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Got a newish restaurant in town. Everyone is raving about the breakfast, may try it tomorrow.
Just dropped Tiffany off at physical therapy, and it's right across the road from Nancy! Can't wait to get my haircut, boom.
This therapy place brings back bad memories. It's where I went when I broke my leg🤣
Plan change. I cur grass, nurse is coming at 2:30, and we're going to the movies at 4. May hit the gym after we eat, or go tomorrow.
Poor thing, her and her "friend " are about to break up, may already have. He's a good kid, but we've known for a while his parents didn't care for him dating her. Hate it, but it is what it is, they didn't like the idea of him with a white girl, he told us that. We figured it wouldn't last, and he's gotten very distant. He can't invite her there, and he stopped coming here as much. I hate that people are that way, but can't change them. I told him when they started dating, cause he asked, I didn't care he was Mexican, didn't care what he was, as long as he didn't hurt her. I don't mean break her heart, like literally hurt her, then I told him it wouldn't matter what he was👀. Anyway, she sit up last night telling Tiffany it was just too much to try to be with him, and avoid his parents.
Poor thing, her and her "friend " are about to break up, may already have. He's a good kid, but we've known for a while his parents didn't care for him dating her. Hate it, but it is what it is, they didn't like the idea of him with a white girl, he told us that. We figured it wouldn't last, and he's gotten very distant. He can't invite her there, and he stopped coming here as much. I hate that people are that way, but can't change them. I told him when they started dating, cause he asked, I didn't care he was Mexican, didn't care what he was, as long as he didn't hurt her. I don't mean break her heart, like literally hurt her, then I told him it wouldn't matter what he was👀. Anyway, she sit up last night telling Tiffany it was just too much to try to be with him, and avoid his parents.
Are they both Mexican or is either one Puerto Rican?
Poor thing, her and her "friend " are about to break up, may already have. He's a good kid, but we've known for a while his parents didn't care for him dating her. Hate it, but it is what it is, they didn't like the idea of him with a white girl, he told us that. We figured it wouldn't last, and he's gotten very distant. He can't invite her there, and he stopped coming here as much. I hate that people are that way, but can't change them. I told him when they started dating, cause he asked, I didn't care he was Mexican, didn't care what he was, as long as he didn't hurt her. I don't mean break her heart, like literally hurt her, then I told him it wouldn't matter what he was👀. Anyway, she sit up last night telling Tiffany it was just too much to try to be with him, and avoid his parents.
This is your oldest, the one in the Air Force? I’m sorry. Just love between two people can be tough enough to figure out, and then comes all the other baggage.
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Are they both Mexican or is either one Puerto Rican?
Both Mexican. I'm sure they're good people, some just don't like mixing it up. I have a good Mexican friend who married a white girl, and he said his family wouldn't accept it for years.
This is your oldest, the one in the Air Force? I’m sorry. Just love between two people can be tough enough to figure out, and then comes all the other baggage.
No, this is middle brat. I posted their prom pics a while back. You're right though, life and love can get complicated.
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People can be just set in their ways. I know whote people, black people, and Hispanics who don't like the idea of dating/marrying outside of their race. I totally understand that in some situations it can cause issues, because some won't accept it. I honestly don't have a preference like I guess some dads do, I don't. I think about, will this guy take care of my daughter when I'm gone. My oldest is dating the black guy, me and him have talked, in depth about things, including race. I probably mentioned it, but I told him that him being black would never be a problem for me, unless he made it one. As in, if he hurt her, and I got mad, don't be acting like I'm mad because he's black. He understood, at least said he did. That said, I like the guy, a lot, more than I wanted 🤣. He's extremely good to her, has a bright future, and I believe he'd fight protecting her. In a perfect world, they'd all marry Tennessee fans 🤣

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