New TN Bill will allow you to kill robbers

I have a rule , if you are stupid enough to break into my house when my family is home , I will apply the same level of response to each individual. I believe in equally opportunity and equal application so I don’t get labeled a racist , sexist , homophobe or Xena phobic. Of course the intelligent thing to do is just stay out of my house and we won’t have a problem . 🤷‍♂️
It's hilarious watching him almost begging in defense of the robbers in this thread.
It's hilarious watching him almost begging in defense of the robbers in this thread.

I like watching him argue that speech is somehow equal to violence but breaking into someone’s home when they are there shouldnt rise to a level of violence on the home owners part . He’s a funny dude .
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If your life isn't in danger and you shoot someone you are committing murder.

Its sad some people salivate at the chance to kill someone for a couple of dollars to play tough guy.

Definitely not anyone claiming to be a Christian can support this.
You break into my house, I don’t know what your intentions are, and you’ll be put down.

Don’t want to get shot, don’t do stupid ****.
Oh Hell yeah.

Don't know if you heard the story of the Glacier Girl. It was one of six P-38s being ferried to England during WW2 with a couple of B-17s doing the navigating. They hit bad weather and landed on the ice in Greenland. Over the years the snow build up buried them almost 300 feet below the surface. The first P-38 landed gear down and flipped, so the remainder bellied in; one pilot jogged his prop around so one so each engine had one blade straight up and the other two didn't dig in as much. So in the 80s work started to recover one of the P-38s - after a few years they had a method and pulled up the least damaged - the one the pilot jogged the props on. The reconstruction was done in Middlesboro, KY.

My brother and I took my dad up to see what was being done; we spent the entire day; and left pretty much in awe of the whole project. They completely re-skinned the plane, so at that stage you could see parts of the plane you'd never see otherwise. I remember helping reposition a wing and being amazed how light and unsubstantial is seemed. The guns were removed because by law they couldn't keep them. One of the original Allison engines was on a stand, and I spent at least 30 minutes marveling at it; at one point I thought "Damn, this thing has both a turbocharger and a supercharger." Easy to get lost just staring at a piece of machinery like that. My dad told me when they were training in P-47s, they got a chance to fly a P-38 or a P-40; he said he flew the P-40, and sat in the P-38.

One thing I never realized until I checked to see how many P-38s were in the flight was that they belonged to the 94th Fighter Squadron. The Hat in the Ring - Eddie Rickenbacker's WW1 squadron; which was the squadron my brother flew for (F-15s) before his retirement.


Yes. And all threats don't require the same level of response. Not unless you are a scary punk bytch and are so afraid that you just have to shoot someone.
That I am. So you and your homies have been warned. Break in, and I shoot first. You know... because I am a scary punk fraidy biyatch. But I will have a cappucino after the cops drag your body off, so there's that.
That I am. So you and your homies have been warned. Break in, and I shoot first. You know... because I am a scary punk fraidy biyatch. But I will have a cappucino after the cops drag your body off, so there's that.
Wonder if it would be legal to hold them at gunpoint and make them take the stuff that you've been meaning to get rid of?
When you decide to tell me how I am supposed to prove something isn't happening, I'll go out and dig up the data.

In the meantime, I will give you a hint- look up when Texas' Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground laws were expanded, and look at the trends of burglaries and robberies since.

You're not only flat wrong, you're humiliating yourself.
I've come back to this just because I learned there's a distinction between robbery and theft in the law. I think of them as synonymous but lawyers and maybe you hold that robbery involves physical intimidation or threat as means taking someone else's property. I dont have a problem with using necessary force if threatened with the same and there are no better alternatives. Of course, you've always had the ability to defend oneself when needed under the law, so the question is do we need new laws that accomplish the same things the existing ones do.

And I'm still not okay with unequal violence in response to simple theft.
If your life isn't in danger and you shoot someone you are committing murder.

Its sad some people salivate at the chance to kill someone for a couple of dollars to play tough guy.

Definitely not anyone claiming to be a Christian can support this.
So if the kkk was torching up and looting your business you’d be ok with losing a couple of dollars?
So if the kkk was torching up and looting your business you’d be ok with losing a couple of dollars?
Of course. His life isn’t in danger so no biggie. If they were chasing him with things like, oh I don’t know, maybe a skateboard....trying to hit him with it and he had access to a gun it would be murder for him to defend himself. Duh. Why was he there anyway. He should have been somewhere else
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So if the kkk was torching up and looting your business you’d be ok with losing a couple of dollars?
If they are running away I wouldn't shoot them in the back. I would call the police and insurance.

If I caught them and was being threatened I would then defend myself.

Of course. His life isn’t in danger so no biggie. If they were chasing him with things like, oh I don’t know, maybe a skateboard....trying to hit him with it and he had access to a gun it would be murder for him to defend himself. Duh. Why was he there anyway. He should have been somewhere else
Lol a skateboard? OOOh scary.

I would take it from him and beat his azz with it because I'm not a punk bytch who has never had a fight in his life. If I got whooped so be it, I fought like a man. If a skateboard makes you fear for your life you don't deserve a gun because you are too shaky to responsibly own one. I would square up like a man. Something you whiny scared rightys all have no concept of.

You all claim to be tough guys but are scared to fight someone to defend yourself and need a gun when faced with any type of tiny threat. You all are like those thugs at the club who start fights then start shooting because they get beat up. The exact same thing.

And he shouldn't have been there with an illegal weapon.
If they are running away I wouldn't shoot them in the back. I would call the police and insurance.

If I caught them and was being threatened I would then defend myself.

Lol a skateboard? OOOh scary.

I would take it from him and beat his azz with it because I'm not a punk bytch who has never had a fight in his life. If I got whooped so be it, I fought like a man. If a skateboard makes you fear for your life you don't deserve a gun because you are too shaky to responsibly own one. I would square up like a man. Something you whiny scared rightys all have no concept of.

You all claim to be tough guys but are scared to fight someone to defend yourself and need a gun when faced with any type of tiny threat. You all are like those thugs at the club who start fights then start shooting because they get beat up. The exact same thing.

And he shouldn't have been there with an illegal weapon.
Sure you would have. Tough guy.

(I’m now speaking to “You” in the general since and not this specific goof ball.)

I’m 51 years old with several black belts and at 6.2 220 I’m still in good shape. I’m not fighting anyone anymore
If you come at me I will throw you on the ground if you can get close enough to me. I will assume a defensive posture and warn you. If you advance on me again I will assume you mean to kill me as I’ve made it clear I’m trying to leave and I will then shoot you in the chest. If you have a weapon or otherwise. You don’t have a right to determine how I defend myself. If you want to live you should probably leave me alone as I will do everything in power to get out of a situation alive. I will also give you every chance possible for you to leave alive too. It’s really up to you.
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