Neverending MBRO memory thread

Ready to fish this weekend hopefully! If it rains me out i may work Saturday, idk.
Either way, I've been needing one. Every time I've messaged someone that posted one, it's already sold, except this time. Meant to be? We've got some good fishing watersheds here that can only have a boat with a trolling motor. Hopefully it's in as fair shape as he says. Doesn't look bad, has two seats, and a trolling motor, 12 ft. No trailer, but I can throw that in the trunk for now, and tie it down.
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Better get ready, Tiffany's on her way home from therapy, and we got to get to the dr.
Got bible school this evening, then dropping off little bit to spend the night with her friend. We'll have a couple of hours to ourselves before middle brat gets home 👀👀🤣. I kid👀🤣
Hit the jackpot, found some leftover mashed potatoes and a piece of meatloaf in the fridge! Belly full before going to the dr
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