New Biden Nuclear Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.

Biden is trying to get the 1.35% of the vote that doesn't know what gender they are
Speaking of which..does anyone remember the “Pat” sketches from SNL? Talk about comedy you couldn’t make today……
And don’t even get me started on Corporal Klinger from MASH
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You do

You do realize if the pee pee tape was real the democratic party would have plastered it everywhere.

It was proposed to have been obtained and possesed by the KGB.

Try to keep up.
Speaking of which..does anyone remember the “Pat” sketches from SNL? Talk about comedy you couldn’t make today……
And don’t even get me started on Corporal Klinger from MASH

Did Klinger ever finish mailing the Jeep back home, piece by piece?
Lincoln, Tolstoy and Dickens had depression
Beethoven and Churchill were Bipolar
Michaengelo was autistic
Dawrin had agoraphobia
Issac Newton was Bipolar, autistic and suffered from schizophrenia

I'm simply suggesting that mental illness shouldn't be a qualifier for ability.

No, he is “qualified “ was the first attempt.

Plenty of people are qualified. It is a pathetic bar to aim for.
And if he is?

Hire the best person for the job is an oft-repeated phrase around here but seems some may not really believe it

That is doubtful. More likely he checked another box for this woke admin.

But glad to know you’re in the “he’s qualified” camp. High expectations you set.

Again, Trump and Biden are qualified. So you’re good, right?
I feel bad for the guy if he is the best qualified, because he will always wonder if he was hired because this administration makes hires based on other factors.

I doubt that thought ever crosses his mind.
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The LBGTQZ angle really brought some folks out of the woodpile in this thread..
Oh I’m caught up. You’re back to pushing the “possibility” of a pee tape. It’s as hilarious now as it was when the claim was first dropped. Wait it’s actually more hilarious now since Steele admits he was FOS 😂

I'm not "pushing" anything, I simply referred to it's potential existence as not being a moral deal breaker. I even went on to state I didn't believe it existed.

If you had been caught up, you'd have realized and acknowledged that.
I'm not "pushing" anything, I simply referred to it's potential existence as not being a moral deal breaker. I even went on to state I didn't believe it existed.

If you had been caught up, you'd have realized and acknowledged that.
Ok. Sounds legit. 😂

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