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Just spent a frantic 20 minutes looking for Tiffany's keys. She had to take little bit to the Dr, and they were nowhere. I knew I laid them on the table yesterday, but she swore she hadn't touched them. After turning the house upside down, she went to see if I left them in the van. I knew I didn't, because I opened the door with them when we got home. She found them, in the ignition, and it was turned on because she had went to check the mileage for the insurance company while talking to them about our accident. If course the battery was dead, and I jumped her off. Gotta wait now to make sure it starts after the Dr, so she can make it home. Battery is fairly new, maybe 7-8 months, so I'll charge it to be safe
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Still dealing with unmanageable pain. They think it’s a pinched nerve and tendinitis in shoulder and elbow. Nothing helps with the pain. Pain meds, muscle relaxers and the cortisone shot haven’t touched it. **** sucks.
Still dealing with unmanageable pain. They think it’s a pinched nerve and tendinitis in shoulder and elbow. Nothing helps with the pain. Pain meds, muscle relaxers and the cortisone shot haven’t touched it. **** sucks.
Damn, I'm sorry; I know that must be so miserable. Hope they come up with something that works quickly!
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What’s today? Day sleeping? Rising early to help your family? Getting water ballooned by Little Bit?
What a night! Busy! We were shorthanded, and nobody that could run the new machine was here, or nobody wanted to that was here🤣. It whooped me like I owed it money for most of the night, but I got it making good product now!
Still dealing with unmanageable pain. They think it’s a pinched nerve and tendinitis in shoulder and elbow. Nothing helps with the pain. Pain meds, muscle relaxers and the cortisone shot haven’t touched it. **** sucks.
How close to Illinois are you ? This stuff works great my daughter got it at a dispensary here in Il
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How close to Illinois are you ? This stuff works great my daughter got it at a dispensary here in Il
I've thought about trying similar stuff for my knee. I'll say IDK anything about it, and I'm afraid it'll make me fail a drug test if I had one 🤣
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I'm ready to go to bed🤣. Gotta take little bit and some friends skating in a little while, part of her birthday.

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