New York City


only thing that has changed about Trump is his party affiliation.
That change in party affiliation was really a change in the people whose acceptance he was seeking.
And that is what brought about the changes that led to him being ostracized and reviled in his beloved city of choice.

Trump was always first and foremost a coastal elite who craved popularity and acceptance. When he realized he was being rejected by those he most admired, he sought comfort and adoration from a segment more easily fooled and manipulated.
Another good litmus test.....
How do you feel about NYC?

It would make it so easy to know who to avoid.

I wonder what the overlap would be on a Venn Diagram showing love of Trump and hatred of NYC. I'm guessing pretty high. Which is ironic seeing as how it's Trump's favorite place in the world. To bad they mostly hate him now - understandable.
Taking the daughter to NY City for spring break this year. Very much looking forward to it.
Thank you. Any must do please advise. She's 12. Have the lion king broadway show booked. Everything else is typical tourist stuff.
The Lion King will be great.
There's obviously so much. Times Square at night, Central Park, ride the subway, Staten Island Ferry is free and goes right by the Statue of Liberty, St. Patrick's Cathedral is beautiful. American Museum of Natural History. The Summit in One Vanderbilt is really cool and offers great views and is right next to Grand Central Station.

Hopefully the weather will be good and you can just get out and walk.
Thank you. Any must do please advise. She's 12. Have the lion king broadway show booked. Everything else is typical tourist stuff.
I head into the city about once a month. Like Luther said hit up a couple of the tourist spots if able. One of my favorite things to do is walking The High Line if the weather is nice and stop at the Chelsea Market while in the area. Check out some pics of the high line. You get views of the city that you don’t get often.
That change in party affiliation was really a change in the people whose acceptance he was seeking.
And that is what brought about the changes that led to him being ostracized and reviled in his beloved city of choice.

Trump was always first and foremost a coastal elite who craved popularity and acceptance. When he realized he was being rejected by those he most admired, he sought comfort and adoration from a segment more easily fooled and manipulated.
VN is so fortunate to have posters from the left that are never fooled or manipulated. Are thank you cards or Christmas presents more appropriate? 😉
I head into the city about once a month. Like Luther said hit up a couple of the tourist spots if able. One of my favorite things to do is walking The High Line if the weather is nice and stop at the Chelsea Market while in the area. Check out some pics of the high line. You get views of the city that you don’t get often.
My daughter lives on West 16th - 200 block within a couple of blocks of the High Line and Chelsea Market, they are both great and we do them frequently. Little Island is also really cool and is in the general area.
Thank you. Any must do please advise. She's 12. Have the lion king broadway show booked. Everything else is typical tourist stuff.
The Lion King will be great.
There's obviously so much. Times Square at night, Central Park, ride the subway, Staten Island Ferry is free and goes right by the Statue of Liberty, St. Patrick's Cathedral is beautiful. American Museum of Natural History. The Summit in One Vanderbilt is really cool and offers great views and is right next to Grand Central Station.

Hopefully the weather will be good and you can just get out and walk.
I head into the city about once a month. Like Luther said hit up a couple of the tourist spots if able. One of my favorite things to do is walking The High Line if the weather is nice and stop at the Chelsea Market while in the area. Check out some pics of the high line. You get views of the city that you don’t get often.

I second the High Line and Summit One Vanderbilt, the latter has great views of the Empire State Building and skyline. Times Square is crowded but I like going to the big red steps above the TKTS booth (around like 48th Street or so) and sitting there, it's a little calmer and an interesting view of Times Square.

One of my favorite memories from when I first visited at 13 was riding around Manhattan on a Circle Line boat. Just bring a jacket for the wind.

Also, if you miss out on Broadway tickets for some reason, a lot of shows (Lion King included) have cheaper lottery or rush tickets, but for some shows that's only the day of.
Another good litmus test.....
How do you feel about NYC?

It would make it so easy to know who to avoid.

I wonder what the overlap would be on a Venn Diagram showing love of Trump and hatred of NYC. I'm guessing pretty high. Which is ironic seeing as how it's Trump's favorite place in the world. Too bad they mostly hate him now - understandable.
Perhaps I’ve overlooked some comments, but merely pointing out some of the ridiculous things that go on there doesn’t mean someone hates NYC
Perhaps I’ve overlooked some comments, but merely pointing out some of the ridiculous things that go on there doesn’t mean someone hates NYC
I love it.
I hate how run down it’s become.
I hope it rebounds one day.

You ever visit someone who has a lot of cats? Their house smells like piss. They don’t notice because they’re nose blind too it. That’s what it’s like for a lot of the people who are in denial of what it’s turned into. It won’t stop me from seeing Billy Joel in June at MSG.
You're discounting the all-important "per-capita" part of the equation.

Of course more murders occur in densely populated counties, and of course densely populated counties lean heavily left (for both obvious and not so obvious reasons).

I'm sure you would find plenty of solid red counties that would be at the top of the list of per-capita murders.
only if you are encountering the same number of people in both areas.

Here in Atlanta I will get within shooting range of 10k+ people daily. Out in my parents home town in rural Alabama I may not get within shooting range of 100 people.

doesn't matter if the crack pot Bama fans are more likely to shoot at my Power T vanity plate, I am still far less likely to catch a bullet there than in Atlanta just based on the application of those odds.

the per 100k results get really screwy the smaller the amount people, gets really funky if you have less than 100k people in the reporting area. If there are only 50k people, and 1 person gets shot you have a murder rate of 2 per 100k, even though there was only 1 murder. the more data points you have the more accurate you will be.

the list I provided were the top 10 per capitas for the counties. all deep blue, or at least Anti-Trumpian.
Agree but I think there is a kernel of truth to both sides here. New York and the cities in question are NOT as bad as it is exaggerated. It is a problem. Certain regions of those cities are bad but you have that in most major cities.
agreed. I have lived in Atlanta for 12 years. took the train for 10 of those, would still be taking the train if it went where I needed. I have ridden it at night pretty much every where.

its always about knowing your surroundings, not matter where you are. my main point is that trying to hold the Mississippi's against the Rs while ignoring the part that the D's in Jackson play is short sited if you actually care about the issues.

granted you COULD always break it down more even for Jackson to neighborhood specifics but that data is more difficult to come by.

I would imagine most violent crime is going to be concentrated where the poorest people are. no matter the zip code.
agreed. I have lived in Atlanta for 12 years. took the train for 10 of those, would still be taking the train if it went where I needed. I have ridden it at night pretty much every where.

its always about knowing your surroundings, not matter where you are. my main point is that trying to hold the Mississippi's against the Rs while ignoring the part that the D's in Jackson play is short sited if you actually care about the issues.

granted you COULD always break it down more even for Jackson to neighborhood specifics but that data is more difficult to come by.

I would imagine most violent crime is going to be concentrated where the poorest people are. no matter the zip code.
Crime follows poverty?
Well who would have thought that
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Pandering to the black voters by degenerate Dimwit party at an all time high. They know Trump got more black votes by far than any Republican ever has...and that the 20 million invaders they have so intentionally foisted upon our citizens has resentment towards their party and this clownshow admin at an all- time high.
Good luck with that Socialists . Especially if Trump hopefully chooses Tim Scott as his VP... I would vote for Scott for president much less VP. The black community is finally figuring out that the Blue party of the KKK is has been doing everything they can to keep minorities on the modern day version of the "Plantation" since the beginning of the Civil Rights movement. Educated blacks have been screaming this from the rooftops for generations...finally folks are starting to listen. The Dimwits only "care" about black folks every 4 years ...and only until votes are cast. They are pissed as they should be. Biden will get wrecked in an honest election without massive unchecked fraud. Can't wait for a return to sanity and our country not being mocked worldwide on a daily basis.
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