Neverending MBRO memory thread

Finally got up. Had to come to my sorta annual, actually every few years, gastro appointment. I don't care for going to the Dr, especially if nothing is wrong 🤣
And this is why I hate coming to the Dr, "yeah, you may be in great shape, but you're at the age we need to do a colonoscopy". Idgits🤣
I think going through our closet is harder than the garage was. Told Tiffany I'd get started while she took a nap in middle brat's room. Had to "organize " some ammo👀🤣
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We're pretty much done, except for stuff she needs to go through in the closet. Was gonna work tomorrow, but she's not feeling great, started running a fever. We're afraid that she's gotten immune to the antibiotics. Had a lot of pain in her kidneys today
Saving all the Disney movies on VHS, told Tiffany we'd need them for grandkids one day 🤣
Tiffany told me that her sister and husband bought their house they're moving to. $250 k for an old double wide, moldy carpet, deck broke off, and some flooring has to be replaced. No way I'd pay that much for what it sounds like.
Tiffany told me that her sister and husband bought their house they're moving to. $250 k for an old double wide, moldy carpet, deck broke off, and some flooring has to be replaced. No way I'd pay that much for what it sounds like.
Wow! Did they buy the land it sits on as well, or are they leasing it?

A friend of mine told me that her double-wide (which was in GREAT condition) could be cheaply replaced, but it was the 5-ish acres of land that made it worthwhile.
Wow! Did they buy the land it sits on as well, or are they leasing it?

A friend of mine told me that her double-wide (which was in GREAT condition) could be cheaply replaced, but it was the 5-ish acres of land that made it worthwhile.
Acre and a half. They're going to fix it up, but you could find a house for that price I'd think. They just don't care, she wants down there because her kids are. Unfortunately, her daughter here is really good at basketball, was going to get to play varsity as a freshman. Now, she's dragging her off again, and planning on homeschooling. This past school year was the first time ever that she got to finish a whole year at the same school. My SIL "homeschooled" all four of her boys, and not one has a highschool diploma,they all quit. That's why they work side jobs as their own business, and if one does get an actual job, they quit within weeks. Not trying to sound judgemental, but she's lived, and continues to live a selfish lifestyle, and her kids suffer.
We're going to go take a break and fish for about an hour in the river run between lake seed and lake rabun. May not get a bite, but we Tiffany is feeling better, and I need a break 🤣

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