new verbal commitment

(OrangePappy @ Jun 21 said:
The funny thing is he is actually from North Georgia but goes to school at McCallie.
North Georgia IS Chattanooga now......largest suburb in SE Tenn...
(volbreaker @ Jun 22 said:
I have not perused the posts after this so I apologize if someone else has attacked this...I'll look in a second, but I wanted to stop right here and say .....YOU ARE NUTS !! Forgive me if I don't want another California kid or some other non-UT bred kid in place of an in-stater that bleeds orange. This kid is a winner...plain and simple (a.k.a. Barker) and he has all the arm. Agree or not I don't think you should be posting that crap about a kid that just committed...IMO strongly...

I was going to post something along these lines, but you coverd it pretty well. good job. You are 100 percent right, no way should ANYONE rip this kid. If Cut likes him, how can you say anything negative about it? all Cut does is produce champion QB's.
(vols2345 @ Jun 22 said:
I was going to post something along these lines, but you coverd it pretty well. good job. You are 100 percent right, no way should ANYONE rip this kid. If Cut likes him, how can you say anything negative about it? all Cut does is produce champion QB's.

I don't give a hoot who likes him. Once offered and accepted he is a Vol team member, in my eyes anyway. Imagine if this was a kid you know, or maybe even your own kid. He got the offer for whatever reason and now he's in so long as he doesn't bail on us before signing day. That's that.
If he is good enough to be offered, then he is good enough for me.
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
hardegree was rated higher and do you see him ever playing a big role at UT, the answer is no. i see bad things happening. :banghead:

Where did you join Fulmer and Cut in the process of evaluating these 200 QB's? They pull you up a chair in the film room? Were you standing beside them at camps these QB's have been at in Knoxville? Just curious, because it was never reported in the news outlets that 'QB Evaluating Guru Smokedog' was seen taking in camp with Coach Cut today. You people are so ridiculous its laughable. A proven D1 QB Coach has spent 100's of hours watching tape and camp activities vs. you never even seeing the kid and wouldnt know him if he knocked down your front door. YET YOU KNOW HE IS NOT GOOD. Get over yourself. Alabama and South Carolina (Spurrier knows a little bit about QB's) were both after him as well.
(Chat-town VOL @ Jun 22 said:
I hate it when VOL fans show how uneducated we are. Look around the SEC and you can find perfect examples of low star recruits making it big. Anyone remember what a little know QB by the name of David Greene was rated? Or the dude they recruited as a fullback that ended up on defense? Oh yea his name was David Pollack! this guy wasn't even on the radar.

Or we could look at high end recruits goind bust, Jabari Davis?! My simple point is that these recruiting "stars" are assigned for one reason only, to sell magazines and internet subscriptons.

To me rankings dont mean squat. Give me 11 guys on O and 11 guys on D that have decent ability and have dreamed of playing for the big Orange they're whole life. I'll take them over a group of thugs out of california (or were ever) who are on the roster because UT is a stage for the pro scouts.

PS:I think we got a winner in Coleman, Cut knows a damn site more about evaluating qb talent than all of us homers combined.

Very well said. Common sense to me, but apparently it has to be said because that concept is over the head of many posters.
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
hardegree was rated higher and do you see him ever playing a big role at UT, the answer is no. i see bad things happening. :banghead:

Soooooo, what else is new? I prefer to think more positive about this year. I do think Ainge will turn out to be a stellar QB. :dance2:
(volbreaker @ Jun 22 said:
North Georgia IS Chattanooga now......largest suburb in SE Tenn...

Tell me about it. I have lived in Ringgold for well a long time and until the last 5 years there were few Vol fans but now it is pretty well split between Tennessee, Georgis and Alabama.
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
he's not ranked, we are in serious trouble. i think this recruiting year will be alot worse than last years, maybe in the 40's or 50's. :bad:
are you seriously dissing a kid that you have never seen and would love to go to UT??? The coaches thank he is good enough to offer and i will take their word over yours anytime.
As to the commitment: good for us. If Cut worked out with him and they spent as much time together as the article implies, I'd say he has a pretty good feel for his abilities.

Sure, our coaches have never offered anyone a scholly that was a bust have they, every player Cut signed went on to be a superstar right? My point being that even those in the film room and at the camps make mistakes, most of your better players do not fly under the radar. VA Tech doesnt need top 25 recruiting classes because they have exceptional coaches which we do not possess
(rexvol @ Jun 25 said:
Sure, our coaches have never offered anyone a scholly that was a bust have they, every player Cut signed went on to be a superstar right? My point being that even those in the film room and at the camps make mistakes, most of your better players do not fly under the radar. VA Tech doesnt need top 25 recruiting classes because they have exceptional coaches which we do not possess

This has got to be the most "naysayer" of all "naysayer" posts.

We just got a player that Cut (who has coached two NFL superstar QB's) specifically wanted, and you are already using the word "BUST" before he even finishes high school. Are you for real???
Don't worry, everyone thinks these so called experts on rivals and scouts know everything. Don't be surprised to see this kid shoot up in the rankings after this year. He has flown under the radar and will rise this year now that he has some attention. Wait and see.
All I have to say is, BJ Coleman is the buzz of Talk Radio 102.3 in Chattanooga. He's very bright, his dad played college football, he speaks a little like Heath Shuler, he's big with a great arm, and he's 6-4, around 210-215, and he's still getting stronger and bigger. And probably faster.

My favorite UT QB of all time grew up close by.

I think BJ will be perfect for Tennessee, and vice versa.

For OrangePappy and Chattown, and all others who live on the Tennessee/Georgia/Bama border, we should get together for some HS games down here this year.
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 21 said:
he's not ranked, we are in serious trouble. i think this recruiting year will be alot worse than last years, maybe in the 40's or 50's. :bad:

I don't remember Dale Jones being ranked and you see how he took over, what about Chris White (who by the way led the nation in interceptions.)I could go on and on about who was and was not ranked out of High School. These players for the 07 class are 16, 17 or 18 years old no one knows how a kid will grow, let alone how he will be as a player in 2-4 years. What I like about this kid (and yes I have seen him play several times) He has a cannon of an arm very tight on his spiral and he thinks quickly and makes good decisions. He has a coach who was a very good D2 QB and can coach and teach with the best of them. Ralph Potter will have him even more advanced b4 this year is over.
Let’s just wait and see b4 we say we are in trouble.
I think the point should be made and perhaps it already has...The number of stars beside a recruits name means about as much as how well he is coached. If you get a 5 star recruit and you don't or can't coach him you pretty much know he will be only working with the talent he came into college with he will probably not develop. Perfect example is the mens basketball team this year. Just think how awesome they would have been with a few more stars next to their names. Recruiting is just 25% of the whole thing. You have to have coaches at this level who can coach.
(kiddiedoc @ Jun 25 said:
This has got to be the most "naysayer" of all "naysayer" posts.

We just got a player that Cut (who has coached two NFL superstar QB's) specifically wanted, and you are already using the word "BUST" before he even finishes high school. Are you for real???

I never used the word bust concerning this kid, I said we've signed amny, many busts in the past, so to say that we're know he's all world simply because our coaches evaluated him is crazy. On another note, are you for real with your snide sarcastic comment toward me. I have an opinion and you may not agree with it, but quit the "are you for real, you should apply for oc position", quit that crap.
We've got so many recruiting threads going that it's hard to decide where to post. Over the weekend I've been thinking about the angle on offering Coleman so early.

First, GJ Kinne has now stated that the Vols are off his short list because of Coleman's commitment, at least in part. A hot property like Kinne should not be scared to come to a school where he might have to compete for playing time against an unrated, in-state kid. The fact that Coleman's commitment had any affect on Kinne tells me one of two things. EITHER Kinne was already disenchanted with UT and the Coleman commitment was a convenient excuse to scratch the Vols OR Kinne somehow has the idea that Coleman would pose a real impediment to Kinne ever becoming the starter at UT.

Second, it is obvious that the coaches are trying to lock-down as much of the in-state talent as possible. Maybe by offering an in-state QB who at least has the potential to start as UT someday the coaches are trying to send a positive message to the high school staffs around the state.

None of this is meant to gloss over teh fact that the staff must think Coleman has the right stuff. Just looking for some additional meaning. maybe there's none there?
(Jasongivm6 @ Jun 25 said:
All I have to say is, BJ Coleman is the buzz of Talk Radio 102.3 in Chattanooga. He's very bright, his dad played college football, he speaks a little like Heath Shuler, he's big with a great arm, and he's 6-4, around 210-215, and he's still getting stronger and bigger. And probably faster.

My favorite UT QB of all time grew up close by.

I think BJ will be perfect for Tennessee, and vice versa.

For OrangePappy and Chattown, and all others who live on the Tennessee/Georgia/Bama border, we should get together for some HS games down here this year.
count me in....McCallie is a great place to watch a game, huh....let's make it october though...don't know how we all used to do it me butterflies thinking about it.
(Ooltewah Vol @ Jun 25 said:
I don't remember Dale Jones being ranked and you see how he took over, what about Chris White (who by the way led the nation in interceptions.)I could go on and on about who was and was not ranked out of High School. These players for the 07 class are 16, 17 or 18 years old no one knows how a kid will grow, let alone how he will be as a player in 2-4 years. What I like about this kid (and yes I have seen him play several times) He has a cannon of an arm very tight on his spiral and he thinks quickly and makes good decisions. He has a coach who was a very good D2 QB and can coach and teach with the best of them. Ralph Potter will have him even more advanced b4 this year is over.
Let’s just wait and see b4 we say we are in trouble.
right on about Potter. His dad changed and positively directed many a young mans life too. My dad played with his first Brainerd class...swears he learned more from the guy about life and business than all of HS and college put together...he also boxed for him. Don't you wish that would resurge as a HS sport. I think he was the backs coach at with that first brainerd class before starting his multi-generational influence at McCallie. Looks like his son is carrying the torch nicely...
(rexvol @ Jun 26 said:
I never used the word bust concerning this kid, I said we've signed amny, many busts in the past, so to say that we're know he's all world simply because our coaches evaluated him is crazy. On another note, are you for real with your snide sarcastic comment toward me. I have an opinion and you may not agree with it, but quit the "are you for real, you should apply for oc position", quit that crap.

Are you for real???? :birgits_giggle:
(vols kick balls @ Jun 25 said:
are you seriously dissing a kid that you have never seen and would love to go to UT??? The coaches thank he is good enough to offer and i will take their word over yours anytime.

not dissing the kid, saying there are better QB's out there.
(volbreaker @ Jun 22 said:
I have not perused the posts after this so I apologize if someone else has attacked this...I'll look in a second, but I wanted to stop right here and say .....YOU ARE NUTS !! Forgive me if I don't want another California kid or some other non-UT bred kid in place of an in-stater that bleeds orange. This kid is a winner...plain and simple (a.k.a. Barker) and he has all the arm. Agree or not I don't think you should be posting that crap about a kid that just committed...IMO strongly...

i would take a 5 star player over him in a heartbeat, i believe cooter bled orange too and what did it get him. the answer a clipboard. :bad:
(therickbol @ Jun 24 said:
Where did you join Fulmer and Cut in the process of evaluating these 200 QB's? They pull you up a chair in the film room? Were you standing beside them at camps these QB's have been at in Knoxville? Just curious, because it was never reported in the news outlets that 'QB Evaluating Guru Smokedog' was seen taking in camp with Coach Cut today. You people are so ridiculous its laughable. A proven D1 QB Coach has spent 100's of hours watching tape and camp activities vs. you never even seeing the kid and wouldnt know him if he knocked down your front door. YET YOU KNOW HE IS NOT GOOD. Get over yourself. Alabama and South Carolina (Spurrier knows a little bit about QB's) were both after him as well.

rickbol the way fulmer coached last year he needs to take some lessons from somebody. for cut what happened after eli left, he was a great judge of talent. don't see your point. example champ, manning, martin, manning all top 10 QB"S in the nation coming out of highschool, what was your point again? :banghead:
(smokedog#3 @ Jun 26 said:
not dissing the kid, saying there are better QB's out there.
how are you sure. see you dont know. you havent studied all the qb's in america. you dont know how he will do this year. he probably isnt the best qb in america but i have seen videos of him and went and saw him play once last year and i think he will be a really good player and probably start a year or two by the end of his career.

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