new verbal commitment

(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
i can agree with that, we really don't know what we have.

which is what is making this off season soooooo much longer than many long to wait for the answers....oh well, i hope we have the right ones. :cross:
i know what you mean, i'm just worried if we lose the cal game then the team will pack it in for the year. our offense is going to have to score alot more points for us to have anykind of a turnaround. with our QB situation and our offnesive line it's all a toss up. nobody knows what to expect, but i'm not real optomistic.
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
i know what you mean, i'm just worried if we lose the cal game then the team will pack it in for the year. our offense is going to have to score alot more points for us to have anykind of a turnaround. with our QB situation and our offnesive line it's all a toss up. nobody knows what to expect, but i'm not real optomistic.
i'm worried about the Cal game too, but for a different reason....i don't think they'll pack it in, but it would be detrimental to the confidence in what the coaches are trying to do....would hate to see these guys headed in to the Florida game unsure of themselves and the scheme they are running....

but losing that game wouldn't necessarily mean the season would be over, but it wouldn't help ease any concerns either....

But like i said in another post a while back, we'll know if this team is any good or not by they way they play...even in a loss...losing still sucks, but you can still tell if a team is any good or not. two examples...ND/USC last season....ND lost, but no one walked away from that game saying ND sucked either. TN/UAB...we won, but no one walked away from that game thinking TN is really, really good was more like....ok, we won, hope we don't play like that later in the season... :cross:
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
i'm not even going to touch this one, i don't feel like getting suspended. we will just say from what i saw last year we are terrible at QB till i see something that says we are not. :bad:

i was trying to be sarcastic. we need all the qb help we can get. Turn this wide receiver U into QB for Hire.
(jakez4ut @ Jun 21 said:
TN/UAB...we won, but no one walked away from that game thinking TN is really, really good was more like....ok, we won, hope we don't play like that later in the season... :cross:

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
(21VOL @ Jun 21 said:
The Chattanooga Times-Freepress is reporting the Vols have received a verbal commitment from McCallie qb B.J. Coleman.

6-4, 210-lbs

his junior year states..

2203 yards passing
19 td
3 ints

Cadet from Miami is not expected to be a SEC QB - more than likely a DB/WR.
Taylor from Virginia is pretty much a Hokie.
Chaisson and Kinne are still be recruited by UT.
(OrangePappy @ Jun 21 said:
The funny thing is he is actually from North Georgia but goes to school at McCallie.

Why is that funny?

McCallie and Baylor are boarding schools who host kids from almost every country in the world.

I live in Chattanooga. I can be in both Alabama and Georgia and back in 15 minutes.

Jaquez McClendon doesn't live in Tennessee. Jason Hall didn't live in Tennessee.

We're on a "Tri" border here.
i happen to personally know this guy
i played baseball with him for many years
he is a very good qb just b/c is isnt ranked doesnt mean nothing
just look at his stats that pretty good for a private high school junior
(Jasongivm6 @ Jun 21 said:
Why is that funny?

McCallie and Baylor are boarding schools who host kids from almost every country in the world.

I live in Chattanooga. I can be in both Alabama and Georgia and back in 15 minutes.

Jaquez McClendon doesn't live in Tennessee. Jason Hall didn't live in Tennessee.

We're on a "Tri" border here.

Hey, I know, I live in Ringgold. McClendon lives in Cleveland, Tn. by the way. Unfortunately those two schools plus Boyd Buchanan get several quality kids out of North Georgia. What I thought was funny is that Coleman has always been a Vol fan and never even mentioned Georgia.
(OrangePappy @ Jun 21 said:
Hey, I know, I live in Ringgold. McClendon lives in Cleveland, Tn. by the way. Unfortunately those two schools plus Boyd Buchanan get several quality kids out of North Georgia. What I thought was funny is that Coleman has always been a Vol fan and never even mentioned Georgia.

OK. I thought you said you thought it was funny that he lived in North Georgia but goes to school at McCallie.

Either way, there's alot of Georgia, Auburn, Bama and UT fans around these parts.
This is off topic but have you ever been to Bridgeport Al? They do this thing on Halloween were this bunch of 35-45 yr old men sit around this statue of a Confederate soldier with BB guns and beer and "gaurd the statue from all the teenagers trying to get close enough to throw eggs at it. It's hilarious!
The bottom line is that due to recent porblems with the Vols, they are not getting the marquis players that they used to. If Tennessee has a good year this year and a great year next year then the recruiting numbers will get better. Otherwise they are destined for mediocrity.
This is off topic but have you ever been to Bridgeport Al? They do this thing on Halloween were this bunch of 35-45 yr old men sit around this statue of a Confederate soldier with BB guns and beer and "gaurd the statue from all the teenagers trying to get close enough to throw eggs at it. It's hilarious!

I have finally found purpose in life!


we are on the way down, it starts when you cant recruit, it's not rocket science, playmakers make plays, yes there will be the occasional superstar that flys under the radar, but for the most part the studs are identified early on and receive the 4 and 5 stars
I hate it when VOL fans show how uneducated we are. Look around the SEC and you can find perfect examples of low star recruits making it big. Anyone remember what a little know QB by the name of David Greene was rated? Or the dude they recruited as a fullback that ended up on defense? Oh yea his name was David Pollack! this guy wasn't even on the radar.

Or we could look at high end recruits goind bust, Jabari Davis?! My simple point is that these recruiting "stars" are assigned for one reason only, to sell magazines and internet subscriptons.

To me rankings dont mean squat. Give me 11 guys on O and 11 guys on D that have decent ability and have dreamed of playing for the big Orange they're whole life. I'll take them over a group of thugs out of california (or were ever) who are on the roster because UT is a stage for the pro scouts.

PS:I think we got a winner in Coleman, Cut knows a damn site more about evaluating qb talent than all of us homers combined.
(rexvol @ Jun 22 said:
we are on the way down, it starts when you cant recruit, it's not rocket science, playmakers make plays, yes there will be the occasional superstar that flys under the radar, but for the most part the studs are identified early on and receive the 4 and 5 stars

im gonna hold you to your words, rex. i imagine that VaTech, year after year, competes and put out winning records with less than a top 25 recruiting classes
(rexvol @ Jun 22 said:
we are on the way down, it starts when you cant recruit, it's not rocket science

Apparently it is. As I remember (and it has been a year or so. . . .) we had a top-3 to top-5 class before last season, which ended 5-6. Only AFTER that year did our recruiting suffer (and hopefully, only temporarily).

It's getting really old that a few posters have this agenda of negativism toward the team and/or the coach and will twist every single thread into support of that view. Recruiting has been a strength of the UT coaching staff for years. It is unfair to say that we "can't recruit." We had one semi-down year after a poor record. That's it. There is no "downward spiral" at this time, there is no disastrous recruiting year for next year, and there is no poor season for 2006. I refuse to accept that we are doomed for mediocrity. One down season doesn't destroy a strong football program, just as one preseason of lofty expecations didn't make us a champion in 2005.

As to the commitment: good for us. If Cut worked out with him and they spent as much time together as the article implies, I'd say he has a pretty good feel for his abilities. I'm going to go ahead and defer to DC on making QB evaluations, wouldn't you say that's fair? He does, after all, seem to have a pretty decent track record.
(kiddiedoc @ Jun 22 said:
I refuse to accept that we are doomed for mediocrity. One down season doesn't destroy a strong football program, just as one preseason of lofty expecations didn't make us a champion in 2005.
nicely said...
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
he's not ranked, we are in serious trouble. i think this recruiting year will be alot worse than last years, maybe in the 40's or 50's. :bad:
I have not perused the posts after this so I apologize if someone else has attacked this...I'll look in a second, but I wanted to stop right here and say .....YOU ARE NUTS !! Forgive me if I don't want another California kid or some other non-UT bred kid in place of an in-stater that bleeds orange. This kid is a winner...plain and simple (a.k.a. Barker) and he has all the arm. Agree or not I don't think you should be posting that crap about a kid that just committed...IMO strongly...

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