantum AI robot war. That's the best outcome I can hope for tbh. I will be dead or too old to be important by then. This is for the children of cryptos to deal with.
Biden volunteered to be the first test subject but there wasn’t a Lage enough brain volume in which to install the microchip
GSD. Gets Stuff Done.

I still believe he is our best hope for a Bondesque villian.
Saw the new Bond movie. The ending pissed me off. I don't think I'll be watching anymore especially if the next Bond is a trans something or other in a self driving Tesla instead of an Astin Martin
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Common mistake. But the book is one comprehensive Revelation in its entirety given to and provided to us by John.
It’s also the book that people debate the most. See the VN Bible thread for evidence.

I haven’t truly studied it. So I’ll stay quiet. And I don’t wanna hijack your thread. I hear that pisses you off 😉

Thbphh. :D

Yeah, I botched that one. Especially considering the full title is The Revelation of St John of Patmos. And I stay away from the Bible thread; they debate the meaning of the word "is" harder than Clinton ever did.
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Thbphh. :D

Yeah, I botched that one. Especially considering the full title is The Revelation of St John of Patmos. And I stay away from the Bible thread; they debate the meaning of the word "is" harder than Clinton ever did.
Sometimes the devil really is in the details!
There's also some debate that lithium mining, which is essential for electric cars, is not environmental friendly. And could actually be worse in the long run.
DOes the earth have more lithium reserves for powering automobiles or more fossil fuel reserves? I think there are 30-90 million tons in reserve. Do we even have 20 years reserve if we migrate to electric transportation? Currently we know of 50 years of reserves for Oil.
**** oil, electric and all, that we need helium. EVERYTHING that is near future related needs helium. It is one of the most available elements in the universe, and it is dead ass rare on earth. We don't have enough. It's stupid expensive to find, and try capturing helium when you do. It's the big problem.
**** oil, electric and all, that we need helium. EVERYTHING that is near future related needs helium. It is one of the most available elements in the universe, and it is dead ass rare on earth. We don't have enough. It's stupid expensive to find, and try capturing helium when you do. It's the big problem.
I would just use big balloons
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I understand the "idea" behind a lot of this kind of technological advancement.

Then again it sounds like the opening for a whole bunch of sci-fi horror flicks I've seen over the years too.
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DOes the earth have more lithium reserves for powering automobiles or more fossil fuel reserves? I think there are 30-90 million tons in reserve. Do we even have 20 years reserve if we migrate to electric transportation? Currently we know of 50 years of reserves for Oil.
I've read about the same, 50 years for lithium reserves. Some estimate it could last up to the year 2100.
I've read about the same, 50 years for lithium reserves. Some estimate it could last up to the year 2100.
~80 million cars per year manufactured, a ton of lithium will supply about 90 cars, and EV batteries last about 8 years. ..
~80 million cars per year manufactured, a ton of lithium will supply about 90 cars, and EV batteries last about 8 years. ..
There is more than just that. Here are some of the issues.

1. Affordability for electric cars. Currently they are rather expensive and are more of a luxury.
2. Charging stations. For example apartment complexes will have to install charging stations. Further driving up rent prices.
3. How much will electric costs go up for homes?
4. Is it really less expensive to own an electric car in the long run than a car that runs off fossil fuels?

Those are just some of the questions one must ask along with the effects that mining lithium and other materials has on the environment.
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Don't worry about heating and cooling. That's what healthy planets do. Very soon we will be in a sauna, Huge storms will dissipate heat, cause massive erosion, and release silica, silica traps co2. pretty soon you are in a new periodic ice age. That is the cycle of the earth. It is about to get very, very cold. Look up snow ball earth. A period in which the entire earth froze. Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

Planets are not static. Static planets are dead planets. We have a healthy planet, and ours is middle aged. The antarctic used to be a tropical forrest. Middle America was earths most inhabited ocean. That's why you have oil today.
It is global warming than caused your ancestors to crawl out of the trees and stand upright. Climate change is why you stand here today. It is the way of things.
Don't ask where white people come from, you won't like the answer. It has to do with 2 1/2 % of all our genetic make up is neanderthal.

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