I was toodling around youtube last weekend and found the 86 Sugar Bowl full game replete with Miami area pregame show. I realized as I watched Jeff Powell take off again on that beautiful lightning bolt of a run, that was the moment...the moment I was forever a VOL. I remembered sitting in a my ex wifes sisters basement with almost her whole family (UGAs) rooting against the Vols..I remembered jumping straight up off my spot in the floor at the handoff, and running in place as Powell dashed for the endzone...screaming all the way. So many years have passed, my ex is passed on, and my children are in college, but no matter what comes or goes, I will always be a VOL. As we suffer through yet more years of "rebuilding"...remember the dark years of the late 70s, and then Johnny slowly but surely bringing the program back from the dead. And finally games like that wonderful, improbable night in N'awlins when we once again started winning "Big" games on a regular basis. It will take a while, but it is coming....I can feel it. :hi: P.S For those that wonder why I didn't discover my Big Orange roots till I was 17....Yes I was born in East Tennessee, but I spent about 10 of those formative years in Texas. We had just moved back home to Knoxville the spring before that great season. My first big Vol game watching with all my cousins was the AU-UT battle that we shut Bo Jax down.