I, for one, think that the "most obnoxious fans" argument is tired and senseless. We all have people (always the minority) that are drunk, rude, and inhospitable. However, the rest of us maintain that rivalry is what makes college football so much fun. We welcome the competition, hope like hell for a win, and enjoy the company -- win or lose. Sure, there are fans in Gainesville making redneck jokes after a loss, there are fans in Baton Rouge swearing with unintelligible jibberish, there are fans in Tuskaloosa hollering "Raaaawwllll Taaaahd!" through a set of teeth bought in a pawn-shop half-off sale, there are fans in Athens who act is if they are Greek royalty (without realizing they are collecting welfare in a podunk town of rural Georgia), and there are fans in Knoxville that should hike their blind tails back to their cardboard boxes/malfunctioning stills in the mountains. . . .but that's the exception, not the norm.
I've had bad experiences everywhere, but it's always the few "bad apples" that spoil (in the wise words of GNR) the whole damn bunch.
I love SEC football, and I love visiting our rival towns. . . .just as much as they love coming to God's Country.