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Joe packing: shirt & shorts for fishing, shirt & shorts for not fishing, backup footwear (incase the one's on get wet), underwear (minimum clean #days/2 + 1). :D

Have you ever long trekked, Joe?
Joe packing: shirt & shorts for fishing, shirt & shorts for not fishing, backup footwear (incase the one's on get wet), underwear (minimum clean #days/2 + 1). :D

Have you ever long trekked, Joe?
They’re in an AirBnB. Most likely with a washer and dryer! 😁 That actually looks like a perfectly reasonable packing list.

It took a lot of beach trips where I had to remind myself “There’s a Walgreens; there’s a Food Lion” to stop bringing silly stuff Just In Case.
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If you've long trekked, then likely you've known putting on soiled clothes after bathing your body. Sometimes you can launder, sometimes you can't.
If you've long trekked, then likely you've known putting on soiled clothes after bathing your body. Sometimes you can launder, sometimes you can't.
Yeah, I did 24-ish days of Outward Bound in the Colorado Uncompahgres. I have definitely long trekked, and I’ve definitely put dirty clothes back on. We just didn’t have that bathing option. 🤪 (Other than the occasional wash cloth and pan of stream water)
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Yeah, I did 24-ish days of Outward Bound in the Colorado Uncompahgres. I have definitely long trekked, and I’ve definitely put dirty clothes back on. We just didn’t have that bathing option. 🤪 (Other than the occasional wash cloth and pan of stream water)
^^ This was summer of ‘73 (‘74?); definitely back in the John Denver days. And I’m still unapologetically proud of doing it, and the whole John Denver vibe. 3+ weeks above treeline; mosses, alpine wildflowers, and yes, the marmots. And woo-hoo, no disco music!

The Professionally Serious Outdoors People, aka obnoxious, condescending jock braggarts, did NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School.) We weenies did Outward Bound.

Weenies included 60+ pound backpacks, lowest altitude 8.000’, 12,000’+ peak ascents, ice traversing, 3-day solos (heaven for this INTP; dear God, please get me away from these other 1-woman-and-12-guys and let me just chill), rock climbing and rappelling, retreating to an abandoned silver mine for 2+ days in a surprise early September blizzard, and way more Dinty Moore beef stew and boxed mac ‘n’ cheese than any human should ever endure.

I would do it again in a heartbeat, if a helicopter could winch me down to camp.
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Joe packing: shirt & shorts for fishing, shirt & shorts for not fishing, backup footwear (incase the one's on get wet), underwear (minimum clean #days/2 + 1). :D

Have you ever long trekked, Joe?
I spent several days in the mountains in Kentucky with nothing but what I had on as far as clothes 🤣
They're probably worried at enterprise. I normally don't get their insurance, or roadside service. After driving around down there and seeing how they drive, I did this time. He was telling me how everything would be covered, if something happened they'd bring another vehicle no questions asked etc. I asked him was he sure everything was covered, and no questions asked, he said yes, and I said that's good to know. The look he gave me 🤣

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